A Community for BioMedical Data Analysis Workflows
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snakemake snp calling pipeline based on freebayes
sudo apt-get install vcftools git clone https://github.com/dwheelerau/snakemake-snp cd snakemake-snp vim config.yaml conda en...

Imputation workflow for low coverage whole genome sequencing data
This workflow is for imputation using low coverage whole genome sequencing data with QUILT . Also, it can perform benchma...

A Snakemake workflow assembling bacterial genomes according to the standard operating procedure in the Clavel Lab
A Snakemake workflow for assembling bacterial genomes according to the standard operating procedure in the Clavel Lab and ass...

Plotting tools for nanopore methylation data
This script generates a browser view on a window using data from i) nanopolish , either as methylation calls or methylati...

GEMSCAN - GErMline Snp Small Indel CAller PipeliNe
Joint variant calling with GATK4 HaplotypeCaller, Google DeepVariant 1.0.0 and Strelka2, coordinated via Snakemake.
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