Hard to Measure Well: Can Feasible Policies Reduce Methane Emissions?
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Authors: Karl Dunkle Werner and Wenfeng Qiu
Steps to replicate (TL;DR)
Read this README
Make sure you have an appropriate OS (Linux or WSL2) and the necessary computing resources (see below)
Unzip the replication files.
If the data is saved somewhere outside the project folder, mount a copy inside the project folder. (Useful for development only)
Install Conda and Snakemake (see below)
Run Snakemake
Check results
Putting it all the together:
# 3. Unzip
mkdir methane_replication # or whatever you want
cd methane_replication
unzip path/to/replication_public.zip -d .
unzip path/to/replication_drillinginfo.zip -d .
# If the data is saved somewhere outside the project folder, mount
# a copy inside the project folder.
# This is only necessary if the data are stored somewhere *outside*
# the project folder. You may need to change these paths to fit
# your situation
mkdir -p "$scratch_drive" "$project_dir/data" "$project_dir/scratch"
sudo mount --bind "$data_drive" "$project_dir/data"
sudo mount --bind "$scratch_drive" "$project_dir/scratch"
# 6. Install Conda and Snakemake
# If conda is not already installed, follow instructions here:
# https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html
conda env create --name snakemake --file code/envs/install_snakemake.yml
conda activate snakemake
snakemake --version
singularity --version
# Should show versions, not an error
# 7. Run Snakemake to create all outputs
# (this takes about a day with 4 CPU)
/usr/bin/time -v snakemake
# snakemake --dry-run to see what will be run
# 8. Check results (optional and slow)
# Check everything into git, rerun snakemake, and verify results are the same.
git init
git add .
git commit -m "Replication run 1"
snakemake --delete-all-output
rm -r scratch/*
rm -r .snakemake/conda
snakemake --use-conda --use-singularity --singularity-args='--cleanenv'
# Results should be binary-identical if everything worked correctly
# (except software_cites_r.bib, which has some manual edits)
git diff
Operating system
This code uses Singularity. You don't have to install it yourself, but you do have to be on an operating system where it can be installed. Good options are any recent version of Linux or Windows WSL2 (but not WSL1).
On macOS, or on Windows outside WSL2, things are more difficult. One approach is to install Vagrant, use Vagrant to create a virtual machine, and run everything inside that virtual machine. Good luck.
For more detail, see Singularity's installation docs (only the pre-install requirements; conda will install Singularity for you)
This project uses Snakemake (v6.8.0) and Conda (v4.10.3) to manage dependencies.
To get started, first install Conda (mini or full-sized).
Then use Conda to install Snakemake and Singularity from the file
(in the replication zipfile).
In a terminal:
conda env create --name snakemake --file code/envs/install_snakemake.yml
Run all other commands in that activated environment.
If you close the terminal window, you need to re-run
conda activate snakemake
before running the rest of the commands.
These downloads can be large.
What does Snakemake do?
Snakemake uses rules to generate outputs and manages the code environment to make it all work.
In particular, we're following a pattern Snakemake calls an Ad-hoc combination of Conda package management with containers .
Snakemake uses Singularity (an alternative to Docker) to run code in a virtual environment, and uses conda to install packages. All of this is handled transparently as the rules are run.
It can be useful to run
snakemake --dry-run
to see the planned jobs.
Snakemake keeps track of what needs to run and what doesn't. If something goes wrong midway through, snakemake will see that some outputs are up-to-date and others aren't, and won't re-run the things that don't need it.
The Snakefile is set up to retry failing jobs once, to avoid issues where temporary issues cause the build to fail (e.g. "Error creating thread: Resource temporarily unavailable").
If you would rather not restart failed jobs, remove the line
workflow.restart_times = 1
Note that Snakemake will still stop after failing twice (it will not run other jobs).
Files and data
Accessing data
We need make sure the code can access the right files. There are two ways this can be done, the straightforward way and the way Karl does it.
Recommended file access
Straightforward approach: Unzip the replication files, either interactively or with the commands below.
mkdir methane_replication # or whatever you want
cd methane_replication
unzip path/to/replication_public.zip -d .
unzip path/to/replication_drillinginfo.zip -d .
Alternative file access
Less straightforward, arguably better for development
Store the
folders somewhere else (e.g.data
in Dropbox). -
Create your own bind mounts to point to the
folders. (See an example incode/bind_mount_folders.sh
For people familiar with Singularity:
Note that
doesn't work, because it's not used until the Singularity container is running, so Snakemake thinks files are missing.
For people familiar with symlinks: Using symlinks (in place of bind mounts) do not work here, because Singularity will not follow them.
File structure
All files in
, and
are auto-generated and can safely be deleted. All other files in
should not be deleted.
files in
are auto-generated, but the ones that are in the replication zipfile are not.
are ignored by
The PDF outputs are built with Latexmk and LuaLaTeX.
For size reasons, LuaLaTeX is not included in the set of software managed by conda. The
job, which runslatexmk
might fail if it's not installed on your computer. All the outputs up to that point will be present. -
The tex files use some fonts that are widely distributed, but may not be installed by default.
Note that the code depends on
which is a different package thansafejoin
on CRAN.moodymudskipper/safejoin
will be renamed .- In case the original author deletes the repository, a copy is here .
Computing resources for a full run
In addition to the programs above, parts of this program require significant amounts of memory and disk space. Most parts also benefit from having multiple processors available. (The slow parts parallelize well, so speed should increase almost linearly with processor count.)
The tasks that require significant memory are noted in the Snakemake file (see the
The highest requirement for any task is 10 GB, though most are far lower.
(These could be overstatements; we haven't tried that hard to find the minimum memory requirements for each operation.)
The programs also use about 80 GB of storage in
in addition to the ~10 GB of input data and ~8 GB output data.
Running the whole thing takes 23 hours on a computer with 4 CPUs.
According to
/usr/bin/time -v
, it uses 22:45 of wall time and 81:45 of user time.
Maximum resident set size is (allegedly) 3.62 GiB (this seems low).
Data sources and availability
The data in this study come from a variety of sources, with the sources in bold providing the central contribution.
Scientific studies (except as noted, all from the published papers and supplementary information)
Alverez et al. (2018)
Duren et al. (2019)
Frankenberg et al. (2016)
- Includes data received by email from the authors
Lyon et al. (2016)
Omara et al. (2018)
Zavala-Araiza et al. (2018)
US Agencies
St. Louis Federal Reserve
Data providers
SNL: prices at trading hubs
Enverus (formerly Drillinginfo): Well production and characteristics
All datasets are included in the replication_public.zip file, except the Enverus data. I believe my Enverus data subset can be shared with people who have access to the Enverus entity production headers and entity production monthly datasets.
Development docs
These notes are modestly outdated, and aren't useful for replication.
Other installation instructions
Installing Stan
Download and extract CmdStan
Add these lines to a file named
in the CmdStanmake/
directory. (Createlocal
if it doesn't already exist)
STANCFLAGS+= --O --warn-pedantic
STANC3_VERSION=2.27.0 # change this version to match the downloaded cmdstan version
Edit user environment variable
to the folder (e.g.~/.R/cmdstan-2.27.0
) -
Windows only:
mingw32-make install-tbb
(even ifmake
is installed) -
Follow prompts, including adding the TBB dir to your path (Windows only)
make build
andmake examples/bernoulli/bernoulli
(see install instructions) -
Installation tries to download
(because compilation is a hassle), but sometimes I've had to download manually from https://github.com/stan-dev/stanc3/releases
Windows-specific instructions
After installing conda, use
to createsnakemake
environment (will error if you already have one namedsnakemake
conda env create -f code/snakemake_environment_windows.yml
Install cyipopt manually .
Download and extract ipopt
Download and extract cyipopt
Copy the ipopt folders into cyipopt
environment -
python ../cyipopt/setup.py install
(assuming you saved the cyipopt directory next to themethane_abatement
Running on Windows
Activate the newly created
environment, and do not set--use_conda
when running Snakemake. -
There will be some warnings.
Connect to Overleaf by Git. See details here .
git remote add overleaf https://git.overleaf.com/5d6e86df6820580001f6bdfa
git checkout master
git pull overleaf master --allow-unrelated-histories
Code Snippets
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 | source(here::here("code/shared_functions.r")) memory_limit(snakemake@resources[["mem_mb"]]) suppressWarnings(loadNamespace("lubridate")) # avoid https://github.com/tidyverse/lubridate/issues/965 options(warn = 2, mc.cores=1) df_gdp <- readxl::read_excel(snakemake@input$gdp_file, range="A6:W907") years <- 1997:2017 stopifnot(names(df_gdp) == c("Line", "...2", as.character(years))) df_gdp %<>% dplyr::rename(line = Line, item = ...2) %>% dplyr::mutate(line = as.integer(line), item = trimws(item)) assert_item <- function(df, item) { stopifnot(setequal(df$item, item)) df } df_deprec <- readxl::read_excel(snakemake@input$deprec_file, range="A6:BW85") deprec_years <- 1947:2019 stopifnot(names(df_deprec) == c("Line", "...2", as.character(deprec_years))) df_deprec %<>% dplyr::rename(line = Line, item = ...2) %>% dplyr::filter(!is.na(line)) %>% dplyr::mutate(line = as.integer(line), item = trimws(item)) %>% dplyr::filter(line == 6) %>% dplyr::select(-line) %>% data.table::transpose(make.names=TRUE) %>% dplyr::mutate(year = !!deprec_years) %>% dplyr::rename(deprec_current_cost = "Oil and gas extraction") prices = load_price_index(snakemake@input$price_index_file, base_year=2019) %>% dplyr::mutate(year = lubridate::year(date)) %>% dplyr::group_by(year) %>% dplyr::summarize(price_index = mean(price_index), .groups="drop") oil_gas <- dplyr::filter(df_gdp, line %in% 56:57) %>% assert_item(c("Value added", "Compensation of employees")) %>% dplyr::select(-line) %>% data.table::transpose(make.names=TRUE) %>% dplyr::mutate(year = !!years) %>% dplyr::mutate_if(is.character, as.numeric) %>% safejoin::safe_inner_join(df_deprec, by="year", check="UVBVTL") %>% safejoin::safe_inner_join(prices, by="year", check="UVBVL") %>% dplyr::rename_all(make_better_names) %>% dplyr::mutate( net_value_nominal_bn = value_added - compensation_of_employees - deprec_current_cost, net_value_real_bn = net_value_nominal_bn / price_index, ) %>% dplyr::as_tibble() stopifnot(!anyNA(oil_gas)) # 2017 is lastest easily available. 2013 is arbitrary, but 5 years seems nice. mean_net_val <- dplyr::filter(oil_gas, dplyr::between(year, 2013, 2017))$net_value_real_bn %>% mean() %>% signif(2) to_write <- c( "% Def: value added - employee compensation - current-cost depreciation, expressed in $2019 billions", "% Data from BEA", paste0(mean_net_val, "%") # "%" to avoid extra space in latex ) writeLines(to_write, snakemake@output$net_value) |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | options(warn = 2) source(here::here("code/shared_functions.r")) source(here::here("code/stan_helper_functions.r")) check_cmdstan() # not the same as cmdstanr::check_cmdstan_toolchain m = cmdstanr::cmdstan_model( snakemake@input[[1]], include_paths=here::here("code/stan_models"), quiet=FALSE, cpp_options=list(PRECOMPILED_HEADERS = "false") ) |
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 | import sys import itertools from pathlib import Path from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor import pandas as pd import pyarrow import pyarrow.parquet as pq import logging from functools import partial if sys.version_info < (3, 7): raise AssertionError("Need python version 3.7 or higher") # Create a logger to output any messages we might have... logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) handler = logging.StreamHandler() formatter = logging.Formatter("%(message)s") handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(handler) def dtypes_to_schema(dtype_dict): schema = [] type_conversion = { "Int64": pyarrow.int64(), "Int32": pyarrow.int32(), "int64": pyarrow.int64(), "int32": pyarrow.int32(), "int": pyarrow.int32(), "float64": pyarrow.float64(), "float32": pyarrow.float32(), "float": pyarrow.float32(), "str": pyarrow.string(), "O": pyarrow.string(), # Note that the arguments to pyarrow.dictionary changed between v0.13.0 # and v0.14.1 "category": pyarrow.dictionary( pyarrow.int32(), pyarrow.string(), ordered=False ), "date32": pyarrow.date32(), # Note: date32 isn't a python type } for field_name, dtype in dtype_dict.items(): type = type_conversion[dtype] schema.append(pyarrow.field(field_name, type, nullable=True)) return pyarrow.schema(schema) def extension_int_to_float(df, exclude=[]): """ You can delete this function once this issue is resolved: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ARROW-5379 """ extension_int_types = { pd.Int8Dtype(), pd.Int16Dtype(), pd.Int32Dtype(), pd.Int64Dtype(), } new_types = { col: "float64" for col in df.columns if df[col].dtypes in extension_int_types and col not in exclude } return df.astype(new_types) def fix_monthly_dates(df): df = coerce_to_date(df, ["date"], drop_bad=True) # Note: these are sometimes NA df["month"] = df["date"].dt.month.astype("Int32") df["year"] = df["date"].dt.year.astype("Int32") del df["date"] return df def read_csv(filepath_or_buffer, *args, **kwargs): """Thin wrapper around pd.read_csv""" logger.info(f" Reading {filepath_or_buffer}") return pd.read_csv(filepath_or_buffer, *args, **kwargs) def convert_monthly(csv_file, out_dir): csv_file = Path(csv_file) out_dir = Path(out_dir) out_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Note: we're using python 3.7+, so dicts keep their order pd_dtypes = { "entity_id": "Int32", "api": "str", "api_list": "str", "date": "str", "oil": "str", # will convert to float later "gas": "str", # will convert to float later "water": "str", # will convert to float later "well_count": "str", # will convert to Int later "days": "str", # will convert to Int later "daily_avg_oil": "str", # will convert to float later "daily_avg_gas": "str", # will convert to float later "daily_avg_water": "str", # will convert to float later "reservoir": "str", "well_name": "str", "well_number": "str", "operator_alias": "str", "production_type": "str", "production_status": "str", "entity_type": "str", } # Need to read these as str, then convert to float, because of errors. float_cols = [ "oil", "gas", "water", "daily_avg_oil", "daily_avg_gas", "daily_avg_water", ] int_cols = ["well_count", "days"] output_dtypes = pd_dtypes.copy() del output_dtypes["date"] output_dtypes["year"] = "int32" output_dtypes["month"] = "int32" for c in float_cols: output_dtypes[c] = "float" for c in int_cols: output_dtypes[c] = "int" pq_schema = dtypes_to_schema(output_dtypes) csv_iter = read_csv( csv_file, dtype=pd_dtypes, chunksize=3_000_000, index_col=False, names=list(pd_dtypes.keys()), on_bad_lines="warn", header=0, low_memory=True, na_values={"(N/A)"}, keep_default_na=True, ) partition_cols = ["year"] for chunk in csv_iter: chunk = ( chunk.pipe(fix_monthly_dates) .pipe(coerce_to_float, cols=float_cols) .pipe(coerce_to_integer, cols=int_cols) .pipe(extension_int_to_float) .pipe(fill_na_for_partitioning, cols=partition_cols) ) table = pyarrow.Table.from_pandas(chunk, preserve_index=False, schema=pq_schema) pq.write_to_dataset( table, root_path=str(out_dir), partition_cols=partition_cols, version="2.0" ) logger.info(f" Done with monthly production {csv_file}") def fill_na_for_partitioning(df, cols): """ Replace NaN or null values with non-NA placeholders. These placeholders vary by column type: "NA" for string or category, -9 for numeric. The goal here is to prevent write_to_dataset from dropping groups with missing-valued partition columns. This function can be cut out when this pyarrow issue is fixed: https://issues.apache.org/jira/projects/ARROW/issues/ARROW-7345 """ orig_order = df.columns assert orig_order.nunique() == df.shape[1] to_fill = df[cols] fill_str = to_fill.select_dtypes(include=["object", "category"]).fillna("NA") fill_num = to_fill.select_dtypes(include="number").fillna(-9) unfilled = to_fill.columns.difference(fill_str.columns).difference(fill_num.columns) if len(unfilled) > 0: raise NotImplementedError(f"Can't fill columns: {unfilled.tolist()}") # Everything else: remainder = df.drop(cols, axis=1) out = pd.concat([fill_str, fill_num, remainder], axis=1)[orig_order.tolist()] # Reset columns to original ordering: return out def coerce_cols(df, cols, target_type, drop_bad=True, **kwargs): """Coerce `cols` to `target_type`, optionally dropping rows that fail. A very small number of rows fail to parse because they have things like "WELL" in the oil quantity column. Just drop these. But because of this, we have to read all of these column as str, then convert args: df a dataframe cols: columns, currently string, that will be coerced target_type: what type to coerce to? drop_bad: should we drop the whole row if the coersion fails? (Default True) kwargs: arguments passed on to pd.to_datetime or pd.to_numeric. """ rename_dict = {c: c + "_str" for c in cols} if df.columns.isin(rename_dict.values()).any(): raise ValueError("temp rename column already exists") df = df.rename(columns=rename_dict) if target_type == "datetime": conversion_fn = pd.to_datetime else: conversion_fn = partial(pd.to_numeric, downcast=target_type) for new_col, old_col in rename_dict.items(): try: # Happy case first df[new_col] = conversion_fn(df[old_col], errors="raise", **kwargs) except ValueError: df[new_col] = conversion_fn(df[old_col], errors="coerce", **kwargs) newly_missing = df[new_col].isna() & df[old_col].notna() newly_missing_count = newly_missing.sum() logger.info( f" {newly_missing_count} values failed to parse as {target_type}." + f" Here are a few: " + ", ".join(df.loc[newly_missing, old_col].iloc[:6]) ) if drop_bad: # Drop rows that failed to parse (very few of these) df = df.loc[~newly_missing] finally: del df[old_col] return df coerce_to_date = partial(coerce_cols, target_type="datetime", format="%Y-%m-%d") coerce_to_float = partial(coerce_cols, target_type="float") coerce_to_integer = partial(coerce_cols, target_type="integer") def convert_headers(csv_file, out_dir): csv_file = Path(csv_file) out_dir = Path(out_dir) out_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) pd_dtypes = { "api": "str", # API/UWI "operator_alias_legacy": "str", # Operator Alias (Legacy) "operator_company_name": "str", # Operator Company Name "operator_reported": "str", # Operator (Reported) "operator_ticker": "str", # Operator Ticker "well_name": "str", # Well/Lease Name "well_number": "str", # Well Number "entity_type": "str", # Entity Type "county": "str", # County/Parish "di_basin": "str", # DI Basin "di_play": "str", # DI Play "di_subplay": "str", # DI Subplay "reservoir": "str", # Reservoir "production_type": "str", # Production Type "producing_status": "str", # Producing Status "drill_type": "str", # Drill Type "first_prod_date": "str", # First Prod Date "last_prod_date": "str", # Last Prod Date "cum_gas": "float", # Cum Gas "cum_oil": "float", # Cum Oil "cum_boe": "float", # Cum BOE "cum_water": "float", # Cum Water "cum_mmcfge": "float", # Cum MMCFGE "cum_bcfge": "float", # Cum BCFGE "daily_gas": "float", # Daily Gas "daily_oil": "float", # Daily Oil "first_month_oil": "float", # First Month Oil "first_month_gas": "float", # First Month Gas "first_month_water": "float", # First Month Water "first_6_oil": "float", # First 6 Oil "first_6_gas": "float", # First 6 Gas "first_6_boe": "float", # First 6 BOE "first_6_water": "float", # First 6 Water "first_12_oil": "float", # First 12 Oil "first_12_gas": "float", # First 12 Gas "first_12_boe": "float", # First 12 BOE "first_12_mmcfge": "float", # First 12 MMCFGE "first_12_water": "float", # First 12 Water "first_24_oil": "float", # First 24 Oil "first_24_gas": "float", # First 24 Gas "first_24_boe": "float", # First 24 BOE "first_24_mmcfge": "float", # First 24 MMCFGE "first_24_water": "float", # First 24 Water "first_60_oil": "float", # First 60 Oil "first_60_gas": "float", # First 60 Gas "first_60_boe": "float", # First 60 BOE "first_60_water": "float", # First 60 Water "first_60_mmcfge": "float", # First 60 MMCFGE "prac_ip_oil_daily": "float", # Prac IP Oil Daily "prac_ip_gas_daily": "float", # Prac IP Gas Daily "prac_ip_cfged": "float", # Prac IP CFGED "prac_ip_boe": "float", # Prac IP BOE "latest_oil": "float", # Latest Oil "latest_gas": "float", # Latest Gas "latest_water": "float", # Latest Water "prior_12_oil": "float", # Prior 12 Oil "prior_12_gas": "float", # Prior 12 Gas "prior_12_water": "float", # Prior 12 Water "last_test_date": "str", # Last Test Date "last_flow_pressure": "float", # Last Flow Pressure "last_whsip": "float", # Last WHSIP "2nd_month_gor": "float", # 2nd Month GOR "latest_gor": "float", # Latest GOR "cum_gor": "float", # Cum GOR "last_12_yield": "float", # Last 12 Yield "2nd_month_yield": "float", # 2nd Month Yield "latest_yield": "float", # Latest Yield "peak_gas": "float", # Peak Gas "peak_gas_month_no.": "Int32", # Peak Gas Month No. "peak_oil": "float", # Peak Oil "peak_oil_month_no.": "Int32", # Peak Oil Month No. "peak_boe": "float", # Peak BOE "peak_boe_month_no.": "Int32", # Peak BOE Month No. "peak_mmcfge": "float", # Peak MMCFGE "peak_mmcfge_month_no.": "Int32", # Peak MMCFGE Month No. "upper_perforation": "float", # Upper Perforation "lower_perforation": "float", # Lower Perforation "gas_gravity": "float", # Gas Gravity "oil_gravity": "float", # Oil Gravity "completion_date": "str", # Completion Date "well_count": "Int32", # Well Count "max_active_wells": "Int32", # Max Active Wells "months_produced": "Int32", # Months Produced "gas_gatherer": "str", # Gas Gatherer "oil_gatherer": "str", # Oil Gatherer "lease_number": "str", # Lease Number "spud_date": "str", # Spud Date "measured_depth_td": "float", # Measured Depth (TD) "true_vertical_depth": "float", # True Vertical Depth "gross_perforated_interval": "float", # Gross Perforated Interval "field": "str", # Field "state": "str", # State "district": "str", # District "aapg_geologic_province": "str", # AAPG Geologic Province "country": "str", # Country "section": "str", # Section "township": "str", # Township "range": "str", # Range "abstract": "str", # Abstract "block": "str", # Block "survey": "str", # Survey "ocs_area": "str", # OCS Area "pgc_area": "str", # PGC Area "surface_latitude_wgs84": "float", # Surface Latitude (WGS84) "surface_longitude_wgs84": "float", # Surface Longitude (WGS84) "last_12_oil": "float", # Last 12 Oil "last_12_gas": "float", # Last 12 Gas "last_12_water": "float", # Last 12 Water "entity_id": "int32", # Entity ID } date_cols = [ "first_prod_date", "last_prod_date", "last_test_date", "completion_date", "spud_date", ] output_dtypes = pd_dtypes.copy() for d in date_cols: output_dtypes[d] = "date32" output_dtypes["first_prod_year"] = "int32" pq_schema = dtypes_to_schema(output_dtypes) csv_iter = read_csv( csv_file, dtype=pd_dtypes, chunksize=1_000_000, index_col=False, names=list(pd_dtypes.keys()), on_bad_lines="warn", parse_dates=date_cols, header=0, low_memory=True, ) partition_cols = ["first_prod_year"] for chunk in csv_iter: chunk["first_prod_year"] = chunk["first_prod_date"].dt.year chunk = chunk.pipe(extension_int_to_float, exclude=partition_cols).pipe( fill_na_for_partitioning, cols=partition_cols ) table = pyarrow.Table.from_pandas(chunk, preserve_index=False, schema=pq_schema) pq.write_to_dataset( table, root_path=str(out_dir), partition_cols=partition_cols, version="2.0" ) logger.info(f" Done with headers: {csv_file}") def make_uniform_bins(x, num): import numpy as np # Bins are evenly spaced in the range of unsigned 64bit ints bins = np.linspace(0, np.iinfo("uint64").max - 1024, num=num, dtype="uint64") # Hash (determanistic) of the values is a uint64 hashes = pd.util.hash_pandas_object(x, index=False) assert hashes.dtypes == "uint64" return np.digitize(hashes, bins) def regroup_parquet_fragments(directory, recursive=True): """ Read all the parquet files in a directory and write a single file. If there are inner directories, `regroup_parquet_fragments` will be called recursively on those. Why: Because I'm calling write_to_dataset repeatedly for multiple chunks of data, I sometimes get multiple fragments for the same partition. That's a pain, so this function fixes that. After running it, there will be only one file (or zero if the directory was initially empty), named `file.parquet`. """ assert directory.is_dir() pq_files = [] dirs = [] other = [] for p in directory.iterdir(): if p.is_file() and p.suffix == ".parquet": pq_files.append(p) elif p.is_dir(): dirs.append(p) else: other.append(p) if len(other): raise ValueError("Unexpected files found: " + ", ".join(other)) if recursive: [regroup_parquet_fragments(d, recursive=recursive) for d in dirs] outfile = directory.joinpath("file.parquet") assert not outfile.exists() if len(pq_files) == 0: return elif len(pq_files) == 1: pq_files[0].rename(outfile) return else: data = pq.ParquetDataset(pq_files, memory_map=True).read( use_pandas_metadata=True ) pq.write_table(data, outfile, version="2.0") [f.unlink() for f in pq_files] def main(snakemake): # Fill with partial so we can easily map with one argument. monthly = partial(convert_monthly, out_dir=Path(snakemake.output["monthly"])) headers = partial(convert_headers, out_dir=Path(snakemake.output["headers"])) with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=snakemake.threads) as ex: ex.map(monthly, snakemake.input["monthly"]) ex.map(headers, snakemake.input["headers"]) regroup_parquet_fragments(Path(snakemake.output["headers"])) regroup_parquet_fragments(Path(snakemake.output["monthly"])) if __name__ == "__main__": main(snakemake) |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 | source(here::here("code/shared_functions.r")) cite_attached_packages(snakemake@output[[1]], c( "base", # R base "arrow", "brms", "broom", "cmdstanr", "curl", "data.table", "digest", "dplyr", "forcats", "fs", "furrr", "ggplot2", "future", "glue", "here", "igraph", "jsonlite", "lubridate", "magrittr", "matrixStats", "nngeo", "posterior", "processx", "purrr", "RColorBrewer", "readxl", "rlang", "safejoin", "sf", "stringr", "tibble", "tidyr", "tidyselect", "units", "unix" )) |
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 | source(here::here("code/shared_functions.r")) INPUT_CRS <- sf::st_crs(4326) # https://epsg.io/4326 WORKING_CRS <- sf::st_crs(6350) # https://epsg.io/6350 find_well_pads <- function(df, well_pad_number_start, verbose=FALSE) { if (verbose) { message(" ", paste0(sort(unique(df$aapg_geologic_province)), collapse=", ")) } df_radius <- df %>% # Drop different entity_id at the exact same location # (distinct.sf already keeps geometry column by default, but for some # reason gives an error) dplyr::distinct(aapg_geologic_province, geometry) %>% dplyr::mutate( buffer_radius_m = dplyr::case_when( aapg_geologic_province == "SAN JOAQUIN BASIN" ~ units::as_units(20, "m"), TRUE ~ units::as_units(50, "m") )) well_pad_geometry <- df_radius %>% sf::st_geometry() %>% sf::st_buffer(dist=df_radius$buffer_radius_m) %>% st_union_intersection() new_well_pad_ids <- seq.int( from = well_pad_number_start, length.out = length(well_pad_geometry) ) well_pad_info <- well_pad_geometry %>% sf::st_centroid() %>% sf::st_transform(crs=INPUT_CRS) %>% sf::st_coordinates() %>% dplyr::as_tibble() %>% dplyr::transmute( well_pad_lon = .data$X, well_pad_lat = .data$Y, well_pad_id = new_well_pad_ids, ) well_pad_df <- sf::st_sf(well_pad_info, geometry = well_pad_geometry) out <- dplyr::select(df, entity_id) %>% sf::st_join(well_pad_df, left=FALSE) %>% sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% dplyr::as_tibble() out } assign_well_pads <- function(header_df, verbose=TRUE) { stopifnot(!anyDuplicated(header_df$entity_id)) # My definition of a well pad, based on Alvarez et al. (2018) SI: # - a group of wells that are close together # - if the DI record is a lease (irrelevant for CA, NM, and post-1999 CO), # assume it is its own well pad; don't group it with other records # - if more than two wells are nearby, take the union. (See the function # st_union_intersection.) # NB: It would be nice to use operator, but there are a bunch of wells with # different operators reported at the same location. # Steps: # 1. Make into an sf dataframe # 2. Transform to a useful projection # 3. Buffer all points 50m, except the San Joaquin basin, where the buffer is 20m. # 4. Union the buffers and assign IDs # 5. Take the intersection of the original points with the buffers # 6. Do the above separately for each state or basin, then re-aggregate. # Note that the well-pad definitions are sensitive to the projection and # assumed well spacing (eg. 50m) for a small number of wells. # For records that are marked as "LEASE" (as opposed to "COM", "DRIP POINT", # "SWD", "UNIT", or "WELL"), don't do the geographic work, just label them # their own singleton well pad. singletons <- header_df %>% dplyr::group_by(aapg_geologic_province, operator_company_name) %>% dplyr::filter(dplyr::n() == 1 | entity_type == "LEASE") %>% dplyr::ungroup() %>% dplyr::select(entity_id, surface_longitude_wgs84, surface_latitude_wgs84) %>% dplyr::mutate(well_pad_id = dplyr::row_number()) %>% dplyr::rename( well_pad_lon = surface_longitude_wgs84, well_pad_lat = surface_latitude_wgs84, ) # For records that aren't LEASE or singleton, look for nearby wells within # groups defined by basin and operator_company_name. Note that there are a # small number of overlaps, where a well falls within a well pad with # different basin or operator_company_name. (This is true even if you only use # basin.) non_singleton <- header_df %>% dplyr::anti_join(singletons, by="entity_id") %>% sf::st_as_sf( crs=INPUT_CRS, coords=c("surface_longitude_wgs84", "surface_latitude_wgs84") ) %>% sf::st_transform(crs=WORKING_CRS) # well_pads is the geometry of the well pads (a POLYGON buffered around the # points of each group of wells) non_singleton_lst <- non_singleton %>% # Split by basin so we can run different regions in parallel # Well pads will not span different subgroups of the group_by, so be careful # before adding grouping variables. dplyr::group_by(aapg_geologic_province, operator_company_name) %>% dplyr::group_split() # We then also need to make sure we're not assigning duplicate well_pad_id # values in the different parallel processes, so calculate disjoint sets of # possible_well_pad_ids n_groups <- length(non_singleton_lst) subgroup_row_counts <- purrr::map_int(non_singleton_lst, nrow) well_pad_id_bounds <- c(nrow(singletons), subgroup_row_counts) %>% cumsum() well_pad_id_starts <- dplyr::lag(well_pad_id_bounds)[-1] + 1 # possible_well_pad_ids isn't used, just checked possible_well_pad_ids <- purrr::map2( well_pad_id_starts, well_pad_id_bounds[-1], ~seq.int(from=.x, to=.y, by=1) ) %>% unlist() %>% c(singletons$well_pad_id) stopifnot( all(subgroup_row_counts) > 0, anyDuplicated(possible_well_pad_ids) == 0, length(non_singleton_lst) == length(well_pad_id_starts) ) # Actually do the well pad creation, and re-add the singletons entity_pad_crosswalk <- furrr::future_map2_dfr( non_singleton_lst, well_pad_id_starts, find_well_pads, verbose=verbose, # we're not doing any RNG, but suppress warnings .options=furrr::furrr_options(seed=TRUE) ) %>% dplyr::bind_rows(singletons) # Note: singletons got assigned well_pad_id values 1:nrow(singletons), but it # doesn't matter that they're bound at the end here. out <- dplyr::inner_join(header_df, entity_pad_crosswalk, by="entity_id") stopifnot( anyDuplicated(header_df$entity_id) == 0, anyDuplicated(entity_pad_crosswalk$entity_id) == 0, setequal(header_df$entity_id, out$entity_id) ) if (verbose) { n_wells <- nrow(header_df) n_unmatched <- n_wells - nrow(out) well_pad_well_counts <- dplyr::count(out, well_pad_id) n_wells_at_multi_well_pads <- dplyr::filter(well_pad_well_counts, n > 1) %>% dplyr::pull("n") %>% sum_() %>% fill_na(0) n_wells_at_single_well_pads <- dplyr::filter(well_pad_well_counts, n == 1) %>% dplyr::pull("n") %>% sum_() %>% fill_na(0) glue_message( "Of {n_wells} total wells, {n_wells_at_multi_well_pads} were matched to ", "multi-well pads, {n_wells_at_single_well_pads} were matched to single-", "well pads, and {n_unmatched} were unmatched for data quality reasons." ) } out } parse_year_range <- function(year_range) { # Use a regex header_df to pull out the years # look for things like "1990-2018" stopifnot(length(year_range) == 1) years <- stringr::str_match(year_range, "^(\\d{4})-(\\d{4})$")[1, 2:3] %>% as.integer() %>% unclass() stopifnot(length(years) == 2, !anyNA(years)) years } create_well_pad_crosswalk <- function(header_dir, output_file, year_range) { year_range %<>% parse_year_range() stopifnot(dir.exists(header_dir), length(output_file) == 1) header_df <- arrow::open_dataset(header_dir) %>% dplyr::filter( first_prod_year >= year_range[1], first_prod_year <= year_range[2], !is.na(aapg_geologic_province), aapg_geologic_province != "(N/A)", !is.na(surface_latitude_wgs84), !is.na(surface_longitude_wgs84), ) %>% dplyr::select( entity_id, aapg_geologic_province, surface_latitude_wgs84, surface_longitude_wgs84, # NA operator_company_name is allowed (currently coded as "(N/A)") operator_company_name, entity_type ) %>% dplyr::collect() %>% dplyr::distinct() # distinct for multiple wells at the same entity and location well_pad_crosswalk <- assign_well_pads(header_df, verbose=FALSE) arrow::write_parquet(well_pad_crosswalk, output_file) } test_well_pad_creation <- function() { header_df <- tibble::tibble( entity_id = 1:4, aapg_geologic_province = "SAN JOAQUIN BASIN", entity_type = "WELL", operator_company_name="AAAAA", # First two points with identical location, third point about 9m away, # and fourth point 4.3km away surface_longitude_wgs84 = c(-119.7514, -119.7514, -119.7515, -119.8), surface_latitude_wgs84 = 35.48126, ) expected_results <- header_df %>% dplyr::mutate(well_pad_id = c(1, 1, 1, 2)) actual_results <- assign_well_pads(header_df, verbose=FALSE) %>% dplyr::select(-well_pad_lon, -well_pad_lat) # don't test that part compare_results <- all.equal(actual_results, expected_results) if (!isTRUE(compare_results)) { print(tibble::tibble( expected_id = expected_results$well_pad_id, actual_id = actual_results$well_pad_id, )) print(actual_results) stop(compare_results) } } if (!exists("snakemake")) { stop("This script is meant to be run with snakemake.") } # Set up resources (mem limit doesn't work on MacOS) memory_limit(snakemake@resources[['mem_mb']]) future::plan("multicore", workers = snakemake@threads) test_well_pad_creation() create_well_pad_crosswalk( header_dir = snakemake@input$headers, output_file = snakemake@output[[1]], year_range = snakemake@wildcards$year_range ) |
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 | source(here::here("code/shared_functions.r")) options(scipen=5, SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=0) set.seed(6350) # CRS as seed? Sure. # Note on variable names: # mcfd is mcf per day (thousands of cubic feet per day), but is reported monthly # bbld is barrels per day, but is measured monthly. # There are other variables that report the average on days when production was # happening, but I don't use those (maybe I should?). LON_LAT_CRS <- sf::st_crs(4326) # https://epsg.io/4326 OUTPUT_CRS <- sf::st_crs(6350) # https://epsg.io/6350 (CONUS Albers) MAX_ACCEPTABLE_MATCH_DIST_METERS <- 500 # These are the source types we'll keep. There are others, like landfills and # dairies, that we don't care about. This is a list of oil and gas types. # I wasn't sure about gas compressors, but they seem to be far from wells. SOURCE_TYPES <- c( # "gas compressor", # "gas distribution line", # "gas LNG station", # "gas processing plant", # "gas storage facility", "oil/gas compressor", "oil/gas drill rig", "oil/gas gathering line", "oil/gas possible plugged well", "oil/gas pumpjack", "oil/gas stack", "oil/gas tank", "oil/gas unknown infrastucture", "oil/gas waste lagoon" ) read_jpl_plumes <- function(input_files) { df <- data.table::fread(input_files[["duren_2019_plumes"]], data.table=FALSE) %>% dplyr::as_tibble() %>% dplyr::rename_all(make_better_names) %>% dplyr::filter(source_type_best_estimate %in% !!SOURCE_TYPES) %>% dplyr::mutate( datetime_of_detection = lubridate::mdy_hm(paste(date_of_detection, time_of_detection_utc), tz="UTC"), date_of_detection = lubridate::mdy(date_of_detection), flight_name = stringr::str_match(candidate_identifier, "^(ang\\d{8}t\\d{6})")[, 2L, drop=TRUE] ) %>% dplyr::rename( emiss_kg_hr = qplume_kg_hr_plume_emissions, emiss_se_kg_hr = sigma_qplume_kg_hr_uncertainty_for_plume_emissions, ) %>% dplyr::select(-sectors_ipcc, -time_of_detection_utc) %>% ensure_id_vars(source_identifier, datetime_of_detection) %>% sf::st_as_sf( crs=LON_LAT_CRS, coords=c("plume_longitude_deg", "plume_latitude_deg"), agr=c( source_identifier = "identity", candidate_identifier = "identity", date_of_detection = "constant", source_type_best_estimate = "constant", emiss_kg_hr = "constant", emiss_se_kg_hr = "constant", datetime_of_detection = "constant", flight_name = "constant" ) ) %>% sf::st_transform(OUTPUT_CRS) stopifnot(!anyNA(df$flight_name)) df } read_jpl_sites <- function(input_files) { # Sites are different than plumes because they revisited # This excel file is translated from a PDF in the Durent et al. (2019) # supplementary materials. df <- readxl::read_excel(input_files[["duren_2019_sites"]]) %>% dplyr::rename_all(make_better_names) %>% dplyr::filter(source_type %in% !!SOURCE_TYPES) %>% dplyr::rename( emiss_kg_hr = qsource_kg_hr, persistence_frac = source_persistence_f, ) %>% # Run this rename twice because the sigma character gets assigned a different name on windows. rename_cols(c("emiss_se_kg_hr" = "x_q_kg_hr"), strict=FALSE) %>% rename_cols(c("emiss_se_kg_hr" = "x_u_f073_q_kg_hr"), strict=FALSE) %>% dplyr::select(-ipcc_sector, -confidence_in_persistence) %>% ensure_id_vars(source_identifier) %>% sf::st_as_sf( crs=LON_LAT_CRS, coords=c("source_longitude_deg", "source_latitude_deg"), agr=c( source_identifier = "identity", source_type = "constant", n_overflights = "constant", persistence_frac = "constant", emiss_kg_hr = "constant", emiss_se_kg_hr = "constant" ) ) %>% sf::st_transform(OUTPUT_CRS) df } read_headers <- function(years, states) { header_dir <- here::here("data/generated/production/well_headers/") stopifnot(dir.exists(header_dir), !anyNA(years), !anyNA(states)) date_min <- lubridate::make_date(min(years), 1, 1) date_max <- lubridate::make_date(max(years) + 1, 1, 1) well_headers <- arrow::open_dataset(header_dir) %>% dplyr::filter( state %in% !!states, # !(is.na(first_60_oil) & is.na(first_60_gas)), # !is.na(completion_date) ) %>% dplyr::select( county, state, production_type, drill_type, aapg_geologic_province, surface_latitude_wgs84, surface_longitude_wgs84, first_prod_date, last_prod_date, first_60_oil, first_60_gas, completion_date, spud_date, months_produced, entity_id, ) %>% dplyr::collect() %>% dplyr::filter( !is.na(surface_latitude_wgs84), !is.na(surface_longitude_wgs84), !is.na(first_prod_date), !is.na(last_prod_date), # Drop wells that started producing after the end of observation or ended # before the beginning (just for efficiency of not doing spatial operations # on a bunch of irrelevant wells) first_prod_date < !!date_max, last_prod_date > !!date_min, !production_type %in% c("WATER", "STEAMFLOOD"), ) %>% dplyr::rename(basin = aapg_geologic_province) %>% dplyr::mutate(production_type = dplyr::case_when( production_type %in% c("GAS", "OIL") ~ production_type, production_type == "GAS STORE" ~ "GAS", production_type == "OIL (CYCLIC STEAM)" ~ "OIL", TRUE ~ NA_character_ )) %>% ensure_id_vars(entity_id) %>% sf::st_as_sf( crs=LON_LAT_CRS, coords=c("surface_longitude_wgs84", "surface_latitude_wgs84"), agr=c( entity_id = "identity", county = "constant", production_type = "constant", drill_type = "constant", basin = "constant", months_produced = "constant", surface_latitude_wgs84 = "constant", surface_longitude_wgs84 = "constant", first_prod_date = "constant", last_prod_date = "constant", first_60_oil = "constant", first_60_gas = "constant", completion_date = "constant", spud_date = "constant" ) ) %>% sf::st_transform(OUTPUT_CRS) well_headers } match_wells_to_flight_day <- function(well_headers, flight_paths) { wells_flown_over <- well_headers %>% ensure_id_vars(entity_id) %>% # Only consider wells that are in the flight paths *and* are producing when # the plane flys over. This join generates duplicate rows wells because # the there are multiple flights over the same areas. Keep rows that had # any overpass while active, then drop duplicates. # (doing it this way because distinct doesn't work quite the same on sf objects) sf::st_join(dplyr::select(flight_paths, flight_date), join=sf::st_intersects, left=FALSE) %>% dplyr::filter(flight_date >= first_prod_date, flight_date <= last_prod_date) %>% sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% dplyr::distinct(entity_id, flight_date) dplyr::inner_join(well_headers, wells_flown_over, by="entity_id") } st_nn <- function(...){ # Suppress nngeo's narration suppressMessages(nngeo::st_nn(...)) } load_flight_paths <- function(plume_measurements) { # Flight paths: flight_df <- data.table::fread( here::here("data/studies/duren_etal_2019/AVIRIS-NG Flight Lines - AVIRIS-NG Flight Lines.csv"), data.table=FALSE ) %>% dplyr::as_tibble() %>% dplyr::rename(flight_name = Name) %>% dplyr::rename_all(make_better_names) %>% dplyr::mutate( flight_date = lubridate::make_date(.data$year, .data$month, .data$day), utc_hour = dplyr::if_else(dplyr::between(utc_hour, 0, 23), utc_hour, NA_integer_), utc_minute = dplyr::if_else(dplyr::between(utc_minute, 0, 23), utc_minute, NA_integer_), flight_datetime_utc = lubridate::make_datetime( .data$year, .data$month, .data$day, .data$utc_hour, .data$utc_minute ), ) %>% dplyr::semi_join(plume_measurements, by="flight_name") %>% # keep matching flights dplyr::select(flight_name, flight_date, flight_datetime_utc, number_of_lines, investigator, dplyr::starts_with("lat"), dplyr::starts_with("lon") ) %>% dplyr::distinct() %>% ensure_id_vars(flight_name) stopifnot(setequal(flight_df$flight_name, plume_measurements$flight_name)) flight_polygons <- flight_df %>% dplyr::select(flight_name, dplyr::starts_with("lon"), dplyr::starts_with("lat")) %>% # This is terrible. tidyr::pivot_longer(dplyr::starts_with("lon"), names_to="idx1", names_prefix="lon", values_to="lon") %>% tidyr::pivot_longer(dplyr::starts_with("lat"), names_to="idx2", names_prefix="lat", values_to="lat") %>% dplyr::filter(idx1 == idx2) %>% dplyr::filter(!is.na(lat), !is.na(lon)) %>% sf::st_as_sf(coords = c("lon", "lat"), crs = LON_LAT_CRS) %>% dplyr::group_by(flight_name) %>% dplyr::summarize( geometry = sf::st_cast(sf::st_combine(geometry), "POLYGON"), .groups="drop" ) %>% sf::st_transform(OUTPUT_CRS) # Join back the variables (flight_polygons has to be first to get the s3 dispatch right) out <- dplyr::inner_join(flight_polygons, dplyr::select(flight_df, flight_name, flight_date, flight_datetime_utc, number_of_lines, investigator), by="flight_name" ) if ("date_of_detection" %in% colnames(plume_measurements)) { # flight dates are detection dates: stopifnot(setequal(out$flight_date, plume_measurements$date_of_detection)) } stopifnot( # detected plumes are inside flight paths: all(sf::st_intersects(plume_measurements, sf::st_union(out), sparse=FALSE)) ) out } load_monthly_prod <- function(wells_by_flight_day) { if (inherits(wells_by_flight_day, "sf")) { wells_by_flight_day %<>% sf::st_drop_geometry() } prod_dir <- here::here("data/generated/production/monthly_production/") stopifnot( dir.exists(prod_dir), is_id(wells_by_flight_day, entity_id, flight_date) ) well_to_match <- wells_by_flight_day %>% dplyr::transmute( flight_date = flight_date, year = lubridate::year(flight_date), month = lubridate::month(flight_date), entity_id = entity_id ) # These are just for speed, so we don't read anything we're positive we don't want desired_entity_id <- unique(well_to_match$entity_id) desired_year <- unique(well_to_match$year) desired_month <- unique(well_to_match$month) # Only diff from the stored schema is year, which currently registers as string # To select another column, add it to this schema. schema <- arrow::schema( year = arrow::int32(), month = arrow::int32(), entity_id = arrow::int32(), daily_avg_gas = arrow::float(), daily_avg_oil = arrow::float(), well_count = arrow::int32() ) prod <- arrow::open_dataset(prod_dir, schema=schema) %>% dplyr::filter( daily_avg_gas > 0, year %in% !!desired_year, month %in% !!desired_month, entity_id %in% !!desired_entity_id, ) %>% dplyr::collect() %>% # 1:m join (U), no column conflicts (C) safejoin::safe_inner_join(well_to_match, by=c("entity_id", "year", "month"), check="U C") prod } load_well_records <- function(flight_paths, states, nat_gas_price) { years <- flight_paths$flight_date %>% lubridate::year() %>% unique() # First, find wells that were flown over and had production start before the # flight date and end after the flight date. # wells_by_flight_day has one row for each well each day it was flown over. wells_by_flight_day <- read_headers(years, states) %>% match_wells_to_flight_day(flight_paths) # Note: If the well was flown over in different months, this is the average # across months. monthly_prod_when_flown_over <- load_monthly_prod(wells_by_flight_day) %>% dplyr::group_by(entity_id) %>% dplyr::summarize( oil_avg_bbld = mean_(daily_avg_oil), gas_avg_mcfd = mean_(daily_avg_gas), .groups="drop" ) # Recall wells_by_flight_day has one row for each well each day it was flown over. # Drop down to one row per well. # Do both well age and price here because it's easier than handling prices later well_age_and_price <- wells_by_flight_day %>% sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% dplyr::mutate(age_yr = as.numeric(flight_date - first_prod_date) / 365.25) %>% match_full_state_names() %>% dplyr::rename(state = state_full) %>% harmonize_basin_name() %>% match_commodity_prices(nat_gas_price) %>% dplyr::group_by(entity_id) %>% dplyr::summarize( age_yr = mean(age_yr), gas_price_per_mcf = mean(gas_price_per_mcf), gas_frac_methane = mean(gas_frac_methane), .groups="drop" ) stopifnot(noNAs(well_age_and_price)) wells <- wells_by_flight_day %>% dplyr::group_by(entity_id) %>% dplyr::select(-flight_date) %>% dplyr::distinct(.keep_all=TRUE) %>% # could speed this up here by not doing a spatial distinct ensure_id_vars(entity_id) %>% dplyr::inner_join(well_age_and_price, by="entity_id") %>% # 1:1 join harmonize_basin_name(group_small_CA_basins=TRUE) dplyr::inner_join(wells, monthly_prod_when_flown_over, by="entity_id") # 1:1 join } match_with_wells <- function(observed_sites, wells) { sites_matched <- sf::st_join( observed_sites, wells, join=st_nn, k=1, maxdist=MAX_ACCEPTABLE_MATCH_DIST_METERS, left=FALSE, progress=FALSE ) %>% # drop doubly-matched sites. dplyr::group_by(entity_id) %>% dplyr::filter(dplyr::n() == 1) %>% dplyr::ungroup() %>% ensure_id_vars(entity_id) if (nrow(sites_matched) != nrow(observed_sites)) { warning( nrow(observed_sites) - nrow(sites_matched), " leaks didn't have a matching well" ) } sites_matched } make_pairs_plots <- function(jpl_sites_matched) { if (!rlang::is_installed("GGally")) { stop("GGally package required for this function") } pseudo_log <- scales::pseudo_log_trans() # basically asinh plt_matched <- jpl_sites_matched %>% dplyr::mutate_at(dplyr::vars(oil_avg_bbld, gas_avg_mcfd, emiss_kg_hr, emiss_se_kg_hr), list(log=pseudo_log$transform)) %>% sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% GGally::ggpairs( ggplot2::aes(color=production_type, alpha=0.7), columns = c("emiss_kg_hr_log", "oil_avg_bbld_log", "gas_avg_mcfd_log", "persistence_frac"), progress=FALSE ) + ggplot2::theme_bw() save_plot(plt_matched, here::here("graphics/pairs_plot_matched_wells_jpl_di.pdf"), scale=3) } make_plots <- function(wells_all, jpl_sites_matched, ground_studies) { # GAS_SCALE <- ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(trans="pseudo_log", breaks=c(0, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000)) # EMISS_SCALE <- ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(trans="pseudo_log", breaks=c(0, 10, 30, 100, 1000)) make_plot_qq <- function(df, add_line=TRUE, ...) { df <- dplyr::filter(df, emiss_kg_hr > 0) params <- as.list(MASS::fitdistr(df$emiss_kg_hr, "log-normal")$estimate) # The `...` here is just so I can pass in a color aesthetic in the combined case plt <- ggplot2::ggplot(df, ggplot2::aes(sample=emiss_kg_hr, ...)) + ggplot2::geom_qq(distribution=stats::qlnorm, dparams=params) + ggplot2::scale_x_continuous( trans="pseudo_log", limits=c(-0.2, 3000), breaks=c(0, 10, 30, 100, 1000) ) + ggplot2::scale_y_continuous( trans="pseudo_log", limits=c(-0.2, 3000), breaks=c(0, 10, 30, 100, 1000) ) + ggplot2::theme_bw() + ggplot2::labs( x="Theoretical distribution (kg/hr)", y="Observed distribution (kg/hr)" ) if (add_line) { plt <- plt + ggplot2::geom_qq_line(distribution=stats::qlnorm, dparams=params) } plt } make_plot_emiss_prod_point_density <- function(df, adjust=0.1) { min_emiss <- min_(dplyr::filter(df, emiss_kg_hr > 0)$emiss_kg_hr) plt <- df %>% dplyr::mutate(emiss_kg_hr_filled = dplyr::if_else(is.na(emiss_kg_hr), min_emiss - (0.1 * min_emiss), emiss_kg_hr)) %>% dplyr::filter(gas_avg_mcfd > 0) %>% ggplot2::ggplot(ggplot2::aes(x=gas_avg_mcfd, y=emiss_kg_hr_filled)) + ggpointdensity::geom_pointdensity(adjust=adjust, alpha=0.8) + # options are "magma", "plasma", "viridis", or "cividis" ggplot2::scale_color_viridis_c(option="inferno")+ ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept=min_emiss) + ggplot2::scale_x_continuous( trans="pseudo_log", breaks=c(0, 10^(1:6)), limits=c(0, 1.5e6) ) + ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(trans="pseudo_log", breaks=c(0, 10, 30, 100, 1000)) + ggplot2::theme_bw() + ggplot2::theme(legend.position="none") + ggplot2::labs( x="Average gas production (mcf/mo)", y="Measured emissions (kg/hr)"#, # color="Well\ncount" ) plt } # # plt_ecdf_jpl <- ggplot2::ggplot(jpl_sites_matched, ggplot2::aes(x=emiss_kg_hr)) + # ggplot2::stat_ecdf(geom="step") + # ggplot2::scale_x_log10() + # ggplot2::theme_bw() plt_obs_count_jpl <- (make_plot_emiss_prod_point_density(wells_all) + ggplot2::labs( title="Most wells have no JPL-observed emissisons" )) %>% save_plot(here::here("graphics/observation_count_jpl_flights.pdf")) plt_qq_jpl <- (make_plot_qq(jpl_sites_matched) + ggplot2::labs( title="Observed JPL measures are distributed log-normal" )) save_plot(plt_qq_jpl, here::here("graphics/jpl_flights_qq_plot.pdf")) ground_studies <- dplyr::rename(ground_studies, gas_avg_mcfd = gas_production_mcfd ) plt_obs_count_ground <- (make_plot_emiss_prod_point_density(ground_studies, adjust=0.05) + ggplot2::labs( title="Ground measures have many fewer zeros" )) %>% save_plot(here::here("graphics/observation_count_ground_studies.pdf")) plt_qq_ground <- (make_plot_qq(ground_studies) + ggplot2::labs( title="Ground-based measurements" )) %>% save_plot(here::here("graphics/ground_studies_qq_plot.pdf")) to_plot_combined_qq <- dplyr::bind_rows( dplyr::mutate(ground_studies, src = "Ground studies"), sf::st_drop_geometry(dplyr::mutate(jpl_sites_matched, src = "JPL flights")), ) plot_qq_combined <- make_plot_qq(to_plot_combined_qq, add_line = TRUE, color=src) + # ggplot2::facet_grid(rows="src") + ggplot2::labs( title="Comparison QQ plots" ) save_plot(plot_qq_combined, here::here("graphics/combined_ground_jpl_qq_plot.pdf")) } aggregate_to_well_pads <- function(wells_all, well_pad_mapping_file) { stopifnot( anyDuplicated(wells_all$entity_id) == 0, length(well_pad_mapping_file) == 1 ) well_pad_mapping <- arrow::read_parquet( well_pad_mapping_file, col_select=c("entity_id", "well_pad_id", "well_pad_lon", "well_pad_lat") ) # We drop study-specific columns here, but might want to bring them back. # n_overflights, persistence_frac, ... # NOTE: we're doing an inner join with well_pad_id here. That means wells that # aren't part of the well pad mapping will not be part of the output. well_pad_df <- wells_all %>% # Check that the join is unique by right side (V), types match (T), # columns don't collide (C), and all rows in left side are matched (m) # Note: not currently true that all LHS are matched -- m instead of M warns. safejoin::safe_inner_join(well_pad_mapping, by="entity_id", check="V m T C") %>% dplyr::group_by(well_pad_id) %>% dplyr::summarize( # These aggregating functions are defined in shared_functions.r emiss_kg_hr = mean_(emiss_kg_hr), emiss_se_kg_hr = mean_(emiss_se_kg_hr), production_type = Mode(production_type), drill_type = Mode(drill_type), first_60_oil = sum_(first_60_oil), first_60_gas = sum_(first_60_gas), oil_avg_bbld = sum_(oil_avg_bbld), gas_avg_mcfd = sum_(gas_avg_mcfd), months_produced = mean_(months_produced), county = Mode(county), # Like Lyon et al. 2016, we'll define pad age by age of the most recently # drilled well. age_yr = min(age_yr), gas_price_per_mcf = mean(gas_price_per_mcf), # probably unique by well pad # already unique by well_pad_id; the particular aggregation doesn't matter well_pad_lon = min(well_pad_lon), well_pad_lat = min(well_pad_lat), basin = min(basin), gas_frac_methane = min(gas_frac_methane), .groups="drop" ) stopifnot(!anyNA(well_pad_df$well_pad_id)) # NOTES on well pads: # - There's still a vast number of well pads with no measurements # (currently 112 with measurements and 17006 without. This could be improved # slightly by thinking about deduplication, but it's minimal.) well_pad_df } load_ground_studies <- function(input_files) { # Drop studies that can't be used for our application. See the notes in # notes/measurement_paper_notes.csv studies_that_dont_work_for_us <- c("Rella et al.") df_alvarez <- readxl::read_excel(input_files[["alvarez_2018"]], sheet="inputs_meas_sites") %>% dplyr::rename_all(make_better_names) %>% dplyr::select(basin, study, methane_emissions_kgh, gas_production_mcfd) %>% dplyr::rename(emiss_kg_hr = methane_emissions_kgh) %>% dplyr::mutate( study = dplyr::case_when( study == "Omara et al." ~ "Omara et al. (2016)", study == "Robertson et al." ~ "Robertson et al. (2017)", TRUE ~ study ), basin = dplyr::case_when( basin == "SWPA" ~ "SW Pennsylvania", basin == "Weld County" ~ "Denver Julesburg", TRUE ~ basin ) ) df_omara_2018 <- data.table::fread(input_files[["omara_2018"]], data.table=FALSE) %>% dplyr::as_tibble() %>% dplyr::transmute( basin = dplyr::case_when( site == "Uinta Basin (Uintah County, UT)" ~ "Uinta", # match with Alvarez et al. site == "Denver Julesburg Basin (Weld County, CO)" ~ "Denver Julesburg", site == "NE PA (Bradford, Susquehanna, Wyoming, Sullivan Counties)" ~ "NE Pennsylvania", TRUE ~ site ), study = "Omara et al. (2018)", gas_production_mcfd = tot_gas_prod_mcfd, emiss_kg_hr = avg_emissions_kg_per_h, ) df_zavala_araiza_2018 <- readxl::read_excel(input_files[["zavala_araiza_2018"]]) %>% dplyr::rename_all(make_better_names) %>% dplyr::filter(method == "tracer flux") %>% # different sampling strategies dplyr::transmute( emiss_kg_hr = ch4_emission_rate_kgh, gas_production_mcfd = gas_production_mcfd, study = "Zavala-Araiza et al. (2018)", basin = "Alberta", # other variables that could be interesting: # ch4_lb, ch4_ub, oil_production_bbld, age_yr, wells_per_site, # reported_emissions_kgh, gas_composition_c1_percent ) out <- dplyr::bind_rows(df_alvarez, df_omara_2018, df_zavala_araiza_2018) stopifnot(all(studies_that_dont_work_for_us %in% out$study)) # guard against typos out <- dplyr::filter(out, !study %in% !!studies_that_dont_work_for_us) out } compare_ground_studies_with_jpl <- function(wells_all, ground_studies) { # Table: # - N non-zero # - N zero # - mean, median leak rate # - correlation with size, among non-zero leaks # - age? wells_num_zero <- dplyr::filter(wells_all, is.na(emiss_kg_hr) | emiss_kg_hr < 5) %>% nrow() wells_all_stats <- dplyr::filter(wells_all, emiss_kg_hr >= 5, !is.na(gas_avg_mcfd)) %>% dplyr::summarize( source = "JPL flights", n_positive = dplyr::n(), mean_if_positive = mean_(emiss_kg_hr), corr_with_size = stats::cor(emiss_kg_hr, gas_avg_mcfd), .groups="drop" ) %>% dplyr::mutate(n_zero = !!wells_num_zero) ground_studies_num_zero <- dplyr::filter(ground_studies, is.na(emiss_kg_hr) | emiss_kg_hr == 0) %>% nrow() ground_studies_stats <- dplyr::filter(ground_studies, emiss_kg_hr > 0) %>% dplyr::summarize( source = "Ground studies", n_positive = dplyr::n(), mean_if_positive = mean_(emiss_kg_hr), # corr_with_size = stats::cor(emiss_kg_hr, gas_avg_mcfd) corr_with_size = 0, .groups="drop" ) %>% dplyr::mutate(n_zero = !!ground_studies_num_zero) tab <- cbind(t(wells_all_stats), t(ground_studies_stats)) return(tab) } read_lyon_etal_2016 <- function(input_files) { locations <- readxl::read_excel(input_files[["lyon_etal_2016_locations"]]) %>% dplyr::as_tibble() %>% dplyr::rename_all(make_better_names) %>% ensure_id_vars(pad_id) %>% dplyr::select(-basin) %>% dplyr::mutate(longitude = as.double(stringr::str_trim(longitude))) # excel issues df <- readxl::read_excel(input_files[["lyon_etal_2016_measures"]], sheet=1) %>% dplyr::as_tibble() %>% dplyr::rename_all(make_better_names) %>% dplyr::select(-video_id) %>% ensure_id_vars(pad_id) %>% dplyr::left_join(locations, by="pad_id") %>% # Rename to harmonize with other datasets dplyr::rename( gas_avg_mcfd = gas_production_mcf_pad_day, oil_avg_bbld = oil_production_bbl_pad_day, detect_emiss = emissions_detected_0_no_1_yes, ) %>% dplyr::mutate( # This is approx the same as our definition age_yr = well_age_months_since_initial_production_of_newest_well / 12, flight_date = as.Date("2014-08-01"), state = basin_to_state(basin), ) df } basin_to_state <- function(basin) { stopifnot(is.character(basin)) # These aren't perfect, but for basins that cross states, we pick the majority # state. (But if you're worried about this, you should worry about using # state citygate prices instead.) conversions = c( "Bakken" = "North Dakota", "Barnett" = "Texas", "EagleFord" = "Texas", "Fayetteville" = "Arkansas", "Marcellus" = "Pennsylvania", "PowderRiver" = "Wyoming", "Uintah" = "Utah", "San Juan" = "New Mexico", "San Joaquin" = "California" ) missing_basins <- setdiff(unique(basin), names(conversions)) if (length(missing_basins) > 0) { stop("Missing states for these basins: ", paste(missing_basins, collapse=", ")) } conversions[basin] } read_frankenberg_etal_2016 <- function(input_files) { measures <- readxl::read_excel(input_files[["frankenberg_etal_2016_measures"]]) %>% dplyr::transmute( # Do the rename and select in one step. Drop "Thorpe ID" and # "Rank of size of flux for 245 sources (Frankenberg et al., 2016)." plume_id = `Thorpe ID`, latitude = Latitude, longitude = Longitude, source_type = `Source designation (Thorpe, performed after Frankenberg et al., 2016, total 273 sources with some repeat observations)`, emiss_kg_hr = `Estimated flux for 245 sources (Frankenberg et al., 2016). Units kg CH4/hr` ) %>% dplyr::slice(-1) %>% # omit spacer row dplyr::filter( not_na(emiss_kg_hr), # sources that had a plume, but it wasn't quantified. source_type %in% c("Tank", "Tanks", "Unknown", "Unknown facility", "Unknown infrastructure", "Well completion", "Wellpad infrastructure" ), emiss_kg_hr == 0 | emiss_kg_hr > 0.001 # one *very* small value seems like a mistake ) # Source types in the data: # source_type n # Coal mine vent shaft 1 # Gas processing plant 10 # Natural 3 # Pipeline 3 # Tank 61 # Tanks 1 # Unknown 10 # Unknown facility 17 # Unknown infrastructure 2 # Well completion 1 # Wellpad infrastructure 135 sources <- readxl::read_excel(input_files[["frankenberg_etal_2016_sources"]]) %>% dplyr::rename_all(make_better_names) multiple_divider_row <- which(sources$x == "Multiple Overpasses") total_rows <- nrow(sources) stopifnot(identical(multiple_divider_row, 179L), total_rows > 179) sources <- dplyr::slice(sources, -multiple_divider_row) %>% dplyr::select(longitude, latitude, file) %>% dplyr::mutate( flight_name = stringr::str_match(.data$file, "^(ang\\d{8}t\\d{6})_ch4_v1e_img$")[, 2, drop=TRUE], flight_date = lubridate::ymd( stringr::str_match(.data$file, "^ang(\\d{8})t\\d{6}_ch4_v1e_img$")[, 2, drop=TRUE] ) ) %>% ensure_id_vars(longitude, latitude) stopifnot( !anyNA(sources$flight_name), nrow(dplyr::anti_join(measures, sources, by=c("longitude", "latitude"))) == 0 ) # For these two, longitude and latitude match exactly because they're from the # same underyling measurements. Some sources were detected but don't have # quantified measurements. out <- dplyr::left_join(measures, sources, by=c("longitude", "latitude")) %>% # Drop 4 obs that don't have associated flight paths in the online data. # (They're just east of the flight main zone; not sure if they were recorded the same) dplyr::filter(! flight_name %in% c("ang20150421t160633", "ang20150423t150648")) %>% dplyr::select(-file) %>% sf::st_as_sf( crs=LON_LAT_CRS, coords=c("longitude", "latitude"), agr=c( plume_id = "identity", source_type = "constant", emiss_kg_hr = "aggregate", flight_name = "constant", flight_date = "constant" ) ) %>% sf::st_transform(OUTPUT_CRS) %>% # Add all-NA variables to make it easier to share some functions dplyr::mutate( emiss_se_kg_hr = NA_real_, ) out } write_datasets <- function(data_lst, output_lst) { data_names <- names(data_lst) stopifnot( length(data_names) == length(data_lst), all(data_names %in% names(output_lst)) ) for (nm in data_names) { df <- data_lst[[nm]] if (inherits(df, "sf")) { df <- geometry_to_lonlat(df) } arrow::write_parquet(df, output_lst[[nm]]) } NULL } standardize_columns_for_plotting <- function(df_list, censor_threshold=5) { # NOTE: in the output of emiss_kg_hr, zero means emissions could have been # detected and quantified but were not. NA means emissions could not have been # quantified. df_list$jpl_wells_all %<>% dplyr::transmute( emiss_kg_hr = dplyr::if_else(is.na(emiss_kg_hr), 0, emiss_kg_hr), detect_emiss = emiss_kg_hr > 0, src = "California", ) df_list$four_corners_all_wells %<>% dplyr::transmute( emiss_kg_hr = dplyr::if_else(is.na(emiss_kg_hr), 0, emiss_kg_hr), detect_emiss = emiss_kg_hr > 0, src = "Four Corners", ) df_list$lyon %<>% dplyr::transmute( emiss_kg_hr = NA_real_, detect_emiss = detect_emiss == 1, src = "Lyon et al.", ) df_list$ground_studies_censored_5kgh <- df_list$ground_studies %>% dplyr::transmute( emiss_kg_hr = dplyr::if_else(.data$emiss_kg_hr > 5, .data$emiss_kg_hr, 0), detect_emiss = .data$emiss_kg_hr > 0, src = "Ground studies censored at 5 kg/hr", ) df_list$ground_studies_censored_10kgh <- df_list$ground_studies %>% dplyr::transmute( emiss_kg_hr = dplyr::if_else(.data$emiss_kg_hr > 10, .data$emiss_kg_hr, 0), detect_emiss = .data$emiss_kg_hr > 0, src = "Ground studies censored at 10 kg/hr", ) df_list$ground_studies %<>% # dplyr::filter(emiss_kg_hr > 0) %>% dplyr::transmute( emiss_kg_hr = .data$emiss_kg_hr, detect_emiss = .data$emiss_kg_hr > 0, src = "Ground studies", ) df_list } filter_within_distance <- function(x, y, max_dist=units::as_units(1000, "m")) { # Keep elements of x that are within 5000 m of any element of y y_buffer <- sf::st_geometry(y) %>% sf::st_union() %>% sf::st_buffer(dist=max_dist) stopifnot(length(y_buffer) == 1) sf::st_intersection(x, y_buffer) } data_to_check_matches <- function(snakemake) { outfile <- snakemake@output[["data_to_check_matches"]] %||% stop("Need outfile") # lyon <- read_lyon_etal_2016(snakemake@input) well_pad_mapping <- snakemake@input[["well_pad_crosswalk"]] %>% arrow::read_parquet(col_select=c("entity_id", "well_pad_id")) %>% ensure_id_vars(entity_id) jpl_sites <- read_jpl_sites(snakemake@input) %>% dplyr::rename(source_id = source_identifier) wells_ca <- read_headers(2016:2017, "CA") %>% filter_within_distance(jpl_sites) %>% dplyr::inner_join(well_pad_mapping, by="entity_id") four_corners_df <- read_frankenberg_etal_2016(snakemake@input) %>% dplyr::rename(source_id = plume_id) wells_nm_co <- read_headers(2015, c("CO", "NM")) %>% filter_within_distance(four_corners_df) %>% dplyr::inner_join(well_pad_mapping, by="entity_id") df_list <- readRDS(snakemake@output[["cleaned_matched_obs"]]) jpl_matches <- df_list$jpl_wells_all %>% dplyr::filter(!is.na(emiss_kg_hr)) %>% dplyr::select(source_identifier, entity_id) %>% dplyr::rename(source_id = source_identifier) four_corners_matches <- df_list$four_corners_all_wells %>% dplyr::filter(!is.na(emiss_kg_hr)) %>% dplyr::select(plume_id, entity_id) %>% dplyr::rename(source_id = plume_id) stopifnot( anyDuplicated(jpl_matches$source_id) == 0, anyDuplicated(jpl_matches$entity_id) == 0, anyDuplicated(four_corners_matches$source_id) == 0, anyDuplicated(four_corners_matches$entity_id) == 0 ) jpl_sites %<>% dplyr::left_join(jpl_matches, by="source_id") four_corners_df %<>% dplyr::left_join(four_corners_matches, by="source_id") out <- list( ca = list(measures = jpl_sites, wells = wells_ca), co_nm = list(measures = four_corners_df, wells = wells_nm_co) ) saveRDS(out, outfile) invisible(out) } match_full_state_names <- function(df) { state_names <- tibble::tibble(state_abb = state.abb, state_full = state.name) safejoin::safe_inner_join(state_names, df, # 1:m merge, require a match of all rows in df by=c("state_abb"="state"), check="B C U L T N" ) } match_commodity_prices <- function(df, price_file) { stopifnot("basin" %in% names(df), length(price_file) == 1) prices <- arrow::read_parquet(price_file, col_select=c("date", "basin", "price_real")) %>% dplyr::rename(gas_price_per_mcf = price_real) out <- dplyr::mutate(df, date_monthly = first_of_month(flight_date), ) %>% safejoin::safe_inner_join( prices, # Check that the join is m:1, all rows of left have a match, and there are # no conflicts in columns or types. by=c("basin"="basin", "date_monthly"="date"), check="B C V M L T" ) %>% dplyr::select(-date_monthly) %>% dplyr::mutate( gas_frac_methane = 0.95, # APPROX! ) out } write_match_percent <- function(count_total, count_match, outfile) { stopifnot( count_total > 100, count_total < 10000, count_match > 0, count_match <= count_total, length(outfile) == 1 ) count_unmatch <- count_total - count_match pct_drop <- signif(100 * count_unmatch / count_total, 2) writeLines(paste0(pct_drop, "\\%%"), outfile) invisible(NULL) } match_jpl_california <- function(input_files) { # Note: # Some wells are flown over multiple times. Ideally, we would use that # information to estimate leak probabilities for these wells. However, for the # short run, we're going to count wells that weren't leaking on their first # overpass as not leaking, becuase we definitely want to avoid overstating the # leak rate (as using ever-leak status would do) # # The steps we follow are: # - Match each flight polygon with wells. # - For each matched well, only keep one randomly drawn flight # - Within groups of flight ID, match wells to detected plumes. # - Report counts of all plumes, matched plumes, and plumes that would have # matched if we weren't dropping the later overpasses. plumes <- read_jpl_plumes(input_files) %>% dplyr::filter(!is.na(emiss_kg_hr), !is.na(emiss_se_kg_hr)) flight_paths <- load_flight_paths(plumes) # Load the well covariates. # Note: this is could be improved a bit, because for repeat flyovers we want the # specific draw we have, but load_well_records returns the average for the # well across all visits. well_info <- load_well_records(flight_paths, "CA", input_files$nat_gas_prices) # This is like match_wells_to_flight_day, but different because we pick out # individual flights instead of flight days (some days have multiple flights) # All flights are in CA wells_flight_match <- read_headers( years=unique(lubridate::year(flight_paths$flight_date)), states="CA" ) %>% # Keep only wells that we kept in load_well_records (dropping gas == 0) dplyr::filter(.data$entity_id %in% well_info$entity_id) %>% # Only consider wells that are in the flight paths *and* are producing when # the plane flys over. This join generates duplicate rows wells because # the there are multiple flights over the same areas. Keep rows that had # any overpass while active, then drop duplicates. # (doing it this way because distinct doesn't work quite the same on sf objects) sf::st_join( dplyr::select(flight_paths, flight_date, flight_name), join=sf::st_intersects, left=FALSE ) %>% dplyr::filter(flight_date >= first_prod_date, flight_date <= last_prod_date) %>% dplyr::select(entity_id, flight_date, flight_name) %>% ensure_id_vars(entity_id, flight_date, flight_name) flight_names <- unique(wells_flight_match$flight_name) stopifnot(noNAs(wells_flight_match), length(flight_names) > 10) wells_rand_overpass <- wells_flight_match %>% dplyr::group_by(entity_id) %>% dplyr::slice_sample(n = 1) %>% dplyr::ungroup() .match_one_overpass <- function(flight_name, plumes, wells) { plumes %<>% dplyr::filter(.data$flight_name == !!flight_name) %>% dplyr::select(-flight_name) wells %<>% dplyr::filter(.data$flight_name == !!flight_name) if (nrow(plumes) == 0 || nrow(wells) == 0) { return(NULL) } matched <- sf::st_join(plumes, wells, join=st_nn, k=1, progress=FALSE, left=FALSE ) %>% sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% # Now, if there are multiple plumes observed and matched to a well # _from the same flight_, then average them. dplyr::group_by(entity_id) %>% dplyr::summarize( emiss_kg_hr = mean_(emiss_kg_hr), emiss_se_kg_hr = mean_(emiss_se_kg_hr), .groups="drop" ) all_wells_flown_over <- wells %>% sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% safejoin::safe_left_join(matched, by="entity_id", check="B C U V N L T") all_wells_flown_over } # Loop over flight_name and match wells and plumes for each flight. # Note: there's absolutely a better way to do this. all_wells_flown_over <- purrr::map_dfr( flight_names, .match_one_overpass, plumes=plumes, wells=wells_rand_overpass ) stopifnot( anyDuplicated(all_wells_flown_over$entity_id) == 0, all(all_wells_flown_over$entity_id %in% well_info$entity_id) ) all_wells_flown_over %<>% dplyr::inner_join(well_info, by="entity_id") matched_wells <- dplyr::filter(all_wells_flown_over, !is.na(emiss_kg_hr)) observed_well_pads <- aggregate_to_well_pads(all_wells_flown_over, input_files$well_pad_crosswalk) could_have_been_matches <- sf::st_join( plumes, wells_flight_match, join=st_nn, k=1, maxdist=MAX_ACCEPTABLE_MATCH_DIST_METERS, left=FALSE, progress=FALSE ) list( observed_well_pads = observed_well_pads, matched_wells = matched_wells, count_total = nrow(plumes), count_matched = sum(!is.na(all_wells_flown_over$emiss_kg_hr)), count_would_have_matched = nrow(could_have_been_matches) ) } if (!exists("snakemake")) { snakemake <- SnakemakePlaceholder( input = list( well_pad_crosswalk = "data/generated/production/well_pad_crosswalk_1970-2018.parquet", headers = glue::glue("data/generated/production/well_headers/first_prod_year={year}/file.parquet", year=1990:2018), prod = glue::glue("data/generated/production/monthly_production/year={year}/file.parquet", year=1990:2018), alvarez_2018 = "data/studies/alvarez_etal_2018/aar7204_Database_S1.xlsx", omara_2018 = "data/studies/omara_etal_2018/Omara_etal_SI_tables.csv", duren_2019_plumes = "data/studies/duren_etal_2019/Plume_list_20191031.csv", duren_2019_sites = "data/studies/duren_etal_2019/41586_2019_1720_MOESM3_ESM.xlsx", lyon_etal_2016_locations = "data/studies/lyon_etal_2016/es6b00705_si_005.xlsx", lyon_etal_2016_measures = "data/studies/lyon_etal_2016/es6b00705_si_004.xlsx", frankenberg_etal_2016_sources = "data/studies/frankenberg_etal_2016/AVNG_sources_all2.xlsx", frankenberg_etal_2016_measures = "data/studies/frankenberg_etal_2016/FourCorners_AV_NG_detections_Werner.xlsx", zavala_araiza_2018 = "data/studies/zavala-araiza_etal_2018/elementa-6-284-s1.xlsx", nat_gas_prices = "data/generated/nat_gas_prices_by_basin.parquet" ), output = list( plot_obs_count_jpl = "graphics/observation_count_jpl_flights.pdf", plot_jpl_flights_qq = "graphics/jpl_flights_qq_plot.pdf", lyon_etal_2016 = "data/generated/methane_measures/lyon_etal_2016.parquet", data_to_check_matches = "data/generated/methane_measures/data_to_check_matches.rds", cleaned_matched_obs = "data/generated/methane_measures/matched_wells_all.rds", aviris_match_fraction_dropped = "output/tex_fragments/aviris_match_fraction_dropped.tex" ), threads = 4, resources = list(mem_mb = 7000), rule = "" ) } main <- function(snakemake, make_extra_plots=FALSE) { ground_studies <- load_ground_studies(snakemake@input) lyon <- read_lyon_etal_2016(snakemake@input) %>% match_commodity_prices(snakemake@input$nat_gas_prices) four_corners_df <- read_frankenberg_etal_2016(snakemake@input) jpl_ca_list <- match_jpl_california(snakemake@input) jpl_wells_all <- jpl_ca_list$observed_well_pads jpl_sites_matched <- jpl_ca_list$matched_wells # Keep track of the total number of sites and how many were matched. # (Note that read_jpl_sites already drops some non-O&G sites) # Note: these numbers are used to determine geographic match quality, so I'm # including counts that would have matched but for the random-overpass filter # (see details in match_jpl_california) count_aviris_total <- jpl_ca_list$count_total count_aviris_match <- jpl_ca_list$count_would_have_matched wells_nm_co <- load_flight_paths(four_corners_df) %>% load_well_records(c("CO", "NM"), snakemake@input$nat_gas_prices) four_corners_matched <- match_with_wells(four_corners_df, wells_nm_co) # Keep track of the total number of sites and how many were matched. count_aviris_total <- count_aviris_total + nrow(four_corners_df) count_aviris_match <- count_aviris_match + nrow(four_corners_matched) four_corners_vars_to_keep <- c(setdiff(colnames(four_corners_df), "geometry"), "entity_id") four_corners_all_wells <- four_corners_matched %>% sf::st_drop_geometry() %>% dplyr::select(!!four_corners_vars_to_keep) %>% dplyr::right_join(wells_nm_co, by="entity_id") %>% aggregate_to_well_pads(snakemake@input[["well_pad_crosswalk"]]) df_list <- list( jpl_wells_all = jpl_wells_all, four_corners_all_wells = four_corners_all_wells, lyon = lyon, ground_studies = ground_studies ) saveRDS(df_list, snakemake@output[["cleaned_matched_obs"]]) # NOTE: not using these plots. if (make_extra_plots) { # Make plots of JPL measures and ground studies. make_plots(jpl_wells_all, jpl_sites_matched, ground_studies) # Make plots of distributions across studies. } write_match_percent(count_aviris_total, count_aviris_match, snakemake@output$aviris_match_fraction_dropped ) # Create output data: # To add to this list, make sure the list names match names in snakemake@output # list(lyon_etal_2016 = read_lyon_etal_2016(snakemake@input)) %>% # write_datasets(snakemake@output) } arrow::set_cpu_count(snakemake@threads) memory_limit(snakemake@resources[["mem_mb"]]) main(snakemake) |
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 | import os os.environ["OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS"] = "1" # conda: import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pyarrow.parquet as pq import scipy.sparse import scipy.stats import pyprojroot import ipopt # installed from conda as cyipopt, except on windows # standard lib from pathlib import Path from collections import namedtuple from functools import partial import json import datetime import pickle import logging import re import warnings import contextlib import io import sys # The math details (FOC etc) are in outcomes_analysis_derivative_functions.py # The logic of using those FOC are in this file. from outcomes_analysis_helpers import ( ProblemSetup, dwl_per_well, calc_well_audit_prob_uniform, prob_leak_with_policy, is_probability, read_constants, abatement_cost_per_pad, AuditInfo, DataParam, OutcomesOneDraw, ) const = read_constants() TAU_LEVELS = const["TAU_LEVELS"] T_LEVELS = const["T_LEVELS"] AUDIT_COST_TO_COMPARE_FIXED_VS_OPTIM_DWL = const[ "AUDIT_COST_TO_COMPARE_FIXED_VS_OPTIM_DWL" ] SOCIAL_COST_METHANE_PER_KG = const["SOCIAL_COST_METHANE_PER_KG"] MODEL_NAMES = const["MODEL_NAMES"] METHANE_GWP = const["METHANE_GWP"] def identity(x): return x def _helper_common_cost_param(b, Y, X): resid = Y - X @ np.atleast_2d(b).T return resid[:, 0] def calc_common_cost_param(prob_leak, e_size_expect, price_H): """ Use least squares to solve for the A and α coefficients of the cost function for this MCMC draw. (Doing this here because I'm having a hard time getting it to work in Stan) """ N = len(prob_leak) assert N == len(e_size_expect) == len(price_H) > 1 e_p = e_size_expect * price_H Y = np.expand_dims(np.log(e_p), axis=1) X = np.column_stack((np.ones_like(prob_leak), np.log(prob_leak))) # These are the max acceptable values (with some fudge factor) to make the # cost functions work out. # Here we estimate with constrained least squares. max_acceptable_A_log = np.log(np.min(e_p) * 0.999) max_acceptable_α = -1.001 soln = scipy.optimize.least_squares( fun=_helper_common_cost_param, x0=np.array((max_acceptable_A_log, max_acceptable_α)), bounds=( (-np.inf, -np.inf), # lower bounds (max_acceptable_A_log, max_acceptable_α), # upper bounds ), args=(Y, X), method="dogbox", ) coefs = soln.x A = np.exp(coefs[0]) α = coefs[1] assert A <= np.min(e_p) assert α <= max_acceptable_α coefs_mat = np.full((N, 2), np.array([[A, α]])) return coefs_mat def read_generated_iter(input, varnames): """Read the parquet files from the Stan generated quantities Provides a generator over MCMC draws to operate on each individually param: input is snakemake.input or other dictionary-like with file paths varnames is the variable name to read. Variables are stored one per file. """ assert len(varnames) >= 1 pq_files = [pq.ParquetFile(input[v], memory_map=True) for v in varnames] ncol = pq_files[0].metadata.num_columns for draw_id in range(ncol): draw_id = str(draw_id + 1) # convert from R index to python zero-based draws = [ f.read(draw_id).column(0).to_pandas(zero_copy_only=True).to_numpy() for f in pq_files ] yield draws def read_generated_col(draw_id, input, varnames): """Read the parquet files from the Stan generated quantities Provides a generator over MCMC draws to operate on each individually param: input is snakemake.input or other dictionary-like with file paths varnames is the variable name to read. Variables are stored one per file. """ assert len(varnames) >= 1 draw_id = str(draw_id + 1) # convert from R index to python zero-based pq_files = [pq.ParquetFile(input[v], memory_map=True) for v in varnames] draws = [ f.read(draw_id).column(0).to_pandas(zero_copy_only=True).to_numpy() for f in pq_files ] return draws def read_sdata(json_file): """Read the data that was input to Stan""" with open(json_file, "rt") as f: sdata = json.load(f) df = pd.DataFrame(sdata["X"], columns=sdata["X_varnames"]) # Note that "Y", "noise", "price" are not columns in X. # See distribution_model_data_prep.R for c in {"Y", "noise", "price"}: df[c] = sdata[c] return df def run_ipopt(data_param, audit_info, r_guess): N = len(data_param.e_size_expect) if audit_info.audit_frac > 0: budget_const = [N * audit_info.audit_frac] else: budget_const = [] num_constr = len(budget_const) # (variable bounds don't count) r_bound_low = np.zeros_like(r_guess) r_bound_high = np.ones_like(r_guess) prob = ipopt.problem( n=len(r_guess), # N variables to optimize m=num_constr, problem_obj=ProblemSetup(data_param, audit_info), lb=r_bound_low, ub=r_bound_high, cu=budget_const, # no lower bound ) # print_level 0 still prints some stuff, but at least we'll save a little # time printing progress reports into the void. prob.addOption("print_level", 0) prob.addOption( "acceptable_iter", 30 ) # How long to stay at an okay but not great solution? (Higher than default of 15) with contextlib.redirect_stdout(None): r, info = prob.solve(r_guess) # Pull the shadow value out assert len(info["mult_g"]) == num_constr if num_constr == 1: λ = -info["mult_g"][0] elif num_constr == 0: λ = -audit_info.audit_cost else: raise ValueError("unexpected number of shadow values") successful_solve = info["status"] == 0 if not successful_solve: if info["status"] == 1: warnings.warn( "Solving to desired tolerances failed, but reached 'acceptable' tolerances", RuntimeWarning, ) else: raise RuntimeError(f"Solving failed, status message {info['status_msg']}") return r, λ def calc_outcomes_once(audit_info, data_param, r_guess=None): """ Calculate the outcomes of one policy, for one MCMC draw. Output: Instance of OutcomesOneDraw named tuple, and r """ N = len(data_param.e_size_expect) if r_guess is None: if audit_info.audit_rule == "uniform": r_guess = np.array([audit_info.audit_frac]) elif audit_info.audit_rule == "target_e" and audit_info.detect_threshold > 0: # 2 probs per well -- see math writeup. # (Code should also accept shape (2,)) r_guess = np.full((2 * N,), audit_info.audit_frac) else: r_guess = np.full((N,), audit_info.audit_frac) # Use a bunch of if-else here (rather than the cleaner dict of fns) to # get better tracebacks. if audit_info.audit_rule == "none": r = np.zeros_like(data_param.e_size_expect) λ = 0.0 expected_fee_charged = audit_info.τT * r elif audit_info.audit_rule == "remote": r = np.zeros_like(data_param.e_size_expect) λ = 0.0 # Wells with e < audit_info.detect_threshold face no price expected_fee_charged = audit_info.τT * ( data_param.e_size_draw >= audit_info.detect_threshold ) elif audit_info.audit_rule == "uniform" and audit_info.audit_frac > 0: r, λ = calc_well_audit_prob_uniform(data_param, audit_info, r_guess) expected_fee_charged = audit_info.τT * r elif audit_info.audit_rule == "target_e" and audit_info.detect_threshold > 0: r_big_r_small, λ = run_ipopt(data_param, audit_info, r_guess) # The well knows their size, so the effective fee per kg is now r_big if # the e is big and r_small if the e is small. This is different than the # probability-mix we had in the regulator's problem. # See the math notes for more. # r_big_r_small has shape (2 * N,), with r for big-e wells and r for # small-e wells, but appended together into one long vector because # that's how ipopt needs things to be. Use np.where to pick. r = np.where( data_param.e_size_draw > audit_info.detect_threshold, r_big_r_small[:N], r_big_r_small[N:], ) expected_fee_charged = audit_info.τT * r # In small tests, it's faster to use the uniform than to start from the last point else: r, λ = run_ipopt(data_param, audit_info, r_guess) expected_fee_charged = audit_info.τT * r # Need to have the right shape here, so special-case target_e_high if audit_info.audit_rule == "target_e" and audit_info.detect_threshold > 0: r_guess_next = r_big_r_small else: r_guess_next = r # Score the r chosen above, now using e_size_draw instead of e_size_expect # Note that dwl here will include the audit cost when audit_cost > 0, but # not when audit_frac > 0, so we add it in. # (Easier to do it here, before the calc_relative_outcomes function) dwl = dwl_per_well(expected_fee_charged, data_param) if audit_info.audit_frac > 0 and audit_info.audit_cost == 0: additional_audit_cost_mean = ( audit_info.audit_frac * AUDIT_COST_TO_COMPARE_FIXED_VS_OPTIM_DWL ) else: additional_audit_cost_mean = 0.0 additional_audit_cost_tot = additional_audit_cost_mean * N new_prob_leak = prob_leak_with_policy( expected_fee_charged, data_param.cost_coef, data_param.e_size_draw, data_param.price_H, ) bau_prob_leak = prob_leak_with_policy( np.zeros_like(expected_fee_charged), data_param.cost_coef, data_param.e_size_draw, data_param.price_H, ) emis = data_param.e_size_draw * data_param.time_H * new_prob_leak # Note: this is a little redundant to calculate BAU values here and # separately in calc_all_outcomes_per_draw, but I can live with it. I want # it available here, before aggregating across wells, but I don't want to # change the rest of the code that works with aggregated data. emis_bau = data_param.e_size_draw * data_param.time_H * bau_prob_leak # Note: "expected_fee_charged" is the well's expectation of the fee they'll # face per unit of leak rate (i.e. tau * T * r_i = total fee / e_i). The # units are dollars-hours per kg. That works for thinking about incentives, # but we also want to make comparisons with the social cost, so provide a # number that's just dollars per kilogram (using the true kg of emissions, # according to the model). # Total expected fee: tau * T * r_i * e_i * (1 - q_i) # Total expected emissions: e_i * (1 - q_i) * H # Expected fee per unit of emissions: tau * T * r_i / H expected_fee_per_kg = expected_fee_charged / data_param.time_H fee_quantiles = np.quantile(expected_fee_per_kg, (0.5, 0.1, 0.9)) # Note that tot_cost_per_kg is the expected cost to the operator of having # one more kg emissions: the expected fee plus the commodity value lost. # It does *not* include other costs, like abatement or audits. gas_price_per_kg_ch4 = data_param.price_H / data_param.time_H tot_cost_per_kg = expected_fee_per_kg + gas_price_per_kg_ch4 # Now, we also want to compare to the gas price, so convert back from kg CH4 # to mcf natural gas (see notes in distribution_model_data_prep.r and # match_jpl_measurements.R) methane_kg_per_mcf = 18.8916 # Note: this is for pure CH4, not nat gas approx_ch4_fraction = 0.95 gas_price_per_mcf_gas = ( gas_price_per_kg_ch4 * methane_kg_per_mcf * approx_ch4_fraction ) # direct_private_cost_per_pad answers the question "how much do the well # pad's costs go up per period H?" This includes fees and abatement costs. # It does notinclude changes in revenue (from additional gas captured). direct_private_cost_per_pad = ( abatement_cost_per_pad(new_prob_leak, data_param) - abatement_cost_per_pad(bau_prob_leak, data_param) + expected_fee_per_kg * emis ) # net private cost = abatement cost + expected fee - additional revenue gas_prod_mcf_per_H = data_param.gas_avg_mcfd / 24.0 * data_param.time_H # We want the fractional change (fraction of price, rather than $) because # we'll use this number in an elasticity calculation later. net_private_cost_per_mcf_pct_price = ( 100 * (direct_private_cost_per_pad - gas_price_per_kg_ch4 * (emis_bau - emis)) / gas_prod_mcf_per_H / gas_price_per_mcf_gas ) net_private_cost_per_mcf_pct_price_weighted = np.average( net_private_cost_per_mcf_pct_price, weights=data_param.gas_avg_mcfd ) outcomes = OutcomesOneDraw( dwl_mean=np.mean(dwl) + additional_audit_cost_mean, dwl_tot=np.sum(dwl) + additional_audit_cost_tot, emis_mean=np.mean(emis), emis_tot=np.sum(emis), tot_cost_per_kg_mean=np.mean(tot_cost_per_kg), fee_per_kg_mean=np.mean(expected_fee_per_kg), fee_per_kg_med=fee_quantiles[0], fee_per_kg_p10=fee_quantiles[1], fee_per_kg_p90=fee_quantiles[2], net_private_cost_per_mcf_pct_price=net_private_cost_per_mcf_pct_price_weighted, shadow_price=λ, audit_rule=audit_info.audit_rule, audit_frac=audit_info.audit_frac, τT=audit_info.τT, detect_threshold=audit_info.detect_threshold, audit_cost=audit_info.audit_cost, ) # returning r here is only useful to use as r_guess for the next iter # (and in testing) return outcomes, r_guess_next def check_outcomes(df): """Run some tests on the outcomes. Return the original df""" # 1. Uniform should have uniform fee df_uni = df.query("audit_rule == 'uniform'") assert (df_uni.fee_per_kg_mean == df_uni.fee_per_kg_med).all() return df def get_input_files(snakemake): """ All model-generate produce leak_size_expect.parquet, stan_data.json, and leak_size_draw.parquet. The code also depends on either prob_leak.parquet or cost_param_A.parquet and cost_param_alpha.parquet in the same folder. Read those in based on the model name. """ input_dir = Path(snakemake.input["stan_data_json"]).resolve().parent assert input_dir.is_dir() model_name = snakemake.wildcards["model_name"] input_files = { "stan_data_json": input_dir / "stan_data.json", "leak_size_expect": input_dir / "leak_size_expect.parquet", "leak_size_draw": input_dir / "leak_size_draw.parquet", "prob_size_above_threshold": input_dir / "prob_size_above_threshold.parquet", } if model_name in MODEL_NAMES["cost_coef_models"]: input_files["cost_param_A"] = input_dir / "cost_param_A.parquet" input_files["cost_param_alpha"] = input_dir / "cost_param_alpha.parquet" else: input_files["prob_leak"] = input_dir / "prob_leak.parquet" return input_files def calc_all_outcomes_per_draw( draw_id, input_files, audit_info, price_H, time_H, gas_avg_mcfd, r_guess=None ): # Read and unpack common values from parquet files. data_to_read = ( "leak_size_expect", "leak_size_draw", "prob_size_above_threshold", ) data_list = read_generated_col(draw_id, input_files, data_to_read) e_size_expect = data_list[0] e_size_draw = data_list[1] prob_size_above_threshold = data_list[2] if "cost_param_alpha" in input_files.keys(): cost_coef = np.column_stack( read_generated_col( draw_id, input_files, ("cost_param_A", "cost_param_alpha") ) ) else: cost_coef = calc_common_cost_param( prob_leak=read_generated_col(draw_id, input_files, ["prob_leak"]), e_size_expect=e_size_expect, price_H=price_H, ) data_param = DataParam( price_H=price_H, e_size_expect=e_size_expect, e_size_draw=e_size_draw, cost_coef=cost_coef, time_H=time_H, prob_is_large=prob_size_above_threshold, gas_avg_mcfd=gas_avg_mcfd, ) try: outcomes_policy, _ = calc_outcomes_once(audit_info, data_param, r_guess) except RuntimeError: raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to converge for draw {draw_id}, audit {audit_info}") # Also do BAU and optimal. These are faster, since they're analytical audit_bau = AuditInfo( audit_rule="none", audit_frac=0.0, τT=0.0, detect_threshold=0.0, audit_cost=0.0 ) audit_optimal = AuditInfo( audit_rule="remote", audit_frac=0.0, τT=SOCIAL_COST_METHANE_PER_KG * time_H, detect_threshold=0.0, audit_cost=0.0, ) outcome_bau, _ = calc_outcomes_once(audit_bau, data_param) outcome_optimal, _ = calc_outcomes_once(audit_optimal, data_param) return outcomes_policy, outcome_bau, outcome_optimal def calc_all_outcomes_all_draws(snakemake): """ Calculate all outcomes for all MCMC draws. (this takes a while, depending on the number of cases considered) """ input_files = get_input_files(snakemake) sdata = read_sdata(input_files["stan_data_json"]) price = sdata["price"] # gas_price_per_kg_ch4 gas_avg_mcfd = np.sinh(sdata["asinhgas_avg_mcfd"]) time_H = parse_period_wildcard(snakemake.wildcards["time_period"]) price_H_dollar_hr_per_kg = price * time_H audit_info = parse_audit_info(snakemake.wildcards) logging.info(audit_info) num_draws = 4000 # Here I designed the loop to allow you to provide last round's r as a guess # for this round's r, thinking that would allow ipopt to converge faster. # It's actually slower, so we'll just provide r_guess = None for every iter. r_guess = None outcome_policy_list = [] outcome_bau_list = [] outcome_optimal_list = [] for i in range(num_draws): outcomes_policy, outcome_bau, outcome_optimal = calc_all_outcomes_per_draw( i, input_files=input_files, audit_info=audit_info, price_H=price_H_dollar_hr_per_kg, time_H=time_H, gas_avg_mcfd=gas_avg_mcfd, r_guess=None, ) outcome_policy_list.append(outcomes_policy) outcome_bau_list.append(outcome_bau) outcome_optimal_list.append(outcome_optimal) df_policy = pd.DataFrame.from_records( outcome_policy_list, columns=OutcomesOneDraw._fields ) df_bau = pd.DataFrame.from_records( outcome_bau_list, columns=OutcomesOneDraw._fields ) df_optimal = pd.DataFrame.from_records( outcome_optimal_list, columns=OutcomesOneDraw._fields ) df_policy["draw_id"] = range(num_draws) df_bau["draw_id"] = range(num_draws) df_optimal["draw_id"] = range(num_draws) df_all = calc_relative_outcomes( df_policy, df_bau, df_optimal, time_H, gas_avg_mcfd ).pipe(check_outcomes) return df_all def calc_relative_outcomes(df_policy, df_bau, df_optimal, time_H, gas_avg_mcfd): """ Calculate outcomes relative to the first best outcome for variables dwl_mean, dwl_tot, emis_mean, and emis_tot. 1. Relative outcomes, e.g. emis_mean_rel_pct, are on a scale from 0 (BAU) to 100 (first best). Note that first-best emissions won't be zero kg. 2. Difference in outcomes, e.g. emis_reduce_mean, from BAU. """ # Don't construct these from strings so I can grep for them later. var_to_normalize = { "dwl_mean": "dwl_mean_rel_pct", "dwl_tot": "dwl_tot_rel_pct", "emis_mean": "emis_mean_rel_pct", "emis_tot": "emis_tot_rel_pct", } # Isolate the BAU outcomes (one row per draw) and select the variables we # want to calculate from, plus the draw_id cols_to_keep = list(var_to_normalize.keys()) cols_to_keep.append("draw_id") expected_shapes = (df_optimal.shape == df_bau.shape == df_policy.shape) and ( df_bau.shape[0] > 0 ) if not expected_shapes: raise ValueError( "Bad shapes for first best / BAU outcomes. See output in log ." ) df = df_policy.merge( df_bau, how="inner", on="draw_id", validate="1:1", copy=True, suffixes=(None, "_bau"), ).merge( df_optimal, how="inner", on="draw_id", validate="1:1", copy=True, suffixes=(None, "_best"), ) vars_to_drop = [] # Calculate the relative change: for current, new_var in var_to_normalize.items(): bau = current + "_bau" best = current + "_best" # For both DWL and emiss: 0 <= best <= current <= BAU # (Because audit costs are included, it's possible current > BAU for # very ineffective policies. For numerical issues, we can end up with # very small negative nuumbers as well.) df[new_var] = 100 * (df[bau] - df[current]) / (df[bau] - df[best]) vars_to_drop.append(bau) vars_to_drop.append(best) assert df[new_var].between(-1, 110, inclusive="both").all() var_to_diff = { "emis_mean": "emis_reduce_mean", "emis_tot": "emis_reduce_tot", } # Check that the bau_outcomes df has the keys we need. (<= is subset) assert set(var_to_diff.keys()) <= set(cols_to_keep) # Now also calculate the change in levels: for current, new_var in var_to_diff.items(): bau = current + "_bau" df[new_var] = df[bau] - df[current] # Clean up the *_bau and *_best variables df.drop(columns=vars_to_drop, inplace=True) return df def conf_low(x): """Return the 2.5% quantile of x""" return x.quantile(0.025) def conf_high(x): """Return the 97.5% quantile of x""" return x.quantile(0.975) def summarize_outcomes(df): """ For every outcome, calculate the mean and 95% CI. """ assert df.notna().all().all() agg_fn = ["mean", conf_low, conf_high] summ = ( df.drop(columns="draw_id") .groupby(list(AuditInfo._fields)) .aggregate(agg_fn) .reset_index() ) # Here pandas has made the columns into a MultiIndex... # summ.rename fails here because it won't handle the column name pairs new_columns = [] for c in summ.columns: assert isinstance(c, tuple) assert len(c) == 2 if c[1] == "": # keep original new_columns.append(c[0]) else: new_columns.append("_".join(c)) summ.columns = new_columns summ.rename(columns={"τT": "tau_T"}, inplace=True) assert "shadow_price_mean" in summ.columns return summ def set_memory_limit(mem_mb): """ Limit the available memory to `mem_mb`. Only works on unix systems. "available memory" includes memory_map files. """ import resource mem_bytes = mem_mb * 1024 ** 2 _, lim_hard = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_AS) new_lim = (mem_bytes, lim_hard) resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_AS, new_lim) def extract_regex_match(str_to_search, regex): """Convenience wrapper to pull out one regex group""" match = re.search(regex, str_to_search) if not match: raise ValueError(f"Could not match {regex} in string {str_to_search}") return match.group(1) def parse_period_wildcard(wildcard_str): """Parse the 'time_period' Snakemake wildcard. If the wildcard is empty (""), return 8760.0. """ if wildcard_str == "": return 8760.0 time_period_hr = float(extract_regex_match(wildcard_str, r"-period_(\d+)_hours")) return time_period_hr def parse_τT_wildcard(wildcard_str): # numbers (strict: no commas or scientific notation, decimals require 0) τT_number_matches = re.search(r"^\-?(\d+\.)?\d+$", wildcard_str) if τT_number_matches: return float(wildcard_str) τT_regex = f"({'|'.join(TAU_LEVELS.keys())})-({'|'.join(T_LEVELS.keys())})" τT_regex_match = re.search(τT_regex, wildcard_str) if not τT_regex_match: raise ValueError(f"Failed to parse τT from {wildcard_str}") τ_str = τT_regex_match.group(1) T_str = τT_regex_match.group(2) τT = TAU_LEVELS[τ_str] * T_LEVELS[T_str] return τT def parse_audit_info(wildcards): """ Here we parse some values out of a filename like this: "{model_name}{prior_only}{bootstrap}{time_period}" / "audit_outcome_summary_rule={audit_rule}_frac={audit_amount}_tauT={audit_tauT}.parquet" into an AuditInfo tuple """ # Here we translate what it means for detect to be "high" or "low" into numbers. const = read_constants() detect_opts = { "low": const["POLICY_DETECT_THRESHOLD_LOW"], "high": const["POLICY_DETECT_THRESHOLD_HIGH"], } # audit_frac_opts = {"low": 0.0, "med": 0.01, "high": 0.10} # audit_cost_opts = {"low": 0.0, "med": 100.0, "high": 600.0} # Parse (none|uniform|remote_low|remote_high|target_x|target_e_low|target_e_high) # into an audit rule (e.g. "target_e") and detection threshold (e.g. "low") match_audit = re.search( "^(none|uniform|remote|target_x|target_e)_?(low|high)?$", wildcards["audit_rule"], ) if not match_audit: raise ValueError("Failed to match audit pattern") audit_rule = match_audit.group(1) match_detect_threshold = match_audit.group(2) if not match_detect_threshold: # Note: detect_threshold isn't relevant to some rules, but still need # to fill in a value match_detect_threshold = "low" detect_threshold = detect_opts[match_detect_threshold] # parse "audit_amount", which has a wildcard constraint of # "(0pct|1pct|10pct|optimal-100usd|optimal-600usd)" if wildcards["audit_amount"].endswith("pct"): audit_frac = extract_regex_match(wildcards["audit_amount"], r"^(0?\.?\d+)pct$") audit_frac = float(audit_frac) / 100.0 audit_cost = 0.0 elif wildcards["audit_amount"].startswith("optimal-"): audit_frac = 0.0 audit_cost = float( extract_regex_match(wildcards["audit_amount"], "^optimal-(\d+)usd$") ) else: raise ValueError(f"Failed to parse {wildcards['audit_amount']}") τT = parse_τT_wildcard(wildcards["audit_tauT"]) audit_info = AuditInfo( audit_rule=audit_rule, audit_frac=audit_frac, τT=τT, detect_threshold=detect_threshold, audit_cost=audit_cost, ) # Run a few checks to make sure we're not requsting nonsense audit policy if ( audit_frac < 0 or audit_frac > 1 or audit_cost < 0 or detect_threshold < 0 or τT < 0 or audit_rule not in {"none", "uniform", "target_x", "target_e", "remote"} ): logging.error(wildcards) logging.error(audit_info) raise ValueError("Impossible audit values") if (audit_frac == 0 and audit_cost == 0) or (audit_frac > 0 and audit_cost > 0): if audit_rule in {"uniform", "target_x", "target_e"}: logging.error(wildcards) raise ValueError( f"Bad combo of audit_frac ({audit_frac}) and audit_cost ({audit_cost}) for rule {audit_rule}" ) if ( audit_rule in ("none", "uniform", "target_x") and detect_threshold != detect_opts["low"] ): logging.error(wildcards) raise ValueError( f"Audit rules that don't depend on detect_threshold should set to {detect_opts['low']}" ) if audit_rule in ("none", "remote") and (audit_cost != 0 or audit_frac != 0): logging.error(wildcards) raise ValueError( "Remote or no audits should set audit_cost = 0 and audit_frac = 0" ) if audit_cost > 0 and detect_threshold > 0: logging.error(audit_info) raise NotImplementedError( "audit_cost > 0 and detect_threshold > 0 isn't implemented." ) return audit_info class Timer(object): """ Context manager to time an expression (once; not for benchmarking) https://stackoverflow.com/a/5849861 https://stackoverflow.com/a/3427051 """ def __init__(self, name=None): self.name = name def __enter__(self): self.tstart = datetime.datetime.now().replace(microsecond=0) def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): if self.name: logging.info("[%s]" % self.name) elapsed = datetime.datetime.now().replace(microsecond=0) - self.tstart logging.info(f"Elapsed: {elapsed}") if not "snakemake" in globals(): logging.warn("Using placeholder snakemake") data_generated = Path(pyprojroot.here("data/generated")) wildcards = { "model_name": "08_twopart_lognormal_heterog_alpha", # "model_name": "01_twopart_lognormal", "bootstrap": "-bootstrap", "time_period": "-period_8760_hours", # "time_period": "", "prior_only": "", } stan_fits = ( data_generated / f"stan_fits/{wildcards['model_name']}{wildcards['prior_only']}{wildcards['bootstrap']}{wildcards['time_period']}" ) SnakemakePlaceholder = namedtuple( "SnakemakePlaceholder", ["input", "output", "threads", "resources", "wildcards"] ) snakemake = SnakemakePlaceholder( input={ "leak_size_draw": stan_fits / "leak_size_draw.parquet", "leak_size_expect": stan_fits / "leak_size_expect.parquet", "stan_data_json": stan_fits / "stan_data.json", }, output={"results_summary": stan_fits / "audit_outcome_summary.parquet"}, threads=4, resources={"mem_mb": 7000}, wildcards=wildcards, ) if __name__ == "__main__": if snakemake.wildcards["model_name"] not in MODEL_NAMES["all"]: raise ValueError(f"Unknown model {snakemake.wildcards['model_name']}") try: set_memory_limit(snakemake.resources["mem_mb"]) except: logging.warning("Note: failed to set memory limit.") logging.basicConfig(filename=snakemake.log[0], level=logging.INFO, encoding="utf-8") with Timer(snakemake.output["results_summary"]): results = calc_all_outcomes_all_draws(snakemake).pipe(summarize_outcomes) results.to_parquet(snakemake.output["results_summary"]) |
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 | source(here::here("code/shared_functions.r")) source(here::here("code/distribution_model_data_prep.r")) source(here::here("code/stan_helper_functions.r")) set.seed(8675309) # LEAK_SIZE_DEF defines what leak size we're talking about for a "major leak". # This needs to match the shift_amount in distribution_model_data_prep LEAK_SIZE_DEF <- 5 if (!exists("snakemake")) { message("Using placeholder snakemake") TEX_FRAGMENTS <- fs::fs_path(here::here("output/tex_fragments")) STAN_FITS <- fs::fs_path(here::here("data/generated/stan_fits")) snakemake <- SnakemakePlaceholder( input=list( # NOTE: the order here (and in the snakemake file) is the order of the # columns in the table. distribution_fits = c( STAN_FITS / "01_twopart_lognormal-bootstrap/model_fit.rds", STAN_FITS / "03_twopart_lognormal_meas_err-bootstrap/model_fit.rds", # STAN_FITS / "05_twopart_normal_qr/model_fit.rds", STAN_FITS / "02_twopart_lognormal_alpha-bootstrap-period_8760_hours/model_fit.rds", STAN_FITS / "08_twopart_lognormal_heterog_alpha-bootstrap-period_8760_hours/model_fit.rds" ), measurements = here::here("data/generated/methane_measures/matched_wells_all.rds"), stan_data_json = c( STAN_FITS / "01_twopart_lognormal-bootstrap/stan_data.json", STAN_FITS / "03_twopart_lognormal_meas_err-bootstrap/stan_data.json", # STAN_FITS / "05_twopart_normal_qr/stan_data.json", STAN_FITS / "02_twopart_lognormal_alpha-bootstrap/stan_data.json", STAN_FITS / "08_twopart_lognormal_heterog_alpha-bootstrap/stan_data.json" ) ), output = list( model_prob_leak_plot = "graphics/model_prob_leak_plot.pdf", model_cost_vs_q_plot = "graphics/model_cost_vs_q_plot.pdf", model_cost_vs_q_dwl_plot = "graphics/model_cost_vs_q_dwl_plot.pdf", model_coef_obs_leak = TEX_FRAGMENTS / "model_parameters_obs_leak.tex", model_coef_leak_size = TEX_FRAGMENTS / "model_parameters_leak_size.tex", model_coef_footer_obs_leak = TEX_FRAGMENTS / "model_parameters_footer_obs_leak.tex", model_coef_footer_leak_size = TEX_FRAGMENTS / "model_parameters_footer_leak_size.tex", # model_cost_alpha_by_leak_size_bin_plot = "graphics/model_cost_alpha_by_leak_size_bin_plot.pdf", # model_leak_size_by_leak_size_bin_plot = "graphics/model_leak_size_by_leak_size_bin_plot.pdf" model_prob_size_above_threshold_histogram = "graphics/model_prob_size_above_threshold_histogram.pdf", model_cost_alpha_histogram = "graphics/model_cost_alpha_histogram.pdf" ), threads=1, resources=list(mem_mb = 13000) ) } memory_limit(snakemake@resources[["mem_mb"]]) # Set warn = 2 after memory_limit because it may not work options(scipen = 99, mc.cores=snakemake@threads, warn = 2) load_samples <- function(parquet_file, n_draws) { if (n_draws == "all") { return(arrow::read_parquet(parquet_file)) } stopifnot(n_draws >= 1) # Load some columns from a parquet file of draws. n_col <- arrow::ParquetFileReader$create(parquet_file)$GetSchema()$num_fields if (n_col < n_draws) { stop("Only ", n_col, " columns are available. (Use n_draws='all' to load all)") } # Column names are just numbers, "1", "2", ... idx <- sample.int(n_col, size=n_draws, replace=FALSE) %>% as.character() arrow::read_parquet(parquet_file, col_select=!!idx) } # Plot the modeled prob_leak plot_model_prob_leak <- function(prob_leak_file, outfile) { stopifnot(fs::path_file(prob_leak_file) == "prob_leak.parquet") # We have a lot of draws that went into the uncertainty. Pick a subset. n_draws <- 200 draws_to_plot <- load_samples(prob_leak_file, n_draws=n_draws) # Reset names: colnames(draws_to_plot) <- as.character(seq_len(n_draws)) draws_to_plot %<>% tibble::as_tibble() %>% tidyr::pivot_longer(dplyr::everything(), names_to="draw_id", values_to="prob_leak") %>% dplyr::mutate(prob_leak_pct = winsorize(prob_leak * 100, trim=c(0, 0.02))) # Different lines, but same color for every line. colors <- rep_len(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n=3, name="Dark2")[1], n_draws) plt <- ggplot2::ggplot(draws_to_plot, ggplot2::aes(x=prob_leak_pct, color=draw_id)) + ggplot2::stat_density(geom="line", alpha=0.1) + ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values=colors, guide="none") + ggplot2::theme_bw() + ggplot2::labs(x="Probability of leaking (%; winsorized)", y="Density") save_plot(plt, outfile, reproducible=TRUE) } read_dist_fit <- function(distribution_fit, depvar = c("leak size", "obs leak")) { model_name <- filename_to_model_name(distribution_fit) stopifnot(model_name %in% MODEL_NAMES$all) depvar <- match.arg(depvar) varnames <- get_shared_varnames(model_name = model_name) if (depvar == "leak size") { # Order matters here -- we're going to match up stan coefs and varnames by # position! stan_coefs <- c("b_y_intercept", "b_y", "sigma_y") varnames %<>% c("sigma") } else if (depvar == "obs leak") { stan_coefs <- c("b_obs_intercept", "b_obs") if (model_name == "02_twopart_lognormal_alpha") { return(NULL) } } else { stop("programming error") } if (depvar == "obs leak" && model_name %in% MODEL_NAMES$rhs_ehat_models) { varnames %<>% c("e_hat") # e for emissions } stopifnot(length(distribution_fit) == 1, grepl('intercept', stan_coefs[1])) draws <- readRDS(distribution_fit)$draws %>% posterior::subset_draws(stan_coefs) list(draws = draws, varnames = varnames, model_name = model_name) } clean_varnames <- function(x) { # This process could obviously be a lot cleaner: pretty_names <- c( Intercept = "Intercept", asinhgas_avg_mcfd = "IHS of gas prod (mcfd)", asinhoil_avg_bbld = "IHS of oil prod (bbld)", basinSanJoaquin = "Basin: San Joaquin", basinSanJuan = "Basin: San Juan", basinOtherCalifornia = "Basin: Other California", prod_oil_frac = "Oil prod share", asinhage_yr = "IHS of age (yr)", drill_typeH = "Drill: Horizontal", drill_typeU = "Drill: Unknown", drill_typeV = "Drill: Vertical", drill_typeD = "Drill: Directional", sigma = "$\\sigma$", e_hat = "$\\hat{e_i}$" ) missing_names <- setdiff(unique(x), names(pretty_names)) if (length(missing_names) > 0) { stop("Missing pretty names for these variables: ", paste(missing_names, collapse=", ")) } pretty_names[x] } get_shared_varnames <- function(model_name, measurements_file = snakemake@input[["measurements"]] ) { stopifnot(length(measurements_file) == 1) # Load the data the same way it's loaded for the model fitting. # These are the names R creates with model.matrix, so they're messy for factors # Could memoize this function, but it's already fast. coef_names <- prep_measurement_data(measurements_file) %>% purrr::chuck("aviris_all") %>% prep_custom_model_data(model_name = model_name) %>% # purrr::chuck("X") %>% colnames() coef_names } summarize_coefs_once <- function(draws, varnames) { stopifnot(posterior::is_draws(draws), is.character(varnames)) # col_order <- order(names(df)) # out <- tidyr::pivot_longer(df, dplyr::everything(), names_to="term", values_to="est") %>% # dplyr::group_by(term) %>% # dplyr::summarize( # estimate = signif(mean(est), 3), # conf_low = signif(quantile_(est, 0.025), 2), # conf_high = signif(quantile_(est, 0.975), 2), # .groups="drop" # ) %>% # dplyr::mutate(term = clean_varnames(term)) est = function(x) signif(mean(x), 3) conf95_low = function(x) signif(quantile(x, 0.025, names=FALSE, type=8), 2) conf95_high = function(x) signif(quantile(x, 0.975, names=FALSE, type=8), 2) out <- posterior::summarize_draws(draws, estimate = est, conf_low = conf95_low, conf_high = conf95_high ) %>% dplyr::mutate(term = clean_varnames(varnames)) stopifnot( # Check names match expectations. (dplyr already checks lengths) grepl("intercept", out$variable[1], ignore.case=TRUE), grepl("intercept", varnames[1], ignore.case=TRUE), grepl("[1]", out$variable[2], fixed=TRUE), grepl("mcfd", varnames[2], fixed=TRUE) ) # Re-sort rows to match the original column order # stopifnot(nrow(out) == length(col_order)) # dplyr::arrange(out, col_order) out } .bayes_R2 <- function(y, ypred) { # Borrowed from brms # Subtract y from every column of ypred and multiply by -1 # (as.array to make sweep a little stricter) e <- -1 * sweep(ypred, MARGIN=1, STATS=as.array(y), FUN="-") # These are rowVars in the original brms code, but we have transposed the # results so each column is a MCMC draw, and each row as a well. # We want to take variance of each column. var_ypred <- matrixStats::colVars(ypred) var_e <- matrixStats::colVars(e) stopifnot(length(var_ypred) == length(var_e)) # I'm pretty sure this works for binary outcomes too. return(var_ypred / (var_ypred + var_e)) } calc_r2 <- function(model_dir, outcome_name) { stopifnot( length(model_dir) == 1, length(outcome_name) == 1 ) stan_data_json <- file.path(model_dir, "stan_data.json") y_raw <- jsonlite::read_json(stan_data_json, simplifyVector=TRUE)$Y %||% stop("Missing 'Y' in sdata") obs_indicator <- (!is.na(y_raw)) & (y_raw > LEAK_SIZE_DEF) generated_dir <- fs::path_dir(stan_data_json) %>% fs::fs_path() generated_file <- generated_dir / paste0(outcome_name, ".parquet") # pred value matrix, one row per well, one col per draw. ypred <- arrow::read_parquet(generated_file) %>% as.matrix() if (outcome_name == "prob_leak") { y <- as.numeric(obs_indicator) } else if (outcome_name == "leak_size_expect") { # For leak size, we can only compare the actual observed leak sizes. # rows of ypred are wells. y <- y_raw[obs_indicator] ypred <- ypred[obs_indicator, , drop=FALSE] } else { stop("Unknown outcome name: ", outcome_name) } stopifnot(length(y) == nrow(ypred), ncol(ypred) > 1) r2_by_draw <- .bayes_R2(y, ypred) stopifnot(noNAs(r2_by_draw), r2_by_draw >= 0, r2_by_draw <= 1) # could do CI if we wanted. mean(r2_by_draw) } get_N <- function(model_dir) { stopifnot(length(model_dir) == 1) stan_data_json <- file.path(model_dir, "stan_data.json") N <- jsonlite::read_json(stan_data_json, simplifyVector=FALSE)$N N } calc_outcome_mean <- function(model_dir, depvar) { stopifnot(length(model_dir) == 1, length(depvar) == 1) stan_data_json <- file.path(model_dir, "stan_data.json") y_raw <- jsonlite::read_json(stan_data_json, simplifyVector=TRUE)$Y %||% stop("Missing 'Y' in sdata") obs_indicator <- (!is.na(y_raw)) & (y_raw > LEAK_SIZE_DEF) if (depvar == "obs leak") { y <- as.numeric(obs_indicator) } else if (depvar == "leak size") { y <- y_raw[obs_indicator] } else { stop("Unknown outcome name: ", depvar) } mean(y) } write_coefs_table <- function(snakemake, depvar) { # fit_info is a list of lists. Outer list has one element per file in # distribution_fits. For each of those, inner list has elements `draws`, # `varnames`, and `model_name` if (depvar == "leak size") { outfile <- snakemake@output$model_coef_leak_size %||% stop("missing outfile") } else if (depvar == "obs leak") { outfile <- snakemake@output$model_coef_obs_leak %||% stop("missing outfile") } else { stop("bad depvar") } fit_files <- snakemake@input$distribution_fits %||% stop("missing fit files") fit_info <- purrr::map(fit_files, read_dist_fit, depvar=depvar) %>% purrr::compact() model_names <- extract_from_each(fit_info, "model_name") %>% as.character() varnames_lst <- extract_from_each(fit_info, "varnames") summary_lst <- extract_from_each(fit_info, "draws") %>% purrr::map2(varnames_lst, summarize_coefs_once) tab <- summary_lst %>% purrr::map(format_estimate_above_interval, align="@") %>% merge_estimates_df() %>% make_table_fragment(escaped=FALSE, add_comments = model_names) %>% writeLines(outfile) write_coef_footer(snakemake, depvar) invisible(summary_lst) } write_coef_footer <- function(snakemake, depvar) { model_dirs <- dirname(snakemake@input$stan_data_json) model_names <- file.path(model_dirs, "model_fit.rds") %>% filename_to_model_name() if (depvar == "leak size") { outfile <- snakemake@output$model_coef_footer_leak_size outcome_name <- "leak_size_expect" } else if (depvar == "obs leak") { outfile <- snakemake@output$model_coef_footer_obs_leak outcome_name <- "prob_leak" # No b_obs coef for this model, so no footer for this model: model_dirs <- model_dirs[model_names != "02_twopart_lognormal_alpha"] } else { stop("bad depvar") } .make_table_line <- function(x) { paste(paste(x, collapse = " & "), "\\\\") } r2 <- purrr::map_dbl( model_dirs, calc_r2, outcome_name=outcome_name ) %>% signif(2) n <- purrr::map_int(model_dirs, get_N) depvar_mean <- purrr::map_dbl( model_dirs, calc_outcome_mean, depvar=depvar ) %>% signif(3) waic <- rep_len("-", length(model_dirs)) text_lines <- c( .make_table_line(c("$N$", n)), .make_table_line(c("$R^2$", r2)), # .make_table_line(c("WAIC", waic)), .make_table_line(c("Dep. var. mean", depvar_mean)) ) writeLines(text_lines, outfile) } which_quantile <- function(x, prob) { # Get the index of `x` for the value that's closest to the `prob` quantile. # Return value has length 1, even if there are ties # Analagous to which.min stopifnot(length(prob) == 1, length(x) >= 1) q <- quantile_(x, prob) which.min(abs(x - q)) } plot_model_cost_param <- function(model_dir, outfile_cost, outfile_dwl) { # Create two plots here: # 1. Cost param with uncertainty # 2. Shaded DWL model_dir <- fs::fs_path(model_dir) model_name <- filename_to_model_name(model_dir / "model_fit.rds") time_period_hr <- filename_to_time_period_hr(model_dir) stopifnot( model_name %in% MODEL_NAMES$cost_coef_models, length(outfile_cost) == 1, length(outfile_dwl) == 1 ) cost_param_A_file <- model_dir / "cost_param_A.parquet" cost_param_alpha_file <- model_dir / "cost_param_alpha.parquet" leak_size_expect_file <- model_dir / "leak_size_expect.parquet" sdata <- jsonlite::read_json(model_dir / "stan_data.json", simplifyVector=TRUE) gas_frac_ch4 <- 0.95 ch4_kg_per_mcf <- 18.8916 # price in sdata is $ per kg CH4 price_per_mcf <- median(sdata$price) * ch4_kg_per_mcf / gas_frac_ch4 fee_per_ton_co2e <- 5 ton_co2e_per_ton_ch4 <- 29.8 ton_per_kg <- 1 / 1000 fee_per_mcf <- ( fee_per_ton_co2e * ton_co2e_per_ton_ch4 * ton_per_kg * ch4_kg_per_mcf * gas_frac_ch4 ) scm_per_kg <- 2 # ($58/ton CO2e; kinda low!_ scm_per_mcf <- scm_per_kg * ch4_kg_per_mcf * gas_frac_ch4 # For 02_twopart_lognormal_alpha, the coef is constant, so it doesn't matter # that we take the median vs whatever. For 08_twopart_lognormal_heterog_alpha, # the coef varies by well, so aggregation potentially matters # We'll find the well with the median predicted leak size in draw 1 (arbitrary), # and then plot that well's parameters. # Doing it this way, instead of taking the median in each draw, gives a better # sense of the uncertainty, plotting the variation at one well, rather than # the quantile. leak_size_kg_per_hr <- arrow::read_parquet(leak_size_expect_file) %>% as.matrix() well_idx <- which_quantile(leak_size_kg_per_hr[, 1], 0.5) cost_param_A <- as.matrix(arrow::read_parquet(cost_param_A_file))[well_idx, , drop=FALSE] %>% as.vector() cost_param_alpha <- as.matrix(arrow::read_parquet(cost_param_alpha_file))[well_idx, , drop=FALSE] %>% as.vector() leak_size_kg_per_hr <- as.matrix(arrow::read_parquet(leak_size_expect_file))[well_idx, , drop=FALSE] %>% as.vector() stopifnot(length(cost_param_A) == 4000, length(cost_param_alpha) == 4000) leak_size_kg <- leak_size_kg_per_hr * time_period_hr leak_size_mcf <- leak_size_kg / ch4_kg_per_mcf / gas_frac_ch4 line_private <- price_per_mcf line_policy <- (price_per_mcf + fee_per_mcf) line_optimal <- (price_per_mcf + scm_per_mcf) # To find the uncertainty values we want to plot, find the indexes of the 2.5% # and 97.5% MC at q=0.99 # (I think the function is monotonic in this way, so it doesn't matter that # we're only doing one point.) cost_param <- dplyr::tibble( A = cost_param_A, alpha = cost_param_alpha, mc_point = A * (1 - 0.99) ^ alpha / !!leak_size_mcf, ) draw_percentile = c(2.5, 50, 97.5) draw_idx_of_interest <- c( low = which_quantile(cost_param$mc_point, 0.025), med = which_quantile(cost_param$mc_point, 0.5), high = which_quantile(cost_param$mc_point, 0.975) ) # We're going to plot the y-axis in dollars per mcf for two reasons: # 1. It makes the policy lines stable, since otherwise they would vary with the e # 2. It gives the audience numbers on a scale they might be familar with (eg. $/mcf commodity price) # (Could do $/CO2e for similar reasons) q_seq <- seq(0.95, 0.99999, length.out=400) to_plot <- dplyr::tibble( draw_percentile = draw_percentile, # Plot quantiles across draws alpha = cost_param$alpha[draw_idx_of_interest], A = cost_param$A[draw_idx_of_interest], leak_size_mcf = leak_size_mcf[draw_idx_of_interest], # Make a list with a copy of q_seq for each value of draw_idx_of_interest q = purrr::map(draw_idx_of_interest, ~q_seq), ) %>% tidyr::unnest(cols="q") %>% ensure_id_vars(q, draw_percentile) %>% dplyr::mutate( marg_cost_per_mcf = A * (1 - q) ^ alpha / leak_size_mcf, draw_percentile_fct = factor(draw_percentile), ) %>% dplyr::filter(marg_cost_per_mcf <= !!line_optimal * 1.2) text_labels <- dplyr::tibble( text = c("Private", "Policy", "Social"), y = c(line_private, line_policy, line_optimal) + c(1.4, 1.7, 1.7), x = min(to_plot$q), ) to_plot_median <- dplyr::filter(to_plot, draw_percentile == 50) stopifnot(nrow(dplyr::distinct(to_plot_median, A, alpha)) == 1) intersection_y <- c(line_private, line_policy, line_optimal) * unique(to_plot_median$leak_size_mcf) # unique here because there are duplicates for every q intersection_x <- 1 - (intersection_y / unique(to_plot_median$A)) ^ (1 / unique(to_plot_median$alpha)) dwl_region_orig <- to_plot_median %>% dplyr::filter(dplyr::between(.data$q, intersection_x[1], intersection_x[3])) dwl_region_with_policy <- to_plot_median %>% dplyr::filter(dplyr::between(.data$q, intersection_x[2], intersection_x[3])) dwl_region_colors <- c("gray", "gray") plt_cost <- ggplot2::ggplot(to_plot) + ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes(q, marg_cost_per_mcf, color=draw_percentile_fct)) + ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept=line_private, linetype="dashed", alpha=0.7) + ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept=line_optimal, linetype="dashed", alpha=0.7) + ggplot2::theme_bw() + ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values=c("gray", "black", "gray"), guide="none") + ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(x=x, y=y, label=text), data=dplyr::filter(text_labels, text != "Policy"), hjust=0, size=3) + ggplot2::labs( x="Prob no leak (q)", y="", subtitle="$ / mcf" ) plt_dwl <- ggplot2::ggplot(to_plot_median, ggplot2::aes(q, marg_cost_per_mcf)) + ggplot2::geom_line() + ggplot2::geom_line(data=to_plot, alpha=0) + # add to plot to make the axis the same for both graphs. ggplot2::geom_ribbon(ggplot2::aes(ymin=marg_cost_per_mcf, ymax=line_optimal), data=dwl_region_orig, fill=dwl_region_colors[1], alpha=0.6) + ggplot2::geom_ribbon(ggplot2::aes(ymin=marg_cost_per_mcf, ymax=line_optimal), data=dwl_region_with_policy, fill=dwl_region_colors[2], alpha=0.8) + ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept=line_private, linetype="dashed", alpha=0.7) + ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept=line_policy, linetype="dashed", alpha=0.7) + ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept=line_optimal, linetype="dashed", alpha=0.7) + ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(x=x, y=y, label=text), data=text_labels, hjust=0, size=3) + ggplot2::theme_bw() + ggplot2::labs( x="Prob no leak (q)", y="", subtitle="$ / mcf" ) save_plot(plt_cost, outfile_cost, reproducible=TRUE) save_plot(plt_dwl, outfile_dwl, reproducible=TRUE) } load_data_by_leak_size_bin <- function(model_dir) { # This function is only used by plot_model_by_leak_size_bin, but makes some # big temp objects, so put it in a separate function model_dir <- fs::fs_path(model_dir) model_name <- filename_to_model_name(model_dir / "model_fit.rds") time_period_hr <- filename_to_time_period_hr(model_dir) stopifnot(model_name %in% MODEL_NAMES$cost_coef_models) cost_param_alpha_file <- model_dir / "cost_param_alpha.parquet" leak_size_draw_file <- model_dir / "leak_size_draw.parquet" leak_size_kg_per_hr <- arrow::read_parquet(leak_size_draw_file) leak_size_means_by_well <- leak_size_kg_per_hr %>% as.matrix() %>% rowMeans() size_group_ids <- tibble::tibble( well_id = seq_along(leak_size_means_by_well), size_group = factor(cut(leak_size_means_by_well, breaks=5, labels=FALSE)), ) leak_size_long <- leak_size_kg_per_hr %>% dplyr::mutate(well_id = dplyr::row_number()) %>% # Melt is a few seconds faster than pivot_longer here data.table::as.data.table() %>% data.table::melt(id.vars="well_id", variable.name="draw_id", value.name="leak_size") data.table::setkey(leak_size_long, well_id, draw_id) cost_param_alpha_long <- cost_param_alpha_file %>% arrow::read_parquet() %>% dplyr::mutate(well_id = dplyr::row_number()) %>% data.table::as.data.table() %>% data.table::melt(id.vars="well_id", variable.name="draw_id", value.name="alpha") data.table::setkey(cost_param_alpha_long, well_id, draw_id) to_plot <- merge(leak_size_long, cost_param_alpha_long, by=c("well_id", "draw_id"), all=TRUE) %>% merge(size_group_ids, by="well_id", all=TRUE) %>% dplyr::as_tibble() %>% dplyr::select(-well_id) stopifnot(noNAs(to_plot)) return(to_plot) } plot_model_by_leak_size_bin <- function(model_dir, outfile_alpha, outfile_leak) { # Code to generate: # "graphics/model_cost_alpha_by_leak_size_bin_plot.pdf", # "graphics/model_leak_size_by_leak_size_bin_plot.pdf", # Currently not run because it's slow and I went with a simpler graph. stopifnot( length(model_dir) == 1, length(outfile_alpha) == 1, length(outfile_leak) == 1 ) # Divide wells into quintiles of (mean) leak size # Then plot: # 1. ridgeplots of leak size (showing variation both across wells and draws within group) # 2. ridgeplots of alpha to_plot <- load_data_by_leak_size_bin(model_dir) plt_alpha <- ggplot2::ggplot(to_plot, ggplot2::aes( x = -winsorize(alpha, c(0.01, 0)), y = size_group, height = stat(density) )) + ggridges::geom_density_ridges(stat = "binline", bins = 100, scale = 0.95, draw_baseline = FALSE) + ggplot2::theme_bw() + ggplot2::labs( title = "Abatement elasticity by leak size quintile", x = "Marginal cost elasticity (−α)", y = "Leak size quintile" ) plt_leak_size <- ggplot2::ggplot(to_plot, ggplot2::aes(x=leak_size, y=size_group, height = stat(density))) + ggridges::geom_density_ridges(stat = "binline", bins = 100, scale = 0.95, draw_baseline = FALSE) + ggplot2::theme_bw() + ggplot2::scale_x_log10() + ggplot2::labs( title = "Leak size distribution by quintile of leak size mean", x = "Leak size (kg/hr)", y = "Leak size quintile" ) save_plot(plt_alpha, outfile_alpha, reproducible=TRUE) save_plot(plt_leak_size, outfile_leak, reproducible=TRUE) } plot_alpha_histogram <- function(model_dir, outfile_alpha) { stopifnot( length(model_dir) == 1, length(outfile_alpha) == 1 ) cost_param_alpha_file <- fs::fs_path(model_dir) / "cost_param_alpha.parquet" cost_param_alpha_mean_by_well <- cost_param_alpha_file %>% arrow::read_parquet() %>% as.matrix() %>% rowMeans() plt_alpha <- tibble::tibble(alpha = cost_param_alpha_mean_by_well) %>% ggplot2::ggplot(ggplot2::aes( x = -winsorize(alpha, c(0.01, 0)), y = ..density.. )) + ggplot2::geom_histogram(bins=100) + ggplot2::theme_bw() + ggplot2::labs( title = "Abatement elasticity", subtitle = "Mean across draws for each well", x = "Marginal cost elasticity (−α)", y = "Density" ) save_plot(plt_alpha, outfile_alpha, reproducible=TRUE) } plot_prob_size_above_threshold_histogram <- function(model_dir, outfile) { on.exit(options(warn=2)) options(warn=1) stopifnot( length(model_dir) == 1, length(outfile) == 1 ) pq_file <- fs::fs_path(model_dir) / "prob_size_above_threshold.parquet" mean_by_well <- pq_file %>% arrow::read_parquet() %>% as.matrix() %>% rowMeans() plt <- tibble::tibble(prob_size_above_threshold = mean_by_well) %>% ggplot2::ggplot(ggplot2::aes( x = prob_size_above_threshold, y = ..density.. )) + ggplot2::geom_histogram(bins=100) + ggplot2::theme_bw() + ggplot2::xlim(0, 1) + ggplot2::labs( title = "Probability leak size is greater than detection threshold", x = "Pr(e > 100 | X)", y = "Density" ) save_plot(plt, outfile, reproducible=TRUE) } model_to_plot <- "08_twopart_lognormal_heterog_alpha" model_dir_to_plot <- snakemake@input$distribution_fits[grepl(model_to_plot, snakemake@input$distribution_fits)] %>% dirname() %>% fs::fs_path() stopifnot(length(model_dir_to_plot) == 1) # plot_model_by_leak_size_bin( # model_dir_to_plot, # snakemake@output$model_cost_alpha_by_leak_size_bin_plot, # snakemake@output$model_leak_size_by_leak_size_bin_plot # ) plot_prob_size_above_threshold_histogram( model_dir_to_plot, snakemake@output$model_prob_size_above_threshold_histogram ) plot_alpha_histogram( model_dir_to_plot, snakemake@output$model_cost_alpha_histogram ) plot_model_cost_param( model_dir_to_plot, snakemake@output$model_cost_vs_q_plot, snakemake@output$model_cost_vs_q_dwl_plot ) plot_model_prob_leak( model_dir_to_plot / "prob_leak.parquet", outfile = snakemake@output$model_prob_leak_plot ) write_coefs_table(snakemake, "obs leak") write_coefs_table(snakemake, "leak size") |
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 | library(ggplot2) library(here) options(warn=2) source( |