After a few years of intense development, we are glad to announce that is now open for business. is a marketplace for biomedical data analysis workflows and services, which allows you to
Search and purchase workflows for analyzing any type of biomedical data, request support from workflow authors if you need help customizing workflows for your data or computational environments.
Upload workflows (in arbitrary format with a main document in jupyter notebooks or Rmarkdown formats) and share them with your team mates and collaborators. Become a seller and use the income from selling and supporting these workflows to support the continued development and update of the workflows.
Ask questions, request workflows and services in a community forum. Boost your questions and show your appreciations by providing bounties to your questions. is brand new. We will very much appreciate your help if you could try it out and let us know what you think.
Best regards,
Bo Peng, Ph.D.
Founder, BioWorkflows LLC