Fair and Simple Pricing

Buy and sell workflows and services as an individual user or freelancer, become an pro user for you business.


$0 / month

Buy and sell workflows and services, enjoy

  • Unlimited Public Workflows
  • 10G Private Storage
  • E-mail Based Support


$5 / month

Everything an Individual plan offers, plus

  • Share unpublished workflows
  • 100G Permanent Private Storage
  • Member-only prices for workflows, mostly free
  • Priority Support
  • 30 day free trial


+ $2 per user / month

Invite users to join a team and allows

  • Share workflows among team members
  • 10G Permanent Private Storage per seat
  • Private discussion forum
  • Purchase with volume licensing
  • 30 day free trial

Frequently asked questions

For our pricing plans.

Private storage is the storage used for draft workflows that have not been published. Private storage is meant to be a transient storage space for free-tier users so stale workflows (workflows that have not been worked on or published for at least 90 days) will be removed periodically. Private storage is permanent for pro-users so that they can share unpublished workflows with buyers or their own collaborators.

Pro users have permanent private storage and can share unpublished workflows with others. This allows them to share their WIP workflows with collaborators and clients, which can be useful for researchers or freelancers. Pro users also enjoy sizable discounts for their purchases and more promopt support so a pro account could be appealing to frequent sellers or buyers.

Users who purchases "seats" for a team plan can create a team, in which team members can share workflows within the team. Team members can discuss issues privately in a team-specific discussion forum. A team plan also allows the team leader to purchase workflows with a "volumne license" so that the workflows can be used by all team members. Teams can also be set up in a way so that the team leaders control the publication of all workflows, receive partial or all incomes for the sales of workflows and services, and pays for the cost of purchases of team members. A team plan is therefore useful for teams or organizations to collaborate and share their activities on BioWorkflows.com.