Join Our Biomedical Data Analysis Workflows Repository!

We are thrilled to announce the creation of a comprehensive repository for all things related to biomedical data analysis. Our repository is expected to contain detailed descriptions, keywords, code snippets for scripts, tutorials, protocols, and workflows that cover various types of biomedical data analysis. Our goal is to provide a valuable resource for researchers and professionals in the biomedical field to enhance their data analysis skills and find suitable solutions for their projects.

🤝 We Need Your Help!

To make this repository a useful resource, we are seeking contributions from the community. There are multiple ways you can get involved:

1️⃣ Suggest a workflow: If you've come across a workflow that you find helpful and wish to share it with others, you can suggest it to be included in our repository. The process is simple and anonymous – no account required. We'll handle the rest to ensure it is property formatted before including it to our repository.

2️⃣ Contribute Your Workflows: Have you developed scripts or workflows that could benefit the biomedical community? We'd love to feature them in our repository. While anonymous submissions are welcome, we encourage you to register an account to have more control over the content of your contributions.

Additionally, if your workflow has already been registered as public, or if you have a keen interest in maintaining any of the public workflows, you can request to become a maintainer or owner of that particular workflow.

👥 Help Us Spread the Word!

We believe in the power of community collaboration and knowledge sharing. Help us spread the word about this invaluable resource by sharing this post with your colleagues and friends. You can also follow our journey on Twitter by connecting with us @bioworkflows.

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