EJP-RD WP13 case-study: CAKUT peptidome and miRNome data analysis using the DIABLO and PLS-DA methods from the mixOmics R package

public public 1yr ago Version: Version 1 0 bookmarks

For integrative analysis of CAKUT multi-omics data DIABLO method of the mixOmics package (version 6.10.9. Singh et. al. 2019) was used with sPLS-DA (sparse Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis Discriminant Analysis) and PLS-DA classification.

Code Snippets

    "mkdir multiomics_run && R -f multi_omics_analysis.R --args {params.mapped_folder}/mirnome_training_data_common_format.tsv,{params.mapped_folder}/peptidome_training_data_common_format.tsv {params.mapped_folder}/mirnome_validation_data_common_format.tsv,{params.mapped_folder}/peptidome_validation_data_common_format.tsv miRNome,peptidome multiomics_run diablo,multiomics_plsda"
From line 18 of raw/Snakemake
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Created: 1yr ago
Updated: 1yr ago
Maitainers: public
URL: https://workflowhub.eu/workflows/330
Name: ejp-rd-wp13-case-study-cakut-peptidome-and-mirnome
Version: Version 1
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Copyright: Public Domain
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