Secure Data Transfer Workflow for FAIR CRCC: Sharing Crypt4GH-Encrypted Sensitive Data

public public 1yr ago Version: Version 1 0 bookmarks

Snakemake workflow: FAIR CRCC - send data

A Snakemake workflow for securely sharing Crypt4GH-encrypted sensitive data from the CRC Cohort to a destination approved through a successful access request .

The recommendation is to create a directory for the request that has been approved; it will be used as the working directory for the run. Copy there the recipient's crypt4gh key and prepare the run configuration. The configuration will specify the repository, the destination of the data, and the list of files/directories to transfer.

What's the CRC Cohort?

The CRC Cohort is a collection of clinical data and digital high-resolution digital pathology images pertaining to tumor cases. The collection has been assembled from a number of participating biobanks and other partners through the ADOPT BBMRI-ERIC project.

Researchers interested in using the data for science can file an application for access. If approved, the part of the dataset required for the planned and approved work can be copied to the requester's selected secure storage location (using this workflow).

Code Snippets

    crypt4gh encrypt \
            --sk {params.master_pk:q} \
            --recipient_pk {params.master_pubk:q} \
            --recipient_pk {params.recipient_key:q} \
            < {input:q} > {output:q} 2> {log}

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Created: 1yr ago
Updated: 1yr ago
Maitainers: public
Name: fair-crcc-send-data
Version: Version 1
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Downloaded: 0
Copyright: Public Domain
License: GNU General Public License v3.0
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