Fragment-based virtual screening with docking and pose scoring

public public 1yr ago Version: v0.1.4 0 bookmarks

Dock a compound library against a target protein with rDock and validate the poses generated against a reference fragment using SuCOS to compare the feature overlap. Poses are filtered by a user-specified SuCOS threshold.

A list of fragments should be specified which will be used to define the cavity for docking, using the 'Frankenstein ligand' technique. For more details, please see

Compounds are split into collections and then recombined to allow the workflow to be run in a highly parallelized fashion. To specify the level of parallelization, use the 'Collection size' parameter.

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Created: 1yr ago
Updated: 1yr ago
Maitainers: public
Name: fragment-based-docking-scoring-main
Version: v0.1.4
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Copyright: Public Domain
License: MIT License
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