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Workflow to build cohort templates based on multiple participants_tsv files
This workflow uses greedy instead of ANTS, for the sake of efficiency, in fact, the registrations as compared to
seem to be more accurate (though that of course is likely just due to parameter selection, not an inherent limitation of ANTS).. There is ~20-30x speedup for a single pairwise registration compared to ANTS, making template-generation for hundreds of subjects a job that can be completed in around a day with modest resources (32cores). The 4-core 16gb memory greedy registration jobs take <30mins.
Running with a cluster profile (e.g. cc-slurm)
This option will be the most # of jobs (
num_iters * num_subjects * num_cohorts
), but will maximize parallelization on a cluster
snakemake --profile cc-slurm
Running with cluster profile, but grouping registration jobs together in chunks of 8
This will reduce the number of jobs by factor of 8 by grouping the 8 4core jobs to fill the 32-core nodes
HOWEVER -- if you are using the --group-components option to group the registrations in chunks of 8, you
run each iteration separately, using the
--config run_iter=#
option, where # is the iteration to run -- this seems to be a bug/limitation of the group-components option when a job has recursively-defined rules. (open issue as of Oct 3 2020:
snakemake --config run_iter=2 --profile cc-slurm --group-components reg=8 composite=100
Note: composite=100 is for the composing warps to another ref space (e.g. mni) to combine 100 subjects in a single job (each is relatively quick and disk-bound)..
Running as a single job
This is the most frugal for resources (32-cores max), but is simple in that only a single job is spawned.. This is the method to use if you are running this on a single machine. Four iterations of building a single 1mm template with 100 subjects takes < 24hrs on a 32core system.
regularSubmit -j Fat snakemake --use-singularity -j32
Running each cohort in parallel with single jobs and the --nolock flag
This runs each cohort separately with single-node jobs.. This is a happy medium for running on a cluster while not needing hundreds (or thousands) of short jobs..
WARNING: make sure your cohorts are mutually-exclusive when using this method, as it is running snakemake in parallel on the same directory with the --nolock option -- if cohorts are not mutually-exclusive, you can still use this method, but only after all the pre-processing (e.g. T2/T1 registration, is completed)
for cohort in young middle1 middle2 old1 old2; do regularSubmit -j Fat snakemake --use-singularity -j32 --nolock --config run_cohort=$cohort; done
Code Snippets
12 13 | shell: 'AverageImages {params.dim} {output} {params.use_n4} {input} &> {log}' |
20 | shell: 'cp -v {input} {output} &> {log}' |
30 | shell: 'cp -v {input} {output}' |
75 76 | shell: 'AverageImages {params.dim} {output} {params.use_n4} {input} &> {log}' |
89 90 | shell: 'AverageImages {params.dim} {output} {params.use_n4} {input} &> {log}' |
101 102 | shell: 'MultiplyImages {params.dim} {input} {params.gradient_step} {output} &> {log}' |
114 115 | shell: 'AverageAffineTransformNoRigid {params.dim} {output} {input} &> {log}' |
129 130 | shell: 'antsApplyTransforms {params.dim} -e vector -i {input.invwarp} -o {output} -t [{input.affine},1] -r {input.ref} --verbose 1 &> {log}' |
144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 | shell: 'antsApplyTransforms {params.dim} --float 1 --verbose 1 -i {input.template} -o {output.template} -t [{input.affine},1] ' ' -t {input.invwarp} -t {input.invwarp} -t {input.invwarp} -t {input.invwarp} -r {input.template} &> {log}' #apply warp 4 times #resample the template to a new resolution, based on the schedule in config rule resample_template: input: template = 'results/cohort-{cohort}/iter_{iteration}/templateupd_{channel}.nii.gz' |
158 159 | shell: 'c3d {input} -resample {params.resample} {output}' |
67 68 69 70 | shell: 'greedy -d 3 -rf {input.ref_std} ' ' -r {input.cohort2std_warp} {input.cohort2std_affine_xfm_ras} ' ' {input.subj2cohort_warp} {input.subj2cohort_affine_xfm_ras} ' ' -rc {output.subj2std_warp}' |
103 104 105 106 107 108 | shell: 'greedy -d 3 -rf {input.ref_subj} -r ' ' {input.subj2cohort_affine_xfm_ras},-1 ' ' {input.subj2cohort_invwarp}' ' {input.cohort2std_affine_xfm_ras},-1 ' ' {input.cohort2std_invwarp} ' ' -rc {output.subj2std_invwarp}' |
118 119 | shell: 'greedy -d 3 -rf {input.ref} -r {input.subj2std_invwarp} -rm {input.seg} {output.seg}' |
128 129 | shell: 'greedy -d 3 -rf {input.ref} -r {input.subj2std_invwarp} -rm {input.seg} {output.seg}' |
138 139 | shell: 'greedy -d 3 -rf {input.ref} -r {input.subj2std_invwarp} -rm {input.seg} {output.seg} -ri NN' |
10 11 12 | shell: 'ITK_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_THREADS={threads} ' 'N4BiasFieldCorrection -d 3 -i {input.img} -o {output}' |
27 28 | shell: 'c3d {input} -resample {params.resample} {output}' |
43 44 | shell: 'c3d {input} -pad-to {params.pad} 0 {output}' |
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