:gem: An easy-to-use workflow for generating context specific genome-scale metabolic models and predicting metabolic interactions within microbial communities directly from metagenomic data
Note An easy-to-use workflow for generating context specific genome-scale metabolic models and predicting metabolic interactions within microbial communities directly from metagenomic data.
is a Snakemake workflow that integrates an array of existing bioinformatics and metabolic modeling tools, for the purpose of predicting metabolic interactions within bacterial communities of microbiomes. From whole metagenome shotgun datasets, metagenome assembled genomes (MAGs) are reconstructed, which are then converted into genome-scale metabolic models (GEMs) for
in silico
simulations. Additional outputs include abundance estimates, taxonomic assignment, growth rate estimation, pangenome analysis, and eukaryotic MAG identification.
⚙️ Installation
You can start using
on your cluster with just one line of code with the
mamba package manager
mamba create -n metagem -c bioconda metagem
This will create an environment called
and start installing dependencies. Please consult the
page for more detailed setup instructions.
🔧 Usage
Clone this repo
git clone https://github.com/franciscozorrilla/metaGEM.git && cd metaGEM/workflow
without any arguments to see usage instructions:
bash metaGEM.sh
Usage: bash metaGEM.sh [-t|--task TASK]
[-j|--nJobs NUMBER OF JOBS]
[-c|--cores NUMBER OF CORES]
[-m|--mem GB RAM]
[-h|--hours MAX RUNTIME]
-t, --task Specify task to complete:
VISUALIZATION (in development)
-j, --nJobs Specify number of jobs to run in parallel
-c, --nCores Specify number of cores per job
-m, --mem Specify memory in GB required for job
-h, --hours Specify number of hours to allocated to job runtime
-l, --local Run jobs on local machine for non-cluster usage
🧉 Try it now
You can set up and use
on the cloud by following along the google colab notebook.
Please note that google colab does not provide the computational resources necessary to fully run
on a real dataset. This notebook demonstrates how to set up and use
by perfoming the first steps in the workflow on a toy dataset.
💩 Tutorials
can be used to explore your own gut microbiome sequencing data from at-home-test-kit services such as
unseen bio
. The following tutorial showcases the
workflow on two unseenbio samples.
For an introductory metabolic modeling tutorial, refer to the resources compiled for the EMBOMicroCom: Metabolite and species dynamics in microbial communities workshop in 2022.
For a more advanced tutorial, check out the resources we put together for the SymbNET: from metagenomics to metabolic interactions course in 2022.
🏛️ Wiki
Refer to the wiki for additional usage tips, frequently asked questions, and implementation details.
📦 Datasets
- You can access the metaGEM-generated results for the publication here .
🧪 Small communities of gut microbes from lab cultures 💩 Real gut microbiome samples from Swedish diabetes paper 🪴 Plant-associated soil samples from Chinese rhizobiome study 🌏 Bulk-soil samples from Australian biodiversity analysis 🌊 Ocean water samples from global TARA Oceans expeditions
- Additionally, you can access metaGEM-generated results from a reanalysis of recently published ancient metagenomes here .
🐍 Workflow
Quality filter reads with fastp
Assembly with megahit
Refine & reassemble bins with metaWRAP
Taxonomic assignment with GTDB-tk
Reconstruct & evaluate genome-scale metabolic models with CarveMe and memote
Species metabolic coupling analysis with SMETANA
Pangenome analysis with roary
🏗️ Active Development
If you want to see any new additional or alternative tools incorporated into the
workflow please raise an issue or create a pull request. Snakemake allows workflows to be very flexible, so adding new rules is as easy as filling out the following template and adding it to the Snakefile:
rule package-name:
Helpful and descriptive message detailing goal of this rule/package.
# Well documented command line instructions go here
# Load conda environment
set +u;source activate {config[envs][package]};set -u;
# Run tool
package-name -i {input} -o {output}
🖇️ Publications
workflow has been used in the following publications:
Plastic-degrading potential across the global microbiome correlates with recent pollution trends
J Zrimec, M Kokina, S Jonasson, F Zorrilla, A Zelezniak
MBio, 2021
Competition-cooperation in the chemoautotrophic ecosystem of Movile Cave: first metagenomic approach on sediments
Chiciudean, I., Russo, G., Bogdan, D.F. et al.
Environmental Microbiome, 2022
The National Ecological Observatory Network’s soil metagenomes: assembly and basic analysis
Werbin ZR, Hackos B, Lopez-Nava J et al.
F1000Research, 2022
🍾 Please cite
metaGEM: reconstruction of genome scale metabolic models directly from metagenomes
Francisco Zorrilla, Filip Buric, Kiran R Patil, Aleksej Zelezniak
Nucleic Acids Research, 2021; gkab815, https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkab815
📲 Contact
Please reach out with any comments, concerns, or discussions regarding
Code Snippets
29 30 31 32 | shell: """ echo "Gathering {input} ... " """ |
42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 | shell: """ cd {input} echo -e "Setting up result folders in the following work directory: $(echo {input}) \n" # Generate folders.txt by extracting folder names from config.yaml file paste config.yaml |cut -d':' -f2|tail -n +4|head -n 25|sed '/^$/d' > folders.txt # NOTE: hardcoded numbers (tail 4, head 25) for folder names, increase number as new folders are introduced. while read line;do echo "Creating $line folder ... " mkdir -p $line; done < folders.txt echo -e "\nDone creating folders. \n" rm folders.txt """ |
70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 | shell: """ cd {config[path][root]}/{config[folder][data]} # Download each link in download_toydata.txt echo -e "\nBegin downloading toy dataset ... " while read line;do wget $line; done < {input} echo -e "\nDone donwloading dataset." # Rename downloaded files, this is only necessary for toy dataset (will cause error if used for real dataset) echo -ne "\nRenaming downloaded files ... " for file in *;do mv $file ./$(echo $file|sed 's/?download=1//g'|sed 's/_/_R/g'); done echo -e " done. \n" # Organize data into sample specific sub-folders echo -ne "Generating list of unique sample IDs ... " for file in *.gz; do echo $file; done | sed 's/_.*$//g' | sed 's/.fastq.gz//g' | uniq > ID_samples.txt echo -e " done.\n $(less ID_samples.txt|wc -l) samples identified." echo -ne "\nOrganizing downloaded files into sample specific sub-folders ... " while read line; do mkdir -p $line; mv $line*.gz $line; done < ID_samples.txt echo " done." rm ID_samples.txt """ |
120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 | shell: """ cd {input} echo -ne "\nGenerating list of unique sample IDs ... " # Create list of unique sample IDs for file in *.gz; do echo $file; done | sed 's/_[^_]*$//g' | sed 's/.fastq.gz//g' | uniq > ID_samples.txt echo -e " done.\n $(less ID_samples.txt|wc -l) samples identified.\n" # Create folder and move corresponding files for each sample echo -ne "\nOrganizing dataset into sample specific sub-folders ... " while read line; do mkdir -p $line; mv $line*.gz $line; done < ID_samples.txt echo -e " done. \n" rm ID_samples.txt """ |
152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 | shell: """ # Activate metagem environment echo -e "Activating {config[envs][metagem]} conda environment ... " set +u;source activate {config[envs][metagem]};set -u; # This is just to make sure that output folder exists mkdir -p $(dirname {output.R1}) # Make job specific scratch dir idvar=$(echo $(basename $(dirname {output.R1}))|sed 's/_R1.fastq.gz//g') echo -e "\nCreating temporary directory {config[path][scratch]}/{config[folder][qfiltered]}/${{idvar}} ... " mkdir -p {config[path][scratch]}/{config[folder][qfiltered]}/${{idvar}} # Move into scratch dir cd {config[path][scratch]}/{config[folder][qfiltered]}/${{idvar}} # Copy files echo -e "Copying {input.R1} and {input.R2} to {config[path][scratch]}/{config[folder][qfiltered]}/${{idvar}} ... " cp {input.R1} {input.R2} . echo -e "Appending .raw to temporary input files to avoid name conflict ... " for file in *.gz; do mv -- "$file" "${{file}}.raw.gz"; done # Run fastp echo -n "Running fastp ... " fastp --thread {config[cores][fastp]} \ -i *R1*raw.gz \ -I *R2*raw.gz \ -o $(basename {output.R1}) \ -O $(basename {output.R2}) \ -j $(dirname {output.R1})/$(echo $(basename $(dirname {output.R1}))).json \ -h $(dirname {output.R1})/$(echo $(basename $(dirname {output.R1}))).html # Move output files to root dir echo -e "Moving output files $(basename {output.R1}) and $(basename {output.R2}) to $(dirname {output.R1})" mv $(basename {output.R1}) $(basename {output.R2}) $(dirname {output.R1}) # Warning echo -e "Note that you must manually clean up these temporary directories if your scratch directory points to a static location instead of variable with a job specific location ... " # Done message echo -e "Done quality filtering sample ${{idvar}}" """ |
204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 | shell: """ # Activate metagem env set +u;source activate {config[envs][metagem]};set -u; # Make sure stats folder exists mkdir -p $(dirname {output.text}) # Move into qfiltered folder cd {input} # Read and summarize files echo -e "\nGenerating quality filtering results file qfilter.stats: ... " for folder in */;do for file in $folder*json;do # Define sample ID=$(echo $file|sed 's|/.*$||g') # Reads before filtering readsBF=$(head -n 25 $file|grep total_reads|cut -d ':' -f2|sed 's/,//g'|head -n 1) # Reads after filtering readsAF=$(head -n 25 $file|grep total_reads|cut -d ':' -f2|sed 's/,//g'|tail -n 1) # Bases before filtering basesBF=$(head -n 25 $file|grep total_bases|cut -d ':' -f2|sed 's/,//g'|head -n 1) # Bases after filtering basesAF=$(head -n 25 $file|grep total_bases|cut -d ':' -f2|sed 's/,//g'|tail -n 1) # Q20 bases before filtering q20BF=$(head -n 25 $file|grep q20_rate|cut -d ':' -f2|sed 's/,//g'|head -n 1) # Q20 bases after filtering q20AF=$(head -n 25 $file|grep q20_rate|cut -d ':' -f2|sed 's/,//g'|tail -n 1) # Q30 bases before filtering q30BF=$(head -n 25 $file|grep q30_rate|cut -d ':' -f2|sed 's/,//g'|head -n 1) # Q30 bases after filtering q30AF=$(head -n 25 $file|grep q30_rate|cut -d ':' -f2|sed 's/,//g'|tail -n 1) # Percentage of reads kept after filtering percent=$(awk -v RBF="$readsBF" -v RAF="$readsAF" 'BEGIN{{print RAF/RBF}}' ) # Write values to qfilter.stats file echo "$ID $readsBF $readsAF $basesBF $basesAF $percent $q20BF $q20AF $q30BF $q30AF" >> qfilter.stats # Print values echo "Sample $ID retained $percent * 100 % of reads ... " done done echo "Done summarizing quality filtering results ... \nMoving to /stats/ folder and running plotting script ... " mv qfilter.stats {config[path][root]}/{config[folder][stats]} # Move to stats folder cd {config[path][root]}/{config[folder][stats]} # Run script for quality filter visualization Rscript {config[path][root]}/{config[folder][scripts]}/{config[scripts][qfilterVis]} echo "Done. " # Remove duplicate/extra plot rm Rplots.pdf """ |
281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 | shell: """ # Activate metagem environment set +u;source activate {config[envs][metagem]};set -u; # Make sure that output folder exists mkdir -p $(dirname {output}) # Make job specific scratch dir idvar=$(echo $(basename $(dirname {output}))) echo -e "\nCreating temporary directory {config[path][scratch]}/{config[folder][assemblies]}/${{idvar}} ... " mkdir -p {config[path][scratch]}/{config[folder][assemblies]}/${{idvar}} # Move into scratch dir cd {config[path][scratch]}/{config[folder][assemblies]}/${{idvar}} # Copy files echo -n "Copying qfiltered reads to {config[path][scratch]}/${{idvar}} ... " cp {input.R1} {input.R2} . echo "done. " # Run megahit echo -n "Running MEGAHIT ... " megahit -t {config[cores][megahit]} \ --presets {config[params][assemblyPreset]} \ --verbose \ --min-contig-len {config[params][assemblyMin]} \ -1 $(basename {input.R1}) \ -2 $(basename {input.R2}) \ -o tmp; echo "done. " # Rename assembly echo "Renaming assembly ... " mv tmp/final.contigs.fa contigs.fasta # Remove spaces from contig headers and replace with hyphens echo "Fixing contig header names: replacing spaces with hyphens ... " sed -i 's/ /-/g' contigs.fasta # Zip and move assembly to output folder echo "Zipping and moving assembly ... " gzip contigs.fasta mv contigs.fasta.gz $(dirname {output}) # Done message echo -e "Done assembling quality filtered reads for sample ${{idvar}}" """ |
341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 | shell: """ # Activate metagem env set +uo pipefail;source activate {config[envs][metagem]};set -u; # Make sure stats folder exists mkdir -p $(dirname {output.text}) # Move into assembly folder cd {input} echo -e "\nGenerating assembly results file assembly.stats: ... " while read assembly;do # Define sample ID ID=$(echo $(basename $(dirname $assembly))) # Check if assembly file is empty check=$(zcat $assembly | head | wc -l) if [ $check -eq 0 ] then N=0 L=0 else N=$(zcat $assembly | grep -c ">"); L=$(zcat $assembly | grep ">"|cut -d '-' -f4|sed 's/len=//'|awk '{{sum+=$1}}END{{print sum}}'); fi # Write values to stats file echo $ID $N $L >> assembly.stats; # Print values to terminal echo -e "Sample $ID has a total of $L bp across $N contigs ... " done< <(find {input} -name "*.gz") echo "Done summarizing assembly results ... \nMoving to /stats/ folder and running plotting script ... " mv assembly.stats {config[path][root]}/{config[folder][stats]} # Move to stats folder cd {config[path][root]}/{config[folder][stats]} # Running assembly Vis R script Rscript {config[path][root]}/{config[folder][scripts]}/{config[scripts][assemblyVis]} echo "Done. " # Remove unnecessary file rm Rplots.pdf """ |
407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 | shell: """ # Activate metagem environment set +u;source activate {config[envs][metagem]};set -u; # Create output folders mkdir -p {output.concoct} mkdir -p {output.metabat} mkdir -p {output.maxbin} # Make job specific scratch dir idvar=$(echo $(basename $(dirname {output.concoct}))) echo -e "\nCreating temporary directory {config[path][scratch]}/{config[folder][crossMap]}/${{idvar}} ... " mkdir -p {config[path][scratch]}/{config[folder][crossMap]}/${{idvar}} # Move into scratch dir cd {config[path][scratch]}/{config[folder][crossMap]}/${{idvar}} # Copy files cp {input.contigs} . # Define the focal sample ID, fsample: # The one sample's assembly that all other samples' read will be mapped against in a for loop fsampleID=$(echo $(basename $(dirname {input.contigs}))) echo -e "\nFocal sample: $fsampleID ... " echo "Renaming and unzipping assembly ... " mv $(basename {input.contigs}) $(echo $fsampleID|sed 's/$/.fa.gz/g') gunzip $(echo $fsampleID|sed 's/$/.fa.gz/g') echo -e "\nIndexing assembly ... " bwa index $fsampleID.fa for folder in {input.reads}/*;do id=$(basename $folder) echo -e "\nCopying sample $id to be mapped against the focal sample $fsampleID ..." cp $folder/*.gz . # Maybe I should be piping the lines below to reduce I/O ? echo -e "\nMapping sample to assembly ... " bwa mem -t {config[cores][crossMap]} $fsampleID.fa *.fastq.gz > $id.sam echo -e "\nConverting SAM to BAM with samtools view ... " samtools view -@ {config[cores][crossMap]} -Sb $id.sam > $id.bam echo -e "\nSorting BAM file with samtools sort ... " samtools sort -@ {config[cores][crossMap]} -o $id.sort $id.bam echo -e "\nRunning jgi_summarize_bam_contig_depths script to generate contig abundance/depth file for maxbin2 input ... " jgi_summarize_bam_contig_depths --outputDepth $id.depth $id.sort echo -e "\nMoving depth file to sample $fsampleID maxbin2 folder ... " mv $id.depth {output.maxbin} echo -e "\nIndexing sorted BAM file with samtools index for CONCOCT input table generation ... " samtools index $id.sort echo -e "\nRemoving temporary files ... " rm *.fastq.gz *.sam *.bam done nSamples=$(ls {input.reads}|wc -l) echo -e "\nDone mapping focal sample $fsampleID agains $nSamples samples in dataset folder." echo -e "\nRunning jgi_summarize_bam_contig_depths for all sorted bam files to generate metabat2 input ... " jgi_summarize_bam_contig_depths --outputDepth $id.all.depth *.sort echo -e "\nMoving input file $id.all.depth to $fsampleID metabat2 folder... " mv $id.all.depth {output.metabat} echo -e "Done. \nCutting up contigs to 10kbp chunks (default), not to be used for mapping!" cut_up_fasta.py -c {config[params][cutfasta]} -o 0 -m $fsampleID.fa -b assembly_c10k.bed > assembly_c10k.fa echo -e "\nSummarizing sorted and indexed BAM files with concoct_coverage_table.py to generate CONCOCT input table ... " concoct_coverage_table.py assembly_c10k.bed *.sort > coverage_table.tsv echo -e "\nMoving CONCOCT input table to $fsampleID concoct folder" mv coverage_table.tsv {output.concoct} echo -e "\nRemoving intermediate sorted bam files ... " rm *.sort """ |
506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 | shell: """ # Activate metagem environment set +u;source activate {config[envs][metagem]};set -u; # Create output folder mkdir -p $(dirname {output}) # Make job specific scratch dir sampleID=$(echo $(basename $(dirname {input}))) echo -e "\nCreating temporary directory {config[path][scratch]}/{config[folder][kallistoIndex]}/${{sampleID}} ... " mkdir -p {config[path][scratch]}/{config[folder][kallistoIndex]}/${{sampleID}} # Move into scratch dir cd {config[path][scratch]}/{config[folder][kallistoIndex]}/${{sampleID}} # Copy files echo -e "\nCopying and unzipping sample $sampleID assembly ... " cp {input} . # Rename files mv $(basename {input}) $(echo $sampleID|sed 's/$/.fa.gz/g') gunzip $(echo $sampleID|sed 's/$/.fa.gz/g') echo -e "\nCutting up assembly contigs >= 20kbp into 10kbp chunks ... " cut_up_fasta.py $sampleID.fa -c 10000 -o 0 --merge_last > contigs_10K.fa echo -e "\nCreating kallisto index ... " kallisto index contigs_10K.fa -i index.kaix mv index.kaix $(dirname {output}) """ |
555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 | shell: """ # Activate metagem environment set +u;source activate {config[envs][metagem]};set -u; # Create output folder mkdir -p {output} # Make job specific scratch dir focal=$(echo $(basename $(dirname {input.index}))) mapping=$(echo $(basename $(dirname {input.R1}))) echo -e "\nCreating temporary directory {config[path][scratch]}/{config[folder][kallisto]}/${{focal}}_${{mapping}} ... " mkdir -p {config[path][scratch]}/{config[folder][kallisto]}/${{focal}}_${{mapping}} # Move into tmp dir cd {config[path][scratch]}/{config[folder][kallisto]}/${{focal}}_${{mapping}} # Copy files echo -e "\nCopying assembly index {input.index} and reads {input.R1} {input.R2} to $(pwd) ... " cp {input.index} {input.R1} {input.R2} . # Run kallisto echo -e "\nRunning kallisto ... " kallisto quant --threads {config[cores][crossMap]} --plaintext -i index.kaix -o . $(basename {input.R1}) $(basename {input.R2}) # Zip file echo -e "\nZipping abundance file ... " gzip abundance.tsv # Move mapping file out output folder mv abundance.tsv.gz {output} # Cleanup temp folder echo -e "\nRemoving temporary directory {config[path][scratch]}/{config[folder][kallisto]}/${{focal}}_${{mapping}} ... " cd - rm -r {config[path][scratch]}/{config[folder][kallisto]}/${{focal}}_${{mapping}} """ |
596 597 598 599 | shell: """ echo "Gathering cross map jobs ..." """ |
609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 | shell: """ # Activate metagem environment set +u;source activate {config[envs][metagem]};set -u; # Create output folder mkdir -p $(dirname {output}) # Make job specific scratch dir sampleID=$(echo $(basename $(dirname {input.contigs}))) echo -e "\nCreating temporary directory {config[path][scratch]}/{config[folder][concoct]}/${{sampleID}} ... " mkdir -p {config[path][scratch]}/{config[folder][concoct]}/${{sampleID}} # Move into scratch dir cd {config[path][scratch]}/{config[folder][concoct]}/${{sampleID}} # Copy files cp {input.contigs} {input.table} . echo "Unzipping assembly ... " gunzip $(basename {input.contigs}) echo -e "Done. \nCutting up contigs (default 10kbp chunks) ... " cut_up_fasta.py -c {config[params][cutfasta]} -o 0 -m $(echo $(basename {input.contigs})|sed 's/.gz//') > assembly_c10k.fa echo -e "\nRunning CONCOCT ... " concoct --coverage_file $(basename {input.table}) \ --composition_file assembly_c10k.fa \ -b $(basename $(dirname {output})) \ -t {config[cores][concoct]} \ -c {config[params][concoct]} echo -e "\nMerging clustering results into original contigs ... " merge_cutup_clustering.py $(basename $(dirname {output}))_clustering_gt1000.csv > $(basename $(dirname {output}))_clustering_merged.csv echo -e "\nExtracting bins ... " mkdir -p $(basename {output}) extract_fasta_bins.py $(echo $(basename {input.contigs})|sed 's/.gz//') $(basename $(dirname {output}))_clustering_merged.csv --output_path $(basename {output}) # Move final result files to output folder mv $(basename {output}) *.txt *.csv $(dirname {output}) """ |
660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 | shell: """ # Activate metagem environment set +u;source activate {config[envs][metagem]};set -u; # Create output folder mkdir -p {output} # Make job specific scratch dir fsampleID=$(echo $(basename $(dirname {input.assembly}))) echo -e "\nCreating temporary directory {config[path][scratch]}/{config[folder][metabat]}/${{fsampleID}} ... " mkdir -p {config[path][scratch]}/{config[folder][metabat]}/${{fsampleID}} # Move into scratch dir cd {config[path][scratch]}/{config[folder][metabat]}/${{fsampleID}} # Copy files to tmp cp {input.assembly} {input.depth}/*.all.depth . # Unzip assembly gunzip $(basename {input.assembly}) # Run metabat2 echo -e "\nRunning metabat2 ... " metabat2 -i contigs.fasta -a *.all.depth -s {config[params][metabatMin]} -v --seed {config[params][seed]} -t 0 -m {config[params][minBin]} -o $(basename $(dirname {output})) # Move result files to output dir mv *.fa {output} """ |
698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 | shell: """ # Activate metagem environment set +u;source activate {config[envs][metagem]};set -u; # Create output folder mkdir -p $(dirname {output}) # Make job specific scratch dir fsampleID=$(echo $(basename $(dirname {input.assembly}))) echo -e "\nCreating temporary directory {config[path][scratch]}/{config[folder][maxbin]}/${{fsampleID}} ... " mkdir -p {config[path][scratch]}/{config[folder][maxbin]}/${{fsampleID}} # Move into scratch dir cd {config[path][scratch]}/{config[folder][maxbin]}/${{fsampleID}} # Copy files to tmp cp -r {input.assembly} {input.depth}/*.depth . echo -e "\nUnzipping assembly ... " gunzip $(basename {input.assembly}) echo -e "\nGenerating list of depth files based on crossMapSeries rule output ... " find . -name "*.depth" > abund.list echo -e "\nRunning maxbin2 ... " run_MaxBin.pl -thread {config[cores][maxbin]} -contig contigs.fasta -out $(basename $(dirname {output})) -abund_list abund.list # Clean up un-needed files rm *.depth abund.list contigs.fasta # Move files into output dir mkdir -p $(basename {output}) while read bin;do mv $bin $(basename {output});done< <(ls|grep fasta) mv * $(dirname {output}) """ |
751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 | shell: """ # Activate metawrap environment set +u;source activate {config[envs][metawrap]};set -u; # Create output folder mkdir -p {output} # Make job specific scratch dir fsampleID=$(echo $(basename $(dirname {input.concoct}))) echo -e "\nCreating temporary directory {config[path][scratch]}/{config[folder][refined]}/${{fsampleID}} ... " mkdir -p {config[path][scratch]}/{config[folder][refined]}/${{fsampleID}} # Move into scratch dir cd {config[path][scratch]}/{config[folder][refined]}/${{fsampleID}} # Copy files to tmp echo "Copying bins from CONCOCT, metabat2, and maxbin2 to {config[path][scratch]} ... " cp -r {input.concoct} {input.metabat} {input.maxbin} . echo "Renaming bin folders to avoid errors with metaWRAP ... " mv $(basename {input.concoct}) $(echo $(basename {input.concoct})|sed 's/-bins//g') mv $(basename {input.metabat}) $(echo $(basename {input.metabat})|sed 's/-bins//g') mv $(basename {input.maxbin}) $(echo $(basename {input.maxbin})|sed 's/-bins//g') echo "Running metaWRAP bin refinement module ... " metaWRAP bin_refinement -o . \ -A $(echo $(basename {input.concoct})|sed 's/-bins//g') \ -B $(echo $(basename {input.metabat})|sed 's/-bins//g') \ -C $(echo $(basename {input.maxbin})|sed 's/-bins//g') \ -t {config[cores][refine]} \ -m {config[params][refineMem]} \ -c {config[params][refineComp]} \ -x {config[params][refineCont]} rm -r $(echo $(basename {input.concoct})|sed 's/-bins//g') $(echo $(basename {input.metabat})|sed 's/-bins//g') $(echo $(basename {input.maxbin})|sed 's/-bins//g') work_files mv * {output} """ |
800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 | shell: """ # Activate metawrap environment set +u;source activate {config[envs][metawrap]};set -u; # Prevents spades from using just one thread export OMP_NUM_THREADS={config[cores][reassemble]} # Create output folder mkdir -p {output} # Make job specific scratch dir fsampleID=$(echo $(basename $(dirname {input.R1}))) echo -e "\nCreating temporary directory {config[path][scratch]}/{config[folder][reassembled]}/${{fsampleID}} ... " mkdir -p {config[path][scratch]}/{config[folder][reassembled]}/${{fsampleID}} # Move into scratch dir cd {config[path][scratch]}/{config[folder][reassembled]}/${{fsampleID}} # Copy files to tmp cp -r {input.refinedBins}/metawrap_*_bins {input.R1} {input.R2} . echo "Running metaWRAP bin reassembly ... " metaWRAP reassemble_bins --parallel -o $(basename {output}) \ -b metawrap_*_bins \ -1 $(basename {input.R1}) \ -2 $(basename {input.R2}) \ -t {config[cores][reassemble]} \ -m {config[params][reassembleMem]} \ -c {config[params][reassembleComp]} \ -x {config[params][reassembleCont]} # Cleaning up files rm -r metawrap_*_bins rm -r $(basename {output})/work_files rm *.fastq.gz # Move results to output folder mv * $(dirname {output}) """ |
858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 | shell: """ # Activate metagem env set +u;source activate {config[envs][metagem]};set -u; # Read CONCOCT bins echo "Generating concoct_bins.stats file containing bin ID, number of contigs, and length ... " cd {input}/{config[folder][concoct]} for folder in */;do # Define sample name var=$(echo $folder|sed 's|/||g'); for bin in $folder*concoct-bins/*.fa;do # Define bin name name=$(echo $bin | sed "s|^.*/|$var.bin.|g" | sed 's/.fa//g'); # Count contigs N=$(less $bin | grep -c ">"); # Sum length L=$(less $bin |grep ">"|cut -d '-' -f4|sed 's/len=//g'|awk '{{sum+=$1}}END{{print sum}}') # Print values to terminal and write to stats file echo "Reading bin $bin ... Contigs: $N , Length: $L " echo $name $N $L >> concoct_bins.stats; done; done mv *.stats {input}/{config[folder][reassembled]} # Read MetaBAT2 bins echo "Generating metabat_bins.stats file containing bin ID, number of contigs, and length ... " cd {input}/{config[folder][metabat]} for folder in */;do # Define sample name var=$(echo $folder | sed 's|/||'); for bin in $folder*metabat-bins/*.fa;do # Define bin name name=$(echo $bin|sed 's/.fa//g'|sed 's|^.*/||g'|sed "s/^/$var./g"); # Count contigs N=$(less $bin | grep -c ">"); # Sum length L=$(less $bin |grep ">"|cut -d '-' -f4|sed 's/len=//g'|awk '{{sum+=$1}}END{{print sum}}') # Print values to terminal and write to stats file echo "Reading bin $bin ... Contigs: $N , Length: $L " echo $name $N $L >> metabat_bins.stats; done; done mv *.stats {input}/{config[folder][reassembled]} # Read MaxBin2 bins echo "Generating maxbin_bins.stats file containing bin ID, number of contigs, and length ... " cd {input}/{config[folder][maxbin]} for folder in */;do for bin in $folder*maxbin-bins/*.fasta;do # Define bin name name=$(echo $bin | sed 's/.fasta//g' | sed 's|^.*/||g'); # Count contigs N=$(less $bin | grep -c ">"); # Sum length L=$(less $bin |grep ">"|cut -d '-' -f4|sed 's/len=//g'|awk '{{sum+=$1}}END{{print sum}}') # Print values to terminal and write to stats file echo "Reading bin $bin ... Contigs: $N , Length: $L " echo $name $N $L >> maxbin_bins.stats; done; done mv *.stats {input}/{config[folder][reassembled]} # Read metaWRAP refined bins echo "Generating refined_bins.stats file containing bin ID, number of contigs, and length ... " cd {input}/{config[folder][refined]} for folder in */;do # Define sample name samp=$(echo $folder | sed 's|/||'); for bin in $folder*metawrap_*_bins/*.fa;do # Define bin name name=$(echo $bin | sed 's/.fa//g'|sed 's|^.*/||g'|sed "s/^/$samp./g"); # Count contigs N=$(less $bin | grep -c ">"); # Sum length L=$(less $bin |grep ">"|cut -d '-' -f4|sed 's/len_//g'|awk '{{sum+=$1}}END{{print sum}}') # Print values to terminal and write to stats file echo "Reading bin $bin ... Contigs: $N , Length: $L " echo $name $N $L >> refined_bins.stats; done; done # Compile CONCOCT, MetaBAT2, MaxBin2, and metaWRAP checkM files echo "Generating CheckM summary files across samples: concoct.checkm, metabat.checkm, maxbin.checkm, and refined.checkm ... " for folder in */;do # Define sample name var=$(echo $folder|sed 's|/||g'); # Write values to checkm files paste $folder*concoct.stats|tail -n +2 | sed "s/^/$var.bin./g" >> concoct.checkm paste $folder*metabat.stats|tail -n +2 | sed "s/^/$var./g" >> metabat.checkm paste $folder*maxbin.stats|tail -n +2 >> maxbin.checkm paste $folder*metawrap_*_bins.stats|tail -n +2|sed "s/^/$var./g" >> refined.checkm done mv *.stats *.checkm {input}/{config[folder][reassembled]} # Read metaWRAP reassembled bins echo "Generating reassembled_bins.stats file containing bin ID, number of contigs, and length ... " cd {input}/{config[folder][reassembled]} for folder in */;do # Define sample name samp=$(echo $folder | sed 's|/||'); for bin in $folder*reassembled_bins/*.fa;do # Define bin name name=$(echo $bin | sed 's/.fa//g' | sed 's|^.*/||g' | sed "s/^/$samp./g"); N=$(less $bin | grep -c ">"); # Check if bins are original (megahit-assembled) or strict/permissive (metaspades-assembled) if [[ $name == *.strict ]] || [[ $name == *.permissive ]];then L=$(less $bin |grep ">"|cut -d '_' -f4|awk '{{sum+=$1}}END{{print sum}}') else L=$(less $bin |grep ">"|cut -d '-' -f4|sed 's/len_//g'|awk '{{sum+=$1}}END{{print sum}}') fi # Print values to terminal and write to stats file echo "Reading bin $bin ... Contigs: $N , Length: $L " echo $name $N $L >> reassembled_bins.stats; done; done echo "Done reading metawrap reassembled bins ... " # Read metaWRAP reassembled checkM file echo "Generating CheckM summary file reassembled.checkm across samples for reassembled bins ... " for folder in */;do # Define sample name var=$(echo $folder|sed 's|/||g'); # Write values to checkM file paste $folder*reassembled_bins.stats|tail -n +2|sed "s/^/$var./g"; done >> reassembled.checkm echo "Done generating all statistics files for binning results ... running plotting script ... " # Move files and cd to stats folder mv *.stats *.checkm {config[path][root]}/{config[folder][stats]} cd {config[path][root]}/{config[folder][stats]} # Run Rscript Rscript {config[path][root]}/{config[folder][scripts]}/{config[scripts][binningVis]} # Delete redundant pdf file rm Rplots.pdf """ |
1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 | shell: """ # Activate metagem environment set +u;source activate {config[envs][metagem]};set -u; # Make sure output folder exists mkdir -p {output} # Make job specific scratch dir sampleID=$(echo $(basename $(dirname {input.R1}))) echo -e "\nCreating temporary directory {config[path][scratch]}/{config[folder][abundance]}/${{sampleID}} ... " mkdir -p {config[path][scratch]}/{config[folder][abundance]}/${{sampleID}} # Move into scratch dir cd {config[path][scratch]}/{config[folder][abundance]}/${{sampleID}} # Copy files echo -e "\nCopying quality filtered paired end reads and generated MAGs to {config[path][scratch]} ... " cp {input.R1} {input.R2} {input.bins}/* . echo -e "\nConcatenating all bins into one FASTA file ... " cat *.fa > $(basename {output}).fa echo -e "\nCreating bwa index for concatenated FASTA file ... " bwa index $(basename {output}).fa echo -e "\nMapping quality filtered paired end reads to concatenated FASTA file with bwa mem ... " bwa mem -t {config[cores][abundance]} $(basename {output}).fa \ $(basename {input.R1}) $(basename {input.R2}) > $(basename {output}).sam echo -e "\nConverting SAM to BAM with samtools view ... " samtools view -@ {config[cores][abundance]} -Sb $(basename {output}).sam > $(basename {output}).bam echo -e "\nSorting BAM file with samtools sort ... " samtools sort -@ {config[cores][abundance]} -o $(basename {output}).sort.bam $(basename {output}).bam echo -e "\nExtracting stats from sorted BAM file with samtools flagstat ... " samtools flagstat $(basename {output}).sort.bam > map.stats echo -e "\nCopying sample_map.stats file to root/abundance/sample for bin concatenation and deleting temporary FASTA file ... " cp map.stats {output}/$(basename {output})_map.stats rm $(basename {output}).fa echo -e "\nRepeat procedure for each bin ... " for bin in *.fa;do echo -e "\nSetting up temporary sub-directory to map against bin $bin ... " mkdir -p $(echo "$bin"| sed "s/.fa//") # Move bin into subirectory mv $bin $(echo "$bin"| sed "s/.fa//") cd $(echo "$bin"| sed "s/.fa//") echo -e "\nCreating bwa index for bin $bin ... " bwa index $bin echo -e "\nMapping quality filtered paired end reads to bin $bin with bwa mem ... " bwa mem -t {config[cores][abundance]} $bin \ ../$(basename {input.R1}) ../$(basename {input.R2}) > $(echo "$bin"|sed "s/.fa/.sam/") echo -e "\nConverting SAM to BAM with samtools view ... " samtools view -@ {config[cores][abundance]} -Sb $(echo "$bin"|sed "s/.fa/.sam/") > $(echo "$bin"|sed "s/.fa/.bam/") echo -e "\nSorting BAM file with samtools sort ... " samtools sort -@ {config[cores][abundance]} -o $(echo "$bin"|sed "s/.fa/.sort.bam/") $(echo "$bin"|sed "s/.fa/.bam/") echo -e "\nExtracting stats from sorted BAM file with samtools flagstat ... " samtools flagstat $(echo "$bin"|sed "s/.fa/.sort.bam/") > $(echo "$bin"|sed "s/.fa/.map/") echo -e "\nAppending bin length to bin.map stats file ... " echo -n "Bin Length = " >> $(echo "$bin"|sed "s/.fa/.map/") # Check if bins are original (megahit-assembled) or strict/permissive (metaspades-assembled) if [[ $bin == *.strict.fa ]] || [[ $bin == *.permissive.fa ]] || [[ $bin == *.s.fa ]] || [[ $bin == *.p.fa ]];then less $bin |grep ">"|cut -d '_' -f4|awk '{{sum+=$1}}END{{print sum}}' >> $(echo "$bin"|sed "s/.fa/.map/") else less $bin |grep ">"|cut -d '-' -f4|sed 's/len_//g'|awk '{{sum+=$1}}END{{print sum}}' >> $(echo "$bin"|sed "s/.fa/.map/") fi paste $(echo "$bin"|sed "s/.fa/.map/") echo -e "\nCalculating abundance for bin $bin ... " echo -n "$bin"|sed "s/.fa//" >> $(echo "$bin"|sed "s/.fa/.abund/") echo -n $'\t' >> $(echo "$bin"|sed "s/.fa/.abund/") X=$(less $(echo "$bin"|sed "s/.fa/.map/")|grep "mapped ("|awk -F' ' '{{print $1}}') Y=$(less $(echo "$bin"|sed "s/.fa/.map/")|tail -n 1|awk -F' ' '{{print $4}}') Z=$(less "../map.stats"|grep "mapped ("|awk -F' ' '{{print $1}}') awk -v x="$X" -v y="$Y" -v z="$Z" 'BEGIN{{print (x/y/z) * 1000000}}' >> $(echo "$bin"|sed "s/.fa/.abund/") paste $(echo "$bin"|sed "s/.fa/.abund/") echo -e "\nRemoving temporary files for bin $bin ... " rm $bin cp $(echo "$bin"|sed "s/.fa/.map/") {output} mv $(echo "$bin"|sed "s/.fa/.abund/") ../ cd .. rm -r $(echo "$bin"| sed "s/.fa//") done echo -e "\nDone processing all bins, summarizing results into sample.abund file ... " cat *.abund > $(basename {output}).abund echo -ne "\nSumming calculated abundances to obtain normalization value ... " norm=$(less $(basename {output}).abund |awk '{{sum+=$2}}END{{print sum}}'); echo $norm echo -e "\nGenerating column with abundances normalized between 0 and 1 ... " awk -v NORM="$norm" '{{printf $1"\t"$2"\t"$2/NORM"\\n"}}' $(basename {output}).abund > abundance.txt rm $(basename {output}).abund mv abundance.txt $(basename {output}).abund mv $(basename {output}).abund {output} """ |
1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 | shell: """ # Activate metagem environment set +u;source activate {config[envs][metagem]};set -u; # Make sure output folder exists mkdir -p {output} # Make job specific scratch dir sampleID=$(echo $(basename $(dirname {input}))) echo -e "\nCreating temporary directory {config[path][scratch]}/{config[folder][classification]}/${{sampleID}} ... " mkdir -p {config[path][scratch]}/{config[folder][classification]}/${{sampleID}} # Move into scratch dir cd {config[path][scratch]}/{config[folder][classification]}/${{sampleID}} # Copy files echo -e "\nCopying files to tmp dir ... " cp -r {input} . # In case you GTDBTk is not properly configured you may need to export the GTDBTK_DATA_PATH variable, # Simply uncomment the following line and fill in the path to your GTDBTk database: # export GTDBTK_DATA_PATH=/path/to/the/gtdbtk/database/you/downloaded # Run GTDBTk gtdbtk classify_wf --genome_dir $(basename {input}) --out_dir GTDBTk -x fa --cpus {config[cores][gtdbtk]} mv GTDBTk/* {output} """ |
1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 | shell: """ set +u;source activate {config[envs][metagem]};set -u # Generate summary abundance file cd {input.abundance} for folder in */;do # Define sample ID sample=$(echo $folder|sed 's|/||g') # Same as in taxonomyVis rule, modify bin names by adding sample ID and shortening metaWRAP naming scheme (orig/permissive/strict) paste $sample/$sample.abund | sed 's/orig/o/g' | sed 's/permissive/p/g' | sed 's/strict/s/g' | sed "s/^/$sample./g" >> abundance.stats done mv abundance.stats {config[path][root]}/{config[folder][stats]} # Generate summary taxonomy file cd {input.taxonomy} # Summarize GTDBTk output across samples for folder in */;do samp=$(echo $folder|sed 's|^.*/||'); cat $folder/classify/*summary.tsv| sed 's/orig/o/g' | sed 's/permissive/p/g' | sed 's/strict/s/g' | sed "s/^/$samp./g"; done > GTDBTk.stats # Clean up stats file header=$(head -n 1 GTDBTk.stats | sed 's/^.*\.//g') sed -i '/other_related_references(genome_id,species_name,radius,ANI,AF)/d' GTDBTk.stats sed -i "1i$header" GTDBTk.stats mv GTDBTk.stats {config[path][root]}/{config[folder][stats]} cd {config[path][root]}/{config[folder][stats]} Rscript {config[path][root]}/{config[folder][scripts]}/{config[scripts][compositionVis]} """ |
1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 | shell: """ # Move to root directory cd {config[path][root]} # Make sure protein bins folder exists mkdir -p {config[folder][proteinBins]} echo -e "Begin moving and renaming ORF annotated protein fasta bins from reassembled_bins/ to protein_bins/ ... \n" for folder in reassembled_bins/*/;do #Loop through each sample echo "Copying bins from sample $(echo $(basename $folder)) ... " for bin in $folder*reassembled_bins.checkm/bins/*;do # Loop through each bin var=$(echo $bin/genes.faa | sed 's|reassembled_bins/||g'|sed 's|/reassembled_bins.checkm/bins||'|sed 's|/genes||g'|sed 's|/|_|g'|sed 's/permissive/p/g'|sed 's/orig/o/g'|sed 's/strict/s/g'); cp $bin/*.faa {config[path][root]}/{config[folder][proteinBins]}/$var; done; done """ |
1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 | shell: """ # Activate metagem environment set +u;source activate {config[envs][metagem]};set -u; # Make sure output folder exists mkdir -p $(dirname {output}) # Make job specific scratch dir binID=$(echo $(basename {input})|sed 's/.faa//g') echo -e "\nCreating temporary directory {config[path][scratch]}/{config[folder][GEMs]}/${{binID}} ... " mkdir -p {config[path][scratch]}/{config[folder][GEMs]}/${{binID}} # Move into tmp dir cd {config[path][scratch]}/{config[folder][GEMs]}/${{binID}} # Copy files cp {input.bin} {input.media} . echo "Begin carving GEM ... " carve -g {config[params][carveMedia]} \ -v \ --mediadb $(basename {input.media}) \ --fbc2 \ -o $(echo $(basename {input.bin}) | sed 's/.faa/.xml/g') $(basename {input.bin}) echo "Done carving GEM. " [ -f *.xml ] && mv *.xml $(dirname {output}) """ |
1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 | shell: """ set +u;source activate {config[envs][metagem]};set -u; cd {input} echo -e "\nBegin reading models ... \n" while read model;do id=$(echo $(basename $model)|sed 's/.xml//g'); mets=$(less $model| grep "species id="|cut -d ' ' -f 8|sed 's/..$//g'|sort|uniq|wc -l); rxns=$(less $model|grep -c 'reaction id='); genes=$(less $model|grep 'fbc:geneProduct fbc:id='|grep -vic spontaneous); echo "Model: $id has $mets mets, $rxns reactions, and $genes genes ... " echo "$id $mets $rxns $genes" >> GEMs.stats; done< <(find . -name "*.xml") echo -e "\nDone generating GEMs.stats summary file, moving to stats/ folder and running modelVis.R script ... " mv GEMs.stats {config[path][root]}/{config[folder][stats]} cd {config[path][root]}/{config[folder][stats]} Rscript {config[path][root]}/{config[folder][scripts]}/{config[scripts][modelVis]} rm Rplots.pdf # Delete redundant pdf file echo "Done. " """ |
1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 1396 1397 1398 1399 | shell: """ echo -e "\nCopying GEMs from specified input directory to {config[path][scratch]} ... " cp -r {input} {config[path][scratch]} cd {config[path][scratch]} mkdir ecfiles while read model; do # Read E.C. numbers from each sbml file and write to a unique file, note that grep expression is hardcoded for specific GEM batches less $(basename {input})/$model| grep 'EC Number'| \ sed 's/^.*: //g'| \ sed 's/<.*$//g'| \ sed '/-/d'|sed '/N\/A/d' | \ sort|uniq -c \ > ecfiles/$model.ec echo -ne "Reading E.C. numbers in model $model, unique E.C. : " ECNUM=$(less ecfiles/$model.ec|wc -l) echo $ECNUM done< <(ls $(basename {input})) echo -e "\nMoving ecfiles folder back to {config[path][root]}" mv ecfiles {config[path][root]} cd {config[path][root]} echo -e "\nCreating sorted unique file EC.summary for easy EC inspection ... " cat ecfiles/*.ec|awk '{{print $NF}}'|sort|uniq -c > EC.summary paste EC.summary """ |
1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 | shell: """ cd {input} for folder in */;do echo -n "Creating GEM subfolder for sample $folder ... " mkdir -p ../{config[folder][GEMs]}/$folder; echo -n "moving GEMs ... " mv ../{config[folder][GEMs]}/$(echo $folder|sed 's|/||')_*.xml ../{config[folder][GEMs]}/$folder; echo "done. " done """ |
1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 | shell: """ # Activate metagem env set +u;source activate {config[envs][metagem]};set -u # Make sure output folder exists mkdir -p $(dirname {output}) # Make job specific scratch dir sampleID=$(echo $(basename {input})) echo -e "\nCreating temporary directory {config[path][scratch]}/{config[folder][SMETANA]}/${{sampleID}} ... " mkdir -p {config[path][scratch]}/{config[folder][SMETANA]}/${{sampleID}} # Move to tmp dir cd {config[path][scratch]}/{config[folder][SMETANA]}/${{sampleID}} # Copy media db and GEMs cp {config[path][root]}/{config[folder][scripts]}/{config[scripts][carveme]} {input}/*.xml . # Run SMETANA smetana -o $(basename {input}) --flavor fbc2 \ --mediadb media_db.tsv -m {config[params][smetanaMedia]} \ --detailed \ --solver {config[params][smetanaSolver]} -v *.xml # Copy results to output folder cp *.tsv $(dirname {output}) """ |
1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 | shell: """ cd {input} mv media_db.tsv ../scripts/ cat *.tsv|sed '/community/d' > smetana.all less smetana.all |cut -f2|sort|uniq > media.txt ll|grep tsv|awk '{print $NF}'|sed 's/_.*$//g'>samples.txt while read sample;do echo -n "$sample ";while read media;do var=$(less smetana.all|grep $sample|grep -c $media); echo -n "$var " ;done < media.txt; echo "";done < samples.txt > sampleMedia.stats """ |
1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 | shell: """ # Activate metagem env set +u;source activate {config[envs][metagem]};set -u # Make sure output folder exists mkdir -p {output} # Make job specific scratch dir gemID=$(echo $(basename {input})|sed 's/.xml//g') echo -e "\nCreating temporary directory {config[path][scratch]}/{config[folder][memote]}/${{gemID}} ... " mkdir -p {config[path][scratch]}/{config[folder][memote]}/${{gemID}} # Move to tmp dir cd {config[path][scratch]}/{config[folder][memote]}/${{gemID}} # Copy GEM to tmp cp {input} . # Uncomment the following line in case errors are raised about missing git module, # also ensure that module name matches that of your cluster # module load git # Run memote memote report snapshot --skip test_find_metabolites_produced_with_closed_bounds --skip test_find_metabolites_consumed_with_closed_bounds --skip test_find_metabolites_not_produced_with_open_bounds --skip test_find_metabolites_not_consumed_with_open_bounds --skip test_find_incorrect_thermodynamic_reversibility --filename $(echo $(basename {input})|sed 's/.xml/.html/') *.xml memote run --skip test_find_metabolites_produced_with_closed_bounds --skip test_find_metabolites_consumed_with_closed_bounds --skip test_find_metabolites_not_produced_with_open_bounds --skip test_find_metabolites_not_consumed_with_open_bounds --skip test_find_incorrect_thermodynamic_reversibility *.xml # Rename output file with sample ID mv result.json.gz $(echo $(basename {input})|sed 's/.xml/.json.gz/') # Move results to output folder mv *.gz *.html {output} """ |
1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 | shell: """ set +u;source activate {config[envs][metagem]};set -u cp -r {input.bins} {input.R1} {input.R2} {config[path][scratch]} cd {config[path][scratch]} cat *.gz > $(basename $(dirname {input.bins})).fastq.gz rm $(basename {input.R1}) $(basename {input.R2}) mkdir MAGdb out update_database -d MAGdb -g $(basename {input.bins}) -p MAGdb rm -r $(basename {input.bins}) grid multiplex -r . -e fastq.gz -d MAGdb -p -c 0.2 -o out -n {config[cores][grid]} rm $(basename $(dirname {input.bins})).fastq.gz mkdir {output} mv out/* {output} """ |
1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 | shell: """ # Move into root dir cd {config[path][root]} # Make sure dnaBins folder exists mkdir -p {config[folder][dnaBins]} # Copy files echo -e "Begin copying and renaming dna fasta bins from reassembled_bins/ to dna_bins/ ... \n" for folder in reassembled_bins/*/;do # Loop through each sample sample=$(echo $(basename $folder)); mkdir -p {config[path][root]}/{config[folder][dnaBins]}/$sample echo "Copying bins from sample $sample ... " for bin in $folder*reassembled_bins/*;do # Loop through each bin var=$(echo $bin| sed 's|reassembled_bins/||g'|sed 's|/|_|g'|sed 's/permissive/p/g'|sed 's/orig/o/g'|sed 's/strict/s/g'); cp $bin {config[path][root]}/{config[folder][dnaBins]}/$sample/$var; done; done """ |
1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 | shell: """ set +u;source activate {config[envs][prokkaroary]};set -u mkdir -p $(dirname $(dirname {output})) mkdir -p $(dirname {output}) cp {input} {config[path][scratch]} cd {config[path][scratch]} id=$(echo $(basename {input})|sed "s/.fa//g") prokka -locustag $id --cpus {config[cores][prokka]} --centre MAG --compliant -outdir prokka/$id -prefix $id $(basename {input}) mv prokka/$id $(dirname {output}) """ |
1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 | shell: """ set +u;source activate {config[envs][prokkaroary]};set -u mkdir -p $(dirname {output}) cd {config[path][scratch]} cp -r {input} . roary -s -p {config[cores][roary]} -i {config[params][roaryI]} -cd {config[params][roaryCD]} -f yes_al -e -v $(basename {input})/*.gff cd yes_al create_pan_genome_plots.R cd .. mkdir -p {output} mv yes_al/* {output} """ |
1630 1631 1632 1633 1634 | shell: """ mkdir -p $(dirname {output.gff}) prodigal -i <(gunzip -c {input}) -o {output.gff} -a {output.faa} -d {output.fna} -p meta &> {output.log} """ |
1644 1645 | wrapper: "https://github.com/snakemake/snakemake-wrappers/raw/0.80.1/bio/diamond/blastp" |
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