Structural variant filtering and anlaysis of Nanopore human WGS data.
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Structural variant filtering and analysis of Nanopore human WGS data.
Installation instructions
Download the latest code from GitHub:
git clone
There are many dependencies so it is best to create a new Conda environment using the provided YAML file:
conda env create -n nanopore-SV-analysis -f nanopore-SV-analysis.yml
conda activate nanopore-SV-analysis
Below is a list of the Conda dependencies:
NanoFilt v2.8.0
NanoPlot v1.20.0
seaborn v0.10.0
Reference genome
You will need to download the reference genome manually before running the workflow. I have not included the download as part of the workflow because it is designed to run on a cluster that may not have internet access. You can use a local copy of GRCh38 if you have one, but the reference can only contain the autosomes and sex chromosomes, and the chromosomes must be named
chr1, chr2, ...,chrX, chrY
. To download the reference genome and index it, change to the reference directory of the workflow and run the
cd /path/to/nanopore-SV-analysis/reference
chmod u+x
To run on a grid engine
Copy the
files to the directory that you want to run the workflow. Modify the information in
for your sample names and FASTQ locations. There are a few different grid engines, so the exact format to run the workflow may be different for your particular grid engine:
snakemake --jobs 500 --rerun-incomplete --keep-going --latency-wait 60 --cluster "qsub -cwd -V -o snakemake.output.log -e snakemake.error.log -q queue_name -P project_name -pe smp {threads} -l h_vmem={params.memory_per_thread} -l h_rt={params.run_time} -b y"
You will have to replace
with the necessary values to run on your cluster.
Code Snippets
17 18 19 | shell: "{conda_dir}/NanoPlot {params.scale} -t {threads} -p {wildcards.sample} \ --title {wildcards.sample} --fastq {input} -o {wildcards.sample}/analysis/nanoplot &> {log}" |
37 38 | shell: "{conda_dir}/samtools depth -r {wildcards.chromosomes} {input.bam} > {output} 2> {log}" |
57 58 59 | shell: "{conda_dir}/python {scripts_dir}/ -i {input.depth} \ -o {output} -w {params.window} -c {params.coverage} &> {log}" |
74 75 | shell: "cat {input} > {output} 2> {log}" |
94 95 96 | shell: "{conda_dir}/python {scripts_dir}/ -i {input.depth} \ -o {output} -w {params.window} -c {params.coverage} &> {log}" |
111 112 | shell: "cat {input} > {output} 2> {log}" |
131 132 133 | shell: "{conda_dir}/python {scripts_dir}/ -i {input.depth} \ -o {output} -w {params.window} -c {params.coverage} &> {log}" |
148 149 | shell: "cat {input} > {output} 2> {log}" |
168 169 170 | shell: "{conda_dir}/python {scripts_dir}/ -i {input.depth} \ -o {output} -w {params.window} -c {params.coverage} &> {log}" |
185 186 | shell: "cat {input} > {output} 2> {log}" |
205 206 207 | shell: "{conda_dir}/python {scripts_dir}/ -i {input.depth} \ -o {output} -w {params.window} -c {params.coverage} &> {log}" |
222 223 | shell: "cat {input} > {output} 2> {log}" |
240 241 242 | shell: "{conda_dir}/Rscript {scripts_dir}/karyoploter_coverage.R {input.normal} {input.sample} \ {output} {params.genome} {wildcards.normal} {wildcards.sample} &> {log}" |
259 260 261 | shell: "{conda_dir}/Rscript {scripts_dir}/karyoploter_coverage_small_chr.R {input.normal} {input.sample} \ {output} {params.genome} {wildcards.normal} {wildcards.sample} &> {log}" |
278 279 280 | shell: "{conda_dir}/Rscript {scripts_dir}/karyoploter_coverage_large_chr.R {input.normal} {input.sample} \ {output} {params.genome} {wildcards.normal} {wildcards.sample} &> {log}" |
299 300 301 302 | shell: "{conda_dir}/Rscript {scripts_dir}/karyoploter_coverage_chr.R {input.normal_cov} {input.sample_cov} \ {input.normal_baf} {input.sample_baf} {wildcards.normal} {wildcards.sample} {params.genome} \ {wildcards.chromosomes} {output} &> {log}" |
331 332 333 334 335 336 | shell: "{conda_dir}/python {scripts_dir}/ -ins {input.INS} -del {input.DEL} -dup {input.DUP} \ -inv {input.INV} -trans {input.trans} -depth {input.depth} -split {input.split_alignments} \ -low_map {input.low_map} -gaps {genome_gaps} -ins_out {output.INS} -del_out \ {output.DEL} -dup_out {output.DUP} -inv_out {output.INV} -trans_out {output.trans} -cnv_out \ {output.CNVs} -cov {params.coverage} &> {log}" |
17 18 19 | shell: "{conda_dir}/NanoFilt --logfile {log} -q {params.quality} -l {params.min_length} \ {input} | {conda_dir}/bgzip -c > {output} 2>> {log}" |
35 36 | shell: "{conda_dir}/bgzip -r {input} 2> {log}" |
55 56 57 58 | shell: "{conda_dir}/winnowmap {params.preset_options} {params.include_MD_tag} \ -t {threads} -W {high_frequency_kmers} {reference} {input.fastq} 2> {log} | \ {conda_dir}/samtools sort -o {output} &>> {log}" |
74 75 | shell: "{conda_dir}/samtools index {input} &> {log}" |
93 94 95 | shell: "{conda_dir}/longshot {params.thresholds} -r {wildcards.regions} --bam {input.bam} \ --ref {reference} --out {output} &> {log}" |
111 112 | shell: "{conda_dir}/bgzip --threads {threads} -c {input} > {output} 2> {log}" |
129 130 | shell: "{conda_dir}/tabix -p {params.file_type} {input} &> {log}" |
149 150 151 | shell: "{conda_dir}/bcftools concat {params.concat} {} 2> {log} | \ {conda_dir}/bcftools sort {params.sort} -o {output} &>> {log}" |
168 169 | shell: "{conda_dir}/tabix -p {params.file_type} {input} &> {log}" |
190 191 192 | shell: "{conda_dir}/whatshap haplotag {params.RG} {params.noSNVs} --regions {wildcards.regions} \ --reference {reference} {input.vcf} {input.bam} 2> {log} | {conda_dir}/samtools sort -o {output} &>> {log}" |
208 209 | shell: "{conda_dir}/samtools merge {output} {input} &> {log}" |
225 226 | shell: "{conda_dir}/samtools index {input} &> {log}" |
245 246 247 | shell: "zcat {} 2> {log} | {conda_dir}/bcftools view -f {params.view_param} \ 2>> {log} | {conda_dir}/bcftools query -f {params.query_param} > {output} 2>> {log}" |
263 264 | shell: "{conda_dir}/python {scripts_dir}/ -i {input} -o {output} 2> {log}" |
282 283 284 | shell: "{conda_dir}/samtools view -h {input.bam} 2> {log} | \ awk '$5<{params.quality} {{print $0}}' > {output} 2>> {log}" |
300 301 302 | shell: "{conda_dir}/samtools view -S -b -h {input} 2> {log} | \ {conda_dir}/samtools depth - > {output} 2>> {log}" |
322 323 324 325 | shell: "{conda_dir}/SURVIVOR bincov {input} {params.distance} {params.min_coverage} 2> {log} | \ {conda_dir}/bedtools slop -i stdin -g {chromosome_sizes} -b {params.slop} 2>> {log} | \ {conda_dir}/bedtools merge -i stdin -d {params.merge_length} > {output} 2>> {log}" |
21 22 23 24 25 | shell: "{conda_dir}/cuteSV --diff_ratio_merging_DEL {params.diff_ratio_merging_DEL} \ --min_support {params.min_support} --max_split_parts {params.max_splits} \ --threads {threads} --max_cluster_bias_DEL {params.max_cluster_bias_DEL} {input.bam} \ {reference} {output} {params.working_dir} &> {log}" |
41 42 | shell: "{conda_dir}/python {scripts_dir}/ -i {input} -o {output} &> {log}" |
62 63 64 | shell: "{conda_dir}/sniffles --input {input.bam} --snf {output.snf} --vcf {output.vcf} --non-germline \ --minsupport {params.min_reads} --max-splits-base {params.max_splits} -t {threads} &> {log}" |
80 81 | shell: "{conda_dir}/python {scripts_dir}/ -i {input} -o {output} &> {log}" |
99 100 | shell: "{conda_dir}/svim alignment {params.working_dir} {input.bam} {reference} &> {log}" |
116 117 | shell: "{conda_dir}/python {scripts_dir}/ -i {input} -o {output} &> {log}" |
136 137 138 | shell: "awk {params.awk} {input} 2> {log} | awk {params.fix_columns} 2>> {log} | \ awk {params.remove_duplicates} > {output} 2>> {log}" |
165 166 167 168 | shell: "awk {params.awk_INS} {input.cuteSV} {input.sniffles} {input.svim} 2> {log} | \ sort {params.sort} 2>> {log} | {conda_dir}/bedtools merge -i stdin -d {params.merge_length} \ {params.columns} {params.output_type} > {output} 2>> {log}" |
191 192 193 194 | shell: "awk {params.awk_DEL} {input.cuteSV} {input.sniffles} {input.svim} 2> {log} | \ sort {params.sort} 2>> {log} | {conda_dir}/bedtools merge -i stdin -d {params.merge_length} \ {params.columns} {params.output_type} > {output} 2>> {log}" |
218 219 220 221 222 | shell: "grep {params.grep_DUP} {input.cuteSV} {input.sniffles} {input.svim} 2> {log} | \ cut {params.select_columns} 2>> {log} | sort {params.sort} 2>> {log} | \ {conda_dir}/bedtools merge -i stdin -d {params.merge_length} {params.columns} \ {params.output_type} > {output} 2>> {log}" |
246 247 248 249 250 | shell: "grep {params.grep_INV} {input.cuteSV} {input.sniffles} {input.svim} 2> {log} | \ cut {params.select_columns} 2>> {log} | sort {params.sort} 2>> {log} | \ {conda_dir}/bedtools merge -i stdin -d {params.merge_length} {params.columns} \ {params.output_type} > {output} 2>> {log}" |
272 273 274 275 | shell: "awk {params.awk_BND_TRA} {input.cuteSV} {input.sniffles} {input.svim} 2> {log} | \ awk {params.fix_columns} 2>> {log} | cut {params.select_columns} 2>> {log} | \ sort {params.sort} > {output} 2>> {log}" |
292 293 294 | shell: "{conda_dir}/python {scripts_dir}/ \ --read-to-reference-bam {input.bam} --output-bedpe {output} &> {log}" |
314 315 316 | shell: "sort {params.sort} {input} 2> {log} | {conda_dir}/bedtools merge -i stdin \ -d {params.merge_length} -c {params.columns} -o {params.output_type} > {output} 2>> {log}" |
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