RNA-Seq Snakemake Workflow

public public 1yr ago Version: 2 0 bookmarks

This snakemake workflow runs differential expression analysis from RNA-Seq raw reads through to the plotting of differentially expressed genes. This includes:

  • Initial read quality assessment

  • Read quality trimming

  • Followup quality assessment

  • Read alignment to reference

  • Generation of count data

  • Saturation Curves + PCA plots

  • Handles high and low abundance counts

  • Volcano plots

  • Means to further investigate genes of interest



  • A Snakemake installation of version ? or higher

  • Conda installation


  • Compressed Reference genome (fasta file with extension .fna.gz or .fa.gz)

  • Associated annotation file (.gff or .gtf extension)

  • Compressed paired end illumina reads (extension fastq.gz or fq.gz)


Get your reads/fastq data

Copy or place all of your fastq data into the 0_data/fastq/ directory. Data can be moved from one location to another using the mv command (example below moves a file called file.fq.gz from its current location to a folder called /newspot)

mv file.fq.gz newspot/

Populate the config file

Code Snippets

	quast {input} --threads {threads} -o test

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Created: 1yr ago
Updated: 1yr ago
Maitainers: public
URL: https://github.com/Ducklegs17/rna-seq
Name: rna-seq
Version: 2
workflow icon

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Downloaded: 0
Copyright: Public Domain
License: None
  • Future updates

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