Stacks RAD-seq de novo workflow

public public 1yr ago Version: Version 1 0 bookmarks


These workflows are part of a set designed to work for RAD-seq data on the Galaxy platform, using the tools from the Stacks program.Stacks:

  • demultiplexed reads in fastq format, may be output from the QC workflow. Files are in a collection.
  • population map in text format

Steps and outputs


  • input reads go to ustacks.
  • ustacks assembles the reads into matching stacks (hypothetical alleles).
  • The outputs are in a collection called something like: Stacks2: ustacks on data 21, data 20, and others Loci and polymorphism. Click on this to see the files:
  • for each sample, assembled loci (tsv format), named e.g. sample_CAAC.tags
  • for each sample, model calls from each locus (tsv format), named e.g. sample_CAAC.snps
  • for each sample, haplotypes/alleles recorded from each locus (tsv format), named e.g. sample_CAAC.alleles
  • Please see sections 6.1 to 6.4 in for a full description.


  • cstacks will merge stacks into a catalog of consensus loci.
  • The outputs are in a collection called something like Stacks2: cstacks on data 3, data 71, and others Catalog of loci. Click on this to see the three files, each in tsv format: catalog.tags catalog.snps catalog.alleles


  • sstacks will compare each sample to the loci in the catalog.
  • The outputs are in a collection called something like Stacks2: sstacks on data 3, data 76, and others Matches to the catalog.Click on this to see the files: There is one file for each sample, named e.g. sample_CAAC.matches, in tsv format.


  • Conversion to BAM format
  • Reads from each sample are now aligned to each locus, and the tsv2bam tool will convert this into a bam file for each sample.
  • The outputs are in a collection called something like Stacks2: tsv2bam on data 3, data 94, and others Matches to the catalog.Click on this to see the files: There is one file for each sample, named e.g sample_CAAC.matches, in BAM format.


  • Catalog of loci in fasta format
  • Variant calls in VCF format


  • Locus consensus sequences in fasta format
  • Snp calls, in VCF format
  • Haplotypes, in VCF format
  • Summary statistics

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Created: 1yr ago
Updated: 1yr ago
Maitainers: public
Name: stacks-rad-seq-de-novo-workflow
Version: Version 1
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Downloaded: 0
Copyright: Public Domain
License: None
  • Future updates

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