Workflow Steps and Code Snippets
2 tagged steps and code snippets that match keyword FDb.InfiniumMethylation.hg19
Code used for the manuscript 'Network reconstruction for trans acting genetic loci using multi-omics data and prior information' by Hawe et al., 2022 in Genome Medicine
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fcpgcontext <- snakemake@input$cpgcontext ofile <- snakemake@output[[1]] sentinel <- snakemake@wildcards$sentinel # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Load and preprocess data # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ print("Loading data.") gene_annot <- load_gene_annotation(fgene_annot) gene_annot$ids <- probes.from.symbols(gene_annot$SYMBOL, as_list=T) ppi_db <- readRDS(fppi_db) # load trans-meQTL table trans_meQTL = read.csv(fmeqtl, sep="\t", stringsAsFactors=F) # load trans-cosmo information cosmo <- readRDS(fcosmo) # load priorization table prio <- read.table(fprio_tab, sep="\t", header=T, stringsAsFactors = F) # get trans-genes which should be used for shortest path extraction prio <- prio[prio$sentinel == sentinel,,drop=F] if(nrow(prio) > 0) { best_trans <- unique(prio$trans.gene) } else { best_trans <- NULL } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Collect and save ranges # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ print("Collecting SNP and CpG ranges.") # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pairs = which(trans_meQTL[,"sentinel.snp"] == sentinel) # get sentinel idx sentinel_idx <- which(cosmo$snp==sentinel)[1] # the large interval range for the sentinel chr <- paste0("chr", trans_meQTL[pairs,"chr.snp"][1]) start <- trans_meQTL[pairs,"interval.start.snp"][1] end <- trans_meQTL[pairs,"interval.end.snp"][1] sentinel_extrange <- GRanges(chr, IRanges(start,end)) sentinel_range <- with(cosmo[sentinel_idx,], GRanges(paste0("chr", snp.chr), IRanges(snp.pos, width=1))) names(sentinel_range) <- names(sentinel_extrange) <- sentinel # get cosmo subset idxs <- get.trans.cpgs(sentinel, trans_meQTL, cosmo) # get related genes, i.e. genes near meQTL loci (snp+cpg) # extend cpgs cosmosub <- cosmo[idxs,] croi <- with(cosmosub, GRanges(paste0("chr", cpg.chr), IRanges(cpg.pos,width=2))) names(croi) <- as.character(cosmosub[,"cpg"]) croi <- unique(croi) # extended sentinel region sroi <- sentinel_extrange names(sroi) <- sentinel # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ print("Retrieving SNP and CpG genes.") # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # get the relevant snp genes by overlapping with our sentinel region genes_sroi <- subsetByOverlaps(gene_annot, sroi, ignore.strand=T) # get genes near our cpg regions genes_by_cpg <- get.nearby.ranges(croi, promoters(gene_annot)) names(genes_by_cpg) <- names(croi) # get original ranges (not promoters) genes_by_cpg <- lapply(names(genes_by_cpg), function(cg) { gs <- genes_by_cpg[[cg]] gene_annot[gs$hit_idx] }) names(genes_by_cpg) <- names(croi) # get single list of all cpg genes genes_croi <- unique(unlist(GRangesList(unlist(genes_by_cpg)))) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ print("Collecting TFs and shortest path genes.") # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tfs <- NULL sp <- NULL # get cpg ids and SNP gene symbols cpgs <- names(croi) snp_genes <- unique(genes_sroi$SYMBOL) # modify ppi_db to contain our CpGs # load the cpg-tf context tfbs_ann <- get_tfbs_context(names(croi), fcpgcontext) cpgs_with_tfbs <- cpgs[cpgs %in% rownames(tfbs_ann[rowSums(tfbs_ann)>0,])] snp_genes_in_string <- snp_genes[snp_genes %in% nodes(ppi_db)] # get locus graph locus_graph <-, sentinel, snp_genes, cpgs_with_tfbs, tfbs_ann)[[1]] # get tfs connected to cpgs tf_syms = unique(unlist(adj(locus_graph, cpgs_with_tfbs))) print(paste0("Annotated TFs: ", paste(tf_syms, collapse=", "))) if(length(tf_syms) < 1 | length(snp_genes_in_string) < 1) { warning(paste0("No TFs or none of the SNP genes are in PPI DB. ", "Skipping shortest paths calculation.")) # still, we want to keep the available TFs if there are no SNP genes # within the PPI DB (would get adjusted using shortest paths below) if(length(snp_genes_in_string) >= 1) { tfs <- gene_annot[gene_annot$SYMBOL %in% tf_syms] } } else { # the nodes we want to keep # in the original meQTL paper we removed KAP1 from the TF symbols nodeset <- c(nodes(ppi_db), tf_syms, snp_genes_in_string, cpgs_with_tfbs) locus_graph <- subGraph(intersect(nodes(locus_graph), nodeset), locus_graph) shortest_paths <- get_shortest_paths(cis = cpgs_with_tfbs, trans=unique(c(snp_genes_in_string, tf_syms)), snp_genes=snp_genes_in_string, locus_graph, tf_syms, best_trans) non_tf_sp <- shortest_paths$non_tf_sp tf_sp <- shortest_paths$tf_sp if(length(non_tf_sp) < 1){ warning("No shortest path genes.") } else { sp <- gene_annot[gene_annot$SYMBOL %in% non_tf_sp] } if(length(tf_sp) < 1) { # This should not happen -> sanity check stop("No TFs on shortest paths!") } else { tfs <- gene_annot[gene_annot$SYMBOL %in% tf_sp] } } print(paste0("Annotated TFs after shortest path calculations: ", paste(tfs$SYMBOL, collapse=", "))) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ print("Finalizing and saving results.") # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ result <- list(cpgs=croi,sentinel=sentinel_range, sentinel_ext_range=sentinel_extrange, snp_genes=genes_sroi, cpg_genes=genes_croi, cpg_genes_by_cpg=genes_by_cpg) if(!is.null(sp)){ result$spath <- sp } if(!is.null(tfs)){ result$tfs <- tfs } # set seed name result$seed <- "meqtl" saveRDS(file=ofile, result) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ print("SessionInfo:") # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sessionInfo() |
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data / bioconductor
Annotation package for Illumina Infinium DNA methylation probes: Compiled HumanMethylation27 and HumanMethylation450 annotations