Workflow Steps and Code Snippets
1 tagged steps and code snippets that match keyword GenomeInfoDbData
A single-cell RNA-seq pipeline (v1.0.6)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 | log <- file(snakemake@log[[1]], open = "wt") sink(log) sink(log, type = "message") message("CONFIGURATION STEP") # A. Parameters: # 1. Load libraries. suppressMessages(library("GenomeInfoDbData")) suppressMessages(library("Seurat")) suppressMessages(library("RColorBrewer")) suppressMessages(library("slingshot")) suppressMessages(library("SingleCellExperiment")) suppressMessages(library("rmarkdown")) suppressMessages(library("gam")) suppressMessages(library("pheatmap")) if (snakemake@params[["graphics"]]) {suppressMessages(library("rgl"))} if (snakemake@params[["graphics"]]) {suppressMessages(library("htmltools"))} message("1. Libraries were loaded.") # 2. Folder configuration. = snakemake@params[["output_dir"]] input_data = snakemake@input[["seurat_obj"]] folders = c("1_preprocessing", "2_normalization", "3_clustering", "4_degs", "5_gs", "6_traj_in", "7_func_analysis") message("2. Folder paths were set.") # 3. Get variables from Snakemake. selected_res = snakemake@params[["selected_res"]] start.clus = snakemake@params[["start_clus"]] end.clus = snakemake@params[["end_clus"]] n_var_genes = snakemake@params[["n_var_genes"]] n_plotted_genes = snakemake@params[["n_plotted_genes"]] random_seed = snakemake@params[["random_seed"]] pc = snakemake@params[["pc"]] graphics = snakemake@params[["graphics"]] ram = snakemake@resources[["mem_mb"]] threads = snakemake@threads message("3. Parameters were loaded.") # 4. Analysis configuration. # RAM configuration. options(future.globals.maxSize = ram*1024^2) # Set seed. if (is.numeric(random_seed)) { set.seed(random_seed) } message(paste0("4. Seed was set at ", random_seed, ".")) message("Configuration finished.") message("\n") message("PROCESSING STEP") # 10. Trajectory inference analysis using slingshot. # 10.1. Seurat object is converted to SingleCellExperiment object (required by slingshot) & cluster resolution is selected. seurat <- readRDS(input_data) assay_type <- seurat@active.assay cluster_res <- paste0(assay_type,"_snn_res.",selected_res) if (!(cluster_res %in% colnames({ stop("Specified resolution is not available.") } seurat.sim <- as.SingleCellExperiment(seurat) message("1. Seurat object was loaded.") if (graphics){ # Running UMAP to get 3 dimensions. seurat3D <- RunUMAP(seurat,dims = 1:pc, n.components = 3, verbose = FALSE) seurat.sim <- as.SingleCellExperiment(seurat) seurat3D.sim <- as.SingleCellExperiment(seurat3D) message("1.5. 3D UMAP was calculated.") } # 10.2. Slingshot algorithm (dimensions = UMAP). There are 4 options depending of the start and end cluster in the following trajectory: if(is.numeric(start.clus) == FALSE && is.numeric(end.clus) == FALSE){ seurat.sim <- slingshot(seurat.sim, clusterLabels=cluster_res, reducedDim="UMAP") if (graphics) {seurat3D.sim <- slingshot(seurat3D.sim, clusterLabels=cluster_res, reducedDim="UMAP")} const = FALSE } else if(is.numeric(start.clus) == TRUE && is.numeric(end.clus) == FALSE){ seurat.sim <- slingshot(seurat.sim, clusterLabels=cluster_res, reducedDim="UMAP", start.clus = start.clus) if (graphics) {seurat3D.sim <- slingshot(seurat3D.sim, clusterLabels=cluster_res, reducedDim="UMAP", start.clus = start.clus)} const = TRUE } else if(is.numeric(start.clus) == FALSE && is.numeric(end.clus) == TRUE){ seurat.sim <- slingshot(seurat.sim, clusterLabels=cluster_res, reducedDim="UMAP", end.clus = end.clus) if (graphics) {seurat3D.sim <- slingshot(seurat3D.sim, clusterLabels=cluster_res, reducedDim="UMAP", end.clus = end.clus)} const = TRUE } else if(is.numeric(start.clus) == TRUE && is.numeric(end.clus) == TRUE){ seurat.sim <- slingshot(seurat.sim, clusterLabels=cluster_res, reducedDim="UMAP", start.clus = start.clus, end.clus=end.clus) if (graphics) {seurat3D.sim <- slingshot(seurat3D.sim, clusterLabels=cluster_res, reducedDim="UMAP", start.clus = start.clus, end.clus=end.clus)} const = TRUE } message("2. Slingshot trajectories were calculated.") # 10.3. Plots generation. # 10.3.1. Set the number of colours from the palette and extend it. n_col <- length(levels(seurat.sim@colData[, cluster_res])) getPalette <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9,'Set1')) if (graphics) { # 10.3.2. Set a good window size for the 3D plots. r3dDefaults$windowRect <- c(0,50, 1024, 720) # 10.3.3. Curves 3D plot with legend --> HTML output. plot3d(reducedDims(seurat3D.sim)$UMAP[,1:3], col = getPalette(n_col)[seurat3D.sim@colData[, cluster_res]]) plot3d.SlingshotDataSet(SlingshotDataSet(seurat3D.sim), type = "curves", add = TRUE, lwd =3) legend3d("topright", legend=paste0("Cluster - ", levels(seurat3D.sim@colData[, cluster_res])), pch=16, col=getPalette(n_col), inset=c(0)) p_curves <- rglwidget(width = 1240, height = 1024) htmltools::save_html(htmltools::tagList(p_curves), file = paste0(, "/", folders[6], "/", paste0("3D_curves_", selected_res, "_res.html"))) # 10.3.4. Lineage 3D plot with legend --> HTML output. plot3d(reducedDims(seurat3D.sim)$UMAP[,1:3], col = getPalette(n_col)[seurat3D.sim@colData[, cluster_res]]) plot3d.SlingshotDataSet(SlingshotDataSet(seurat3D.sim), type = "lineages", add = TRUE, lwd =3) legend3d("topright", legend=paste0("Cluster - ", levels(seurat3D.sim@colData[, cluster_res])), pch=16, col=getPalette(n_col), inset=c(0)) p_lineages <- rglwidget(width = 1240, height = 1024) htmltools::save_html(htmltools::tagList(p_lineages), file = paste0(, "/", folders[6], "/", paste0("3D_lineages_", selected_res, "_res.html"))) } # 10.3.5. Curves 2D plot with legend --> pdf output. pdf(paste0(, "/", folders[6], "/2D_curves_", selected_res, "_res.pdf"), width = 11, height = 11) plot(reducedDims(seurat.sim)$UMAP, col = getPalette(n_col)[seurat.sim@colData[, cluster_res]], pch=16, asp = 1, main = "2D curves - Clusters Trajectories") legend("topright", legend=paste0("Cluster - ", levels(seurat.sim@colData[, cluster_res])), pch=16, col=getPalette(n_col)) lines(SlingshotDataSet(seurat.sim), lwd=2, col = 'black') # 10.3.6. Lineage 2D plot with legend --> pdf output. pdf(paste0(, "/", folders[6], "/2D_lineages_", selected_res, "_res.pdf"), width = 11, height = 11) plot(reducedDims(seurat.sim)$UMAP, col = getPalette(n_col)[seurat.sim@colData[, cluster_res]], pch=16, asp = 1, main = "2D lineages - Clusters Trajectories") legend("topright", legend=paste0("Cluster - ", levels(seurat.sim@colData[, cluster_res])), pch=16, col=getPalette(n_col)) lines(SlingshotDataSet(seurat.sim), lwd=2, type = 'lineages', col = 'black', show.constraints = const) message("3. Trajectory lots were done.") # 10.4. Temporally expressed genes heatmap. # 10.4.1. Pseudotime is obtained. t <- seurat.sim$slingPseudotime_1 # 10.4.2. Get the n variable genes. Y <- assays(seurat.sim)$logcounts var_genes <- names(sort(apply(Y,1,var),decreasing = TRUE))[1:n_var_genes] Y <- Y[var_genes,] # 10.4.3. Fitting a gam model. gam.pval <- apply(Y,1,function(z){ d <- data.frame(z=z, t=t) suppressWarnings({ tmp <- suppressWarnings(gam(z ~ lo(t), data=d)) }) p <- summary(tmp)[3][[1]][2,3] p }) # 10.4.4. Get the top genes selected by p-val and plot the heatmap. topgenes <- names(sort(gam.pval, decreasing = FALSE))[1:n_plotted_genes] heatdata <- assays(seurat.sim)$logcounts[topgenes, order(t, na.last = NA)] heatclus <- seurat.sim@colData[,cluster_res][order(t, na.last = NA)] annotation <- data.frame("Cluster" = heatclus, row.names = colnames(heatdata)) ann_colors <- list("Cluster" = setNames(getPalette(n_col), levels(heatclus))) # 10.4.5. Plot the genes. pheatmap(heatdata, cluster_cols = FALSE, color = colorRampPalette(c("yellow", "red"))(100), annotation_col = annotation, annotation_colors = ann_colors, show_colnames = FALSE, filename = paste0(, "/", folders[6], "/temporally_expressed_heatmaps_", selected_res, "_res.pdf")) message("4. Pseudotime heatmap was obtained.") # Save used objects. if (graphics) {save(seurat.sim, seurat3D.sim, file = paste0(, "/", folders[6], "/slingshot_sce_objects.RData")) } else {save(seurat.sim, file = paste0(, "/", folders[6], "/slingshot_sce_objects.RData"))} message("5. R objects were saved.") |
data / bioconductor
Species and taxonomy ID look up tables used by GenomeInfoDb: Files for mapping between NCBI taxonomy ID and species. Used by functions in the GenomeInfoDb package.