Workflow Steps and Code Snippets
142 tagged steps and code snippets that match keyword Trim_Galore
cfMeDIP-seq Circulating Methylome Data Post-processing Pipeline
294 295 | shell: 'trim_galore --cores 4 --dont_gzip --paired {params.trimgalore_settings} --output_dir {params.outdir} {input.R1} {input.R2} && cp ' + path_to_data + '/{wildcards.cohort}/tmp/trim_fastq/{wildcards.sample}_lib{wildcards.lib}_extract_barcode_R*.fastq_trimming_report.txt ' + path_to_data + '/{wildcards.cohort}/results/qc/trim_report/' |
309 310 | shell: 'trim_galore --cores 4 --dont_gzip {params.trimgalore_settings} --output_dir {params.outdir} {input.R1} && cp ' + path_to_data + '/{wildcards.cohort}/tmp/trim_fastq/{wildcards.sample}_lib{wildcards.lib}_R1.fastq_trimming_report.txt ' + path_to_data + '/{wildcards.cohort}/results/qc/trim_report/' |
Assembly pipeline for 10X chromium genomes of Mytilus species (v1.0)
94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 | shell: """ trim_galore --cores {threads} \ --phred33 \ --quality 20 \ --stringency 1 \ -e 0.1 \ --length 70 \ --output_dir {params.outdir} \ --basename {params.basename} \ --dont_gzip \ --paired \ {input} \ > {log} 2>&1 """ |
Fosmid assembly annotation
34 35 | shell: "trim_galore --paired {input} --basename {} --output_dir {params.dirname}" |
Phaeocystis Viral Elements Extraction Workflow for Polinton-like Virus Study
47 48 | shell: "trim_galore -a ' {params.truseq} -a {params.nextera} -n 3' --cores {threads} --trim-n --paired --retain_unpaired --output_dir {params.outdir} --length {params.min_read} {input.r1} {input.r2}" |
64 65 | shell: "trim_galore -a ' {params.truseq} -a {params.nextera} -n 3' --cores {threads} --trim-n --length {params.min_read} --output_dir {params.outdir} {input.reads}" |
225 226 | shell: "trim_galore -a ' {params.truseq} -a {params.nextera} -n 3' --cores {threads} --trim-n --paired --retain_unpaired --output_dir {params.outdir} --length {params.min_read} {input.r1} {input.r2}" |
244 245 | shell: "trim_galore -a ' {params.truseq} -a {params.nextera} -n 3' --cores {threads} --trim-n --output_dir {params.outdir} --length {params.min_read} {input}" |
RNA-seq Pipeline for the PI3K Project
16 17 18 19 | shell: "trim_galore --cores {threads} --gzip --fastqc --paired -o {params.outdir} {input} &> {log} && " "mv trimmed_fq/{wildcards.sample}_1_val_1.fq.gz {output.fq1} &>> {log} && " "mv trimmed_fq/{wildcards.sample}_2_val_2.fq.gz {output.fq2} &>> {log}" |
Demonstrating an RNA-seq workflow in Snakemake.
113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 | shell: """ trim_galore \ -q {params.quality} \ --length {params.length} \ --basename {params.base} \ -o {params.out_dir} \ --dont_gzip \ --paired {input.r1} {input.r2} """ |
Trim Galore! is a wrapper script to automate quality and adapter trimming as well as quality control, with some added functionality to remove biased methylation positions for RRBS sequence files (for directional, non-directional (or paired-end) sequencing).