Workflow Steps and Code Snippets
987 tagged steps and code snippets that match keyword BCFtools
Snakemake workflow: dna-seq-gatk-variant-calling (v2.1.1)
70 71 | shell: "rbt vcf-fix-iupac-alleles < {input} | bcftools view -Oz > {output}" |
Snakemake workflow: dna-seq-gatk-variant-calling (v2.1.1)
70 71 | shell: "rbt vcf-fix-iupac-alleles < {input} | bcftools view -Oz > {output}" |
Snakemake workflow: dna-seq-gatk-variant-calling (v2.1.1)
70 71 | shell: "rbt vcf-fix-iupac-alleles < {input} | bcftools view -Oz > {output}" |
Snakemake workflow: dna-seq-gatk-variant-calling (v2.1.1)
70 71 | shell: "rbt vcf-fix-iupac-alleles < {input} | bcftools view -Oz > {output}" |
Bioinfo Macro Host Genome Short Variant Discovery Workflow
11 12 | shell: "bcftools index {input} 2> {log} 1>&2" |
360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 | shell: """ bcftools concat \ --output {output} \ --output-type z9 \ --threads {threads} \ {input} \ 2> {log} 1>&2 """ |
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 | shell: """ (bcftools mpileup \ --output-type z9 \ --fasta-ref {input.reference} \ {input} \ | bcftools call \ --variants-only \ --multiallelic-caller \ --output-type z9 \ --output {output.vcf} ) \ 2> {log} 1>&2 """ |
83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 | shell: """ bcftools filter \ --include 'QUAL>{params.min_qual}' \ --output-type z9 \ --output {output.vcf} \ {input.vcf} \ 2> {log} 1>&2 """ |
110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 | shell: """ bcftools concat \ --output-type z9 \ --output {output.vcf} \ {input.vcf} \ 2> {log} 1>&2 """ |
130 131 132 133 134 135 | shell: """ bcftools gtcheck \ {input.vcf} \ > {output.tsv} 2> {log} """ |
tool / biotools
BCFtools is a set of utilities that manipulate variant calls in the Variant Call Format (VCF) and its binary counterpart BCF. All commands work transparently with both VCFs and BCFs, both uncompressed and BGZF-compressed.