Workflow Steps and Code Snippets
150 tagged steps and code snippets that match keyword DeepTools
Snakemake-based workflow for the assembly of chloroplast genomes
166 167 168 169 | shell: """ bamCoverage -b {input} -o {output.bigwig} """ |
271 272 273 274 | shell: """ bamCoverage -b {input} -o {output.bigwig} """ |
In this repository, we present the code for the analysis of study of the transcription's impact on Escherichia coli chromosome.
53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 | shell: """ samtools sort {input.bam} -@ {threads} -o {params.sorted_bam} samtools index {params.sorted_bam} -@ {threads} bamCoverage --bam {params.sorted_bam} \ --outFileName {output.unstranded} \ --binSize 1 \ --numberOfProcessors {threads} \ --normalizeUsing CPM """ |
86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 | shell: """ samtools index {input.bam} -@ {threads} bamCoverage --bam {input.bam} \ --outFileName {output.unstranded} \ --binSize 1 \ --numberOfProcessors {threads} \ --normalizeUsing CPM \ --extendReads 200 bamCoverage --bam {input.bam} \ --outFileName {output.fw} \ --binSize 1 \ --numberOfProcessors {threads} \ --normalizeUsing CPM \ --extendReads 200 \ --filterRNAstrand forward bamCoverage --bam {input.bam} \ --outFileName {output.rv} \ --binSize 1 \ --numberOfProcessors {threads} \ --normalizeUsing CPM \ --extendReads 200 \ --filterRNAstrand reverse """ |
142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 | shell: """ samtools index {input} -@ {threads} bamCoverage --bam {input} \ --outFileName {output.unstranded} \ --binSize 1 \ --numberOfProcessors {threads} \ --normalizeUsing CPM \ --extendReads 200 bamCoverage --bam {input} \ --outFileName {output.fw} \ --binSize 1 \ --numberOfProcessors {threads} \ --normalizeUsing CPM \ --extendReads 200 \ --filterRNAstrand forward bamCoverage --bam {input} \ --outFileName {output.rv} \ --binSize 1 \ --numberOfProcessors {threads} \ --normalizeUsing CPM \ --extendReads 200 \ --filterRNAstrand reverse """ |
57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 | shell: """ samtools index {input.bam} -@ {threads} bamCoverage --bam {input.bam} \ --outFileName {output.unstranded} \ --binSize 1 \ --numberOfProcessors {threads} \ --normalizeUsing CPM \ --extendReads """ |
Small snakemake pipeline to explore RNA-Seq data with deepTools. (v2.0.0)
186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 | shell: """ bamCoverage \ --bam {input.BAM_sorted} \ --outFileName {output.BW_sample} \ --binSize 1 \ --outFileFormat bigwig \ --numberOfProcessors {resources.threads} \ 2> {log.LOG_local_log}; """ |
Snakemake Workflow for ATAC-seq Data Re-analysis on a Compute Cluster
167 168 169 170 171 | shell: """ mkdir -p results/deeptools multiBamSummary bins --bamfiles {input} -o {output} """ |
190 191 192 193 194 195 | shell: """ plotCorrelation -in {input.npz} -p heatmap -c pearson -o {output.heatmap} --removeOutliers bamCoverage -b {input.bam} -o {output.bedgraph} -of bedgraph bamPEFragmentSize -b {input.all} --samplesLabel 0h_R1 0h_R2 0h_R3 24h_R1 24h_R2 24h_R3 --table {output.tsv} -o {output.hist} """ |
235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 | shell: """ mkdir -p results/deeptools cat {} > {output.Peakzero} cat {input.vingtquatre} > {output.Peakvingtquatre} sort -k1,1 -k2,2n {output.Peakzero} | bedtools merge -i - > {output.bedzero} sort -k1,1 -k2,2n {output.Peakvingtquatre} | bedtools merge -i - > {output.bedvingtquatre} bedtools intersect -wa -a {} -b {input.vingtquatre} > {output.common} bedtools intersect -wa -v -a {} -b {input.vingtquatre} > {output.uniquezero} bedtools intersect -wa -v -a {input.vingtquatre} -b {} > {output.uniquevingtquatre} """ |
tool / biotools
User-friendly tools for the normalization and visualization of deep-sequencing data.