Workflow Steps and Code Snippets
186 tagged steps and code snippets that match keyword pLink
A Snakemake pipeline for variant calling of genomic FASTQ data using GATK
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 | shell: """echo ''' Information about where these files fall in the workflow can be seen under the `.smk` files under `workflow/rules`. The directories for variant calling from `variant_calling.smk` and `phasing.smk` are created in the following order: ├─ alignments # Duplicate sequences are marked and sorted | | | ├─ raw # .bam files after .fastq files aligned to reference | | | ├─ markdup # .bam files after running fixing mates pairs and marking duplicate reads | | | └─ alignments_recalibrated # BQSR tables applied to sequences | | | └─ recal_tables # BQSR recalibration tables that are applied to sequences | ├─ gvcf # Called variants as .g.vcf files | ├─ db # GenomicsDB datastore consolidating .g.vcf files. Not human-readable | ├─ joint_call # db data converted to a joint .vcf file with VQSR applied | ├─ vcf # Multisample VCF | | | ├─ hard_filtered # (Option 1) Filters by hard values | | | | | ├─ filter_applied # FILTER column filled included those variants that didn't pass | | | | | └─ pass_only # Only variants with FILTER=PASS | | | └─ VQSR # (Option 2) Variant recalibration, filters by using truth and training data | | | ├─ model # Models to be applied to VCFs | | | ├─ filter_applied # FILTER column filled included those variants that didn't pass | | | └─ pass_only # Only variants with FILTER=PASS | ├─* plink # Contains plink files | ├─ genotypes | | | ├─ posteriors # Calculate PP tag (posterior probabilites) and recaluclate MQ tag | | | ├─ filtered # Set to missing genotypes with MQ < 20 | | | ├─ filtered # Set to missing genotypes with MQ < 20 | | | └─ subsets # Taking subsets of samples based on sequencing methods: GBS, WES, WGS | └─ haplotypes # Phased/imputed VCFs | ├─ scaffolds # Preliminary VCFs of genotypes incorportating pedigree information | └─ SHAPEIT4 # Phased/imputed VCFs using scaffold and original VCF The directories for relations from `relations.smk` are as follows. `plink` is created first. The others do not follow an order. However, these require the joint vcf file from `joint_call`: ├─ plink # Contains plink files | ├─ relatedness # Pairwise estimates of relatedness between samples | ├─ admixture # Finds rates of admixture among samples | | | ├─ supervised # Uses additional samples of known origin | | | └─ unsupervised # No known origins | └─ aims # Ancestry informative markers Directories for determining kinship using LASAR and SEEKIN: └─ kinship # Allele frequencies and pairwise relatedness Other: └─ structural_variants # Strutural variants ''' > {output} """ |
63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 | shell: """ plink \ --vcf {input.vcf} \ --update-parents {input.parents_table} \ --update-sex {input.sex_table} \ --recode12 \ --make-bed \ --out {params.out_path}/{wildcards.dataset} \ """ |
85 86 87 88 89 90 91 | shell: """ plink \ --bfile {params.path}/{wildcards.dataset} \ --update-ids {input.update_fids} \ --make-bed \ --out {params.path}/{wildcards.dataset}.same_fid \ """ |
133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 | shell: """ plink \ --vcf {input.vcf} \ --update-parents {input.parents_table} \ --update-sex {input.sex_table} \ --recode12 \ --make-bed \ --out {params.out_path}/{wildcards.dataset}.chr{wildcards.chr} \ """ |
155 156 157 158 159 160 161 | shell: """ plink \ --bfile {params.path}/{wildcards.dataset}.chr{wildcards.chr} \ --update-ids {input.update_fids} \ --make-bed \ --out {params.path}/{wildcards.dataset}.chr{wildcards.chr}.same_fid \ """ |
272 273 274 275 276 | shell: "plink \ --file " + config["results"] + " plink/{wildcards.dataset} \ --out " + config["results"] + " plink/recode12/{wildcards.dataset}_recode12 \ --recode12" ''' |
331 332 333 334 335 | shell: "plink \ --vcf {input.vcf} \ --recode12 \ --make-bed \ --out {config[results]}admixture/supervised/plink/{wildcards.sample}" |
364 365 366 367 | shell: "plink \ --bfile " + config["results"] + "admixture/supervised/plink/{wildcards.dataset} \ --recode \ --out " + config["results"] + "admixture/supervised/plink/{wildcards.dataset}" |
Multi-Step Genomic Analysis Pipeline for DeCOI WGS Cohort
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 | library(tidyverse) library(readxl) # Params: # 1. input pheno-excel # 2. input fam file # 3. pheno column name in excel # 4. Output: fam file (Plink) # 5. Output: pheno file (Regenie) #testing #setwd("/media/axel/Dateien/Arbeit_Gen/COVID_WGS/WGS_GWAS_pipeline") args=c("../../resources/EURs_unrel.tsv","data/anc_vcf/EUR_vcf_not_rel.vcf.bgz.fam", "A1", "data/regenie_pheno/fam_file.fam", "data/regenie_pheno/phenox") # first: excel_file, second: fam-file, third: Phenotype column in excel args = commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE) print(args) # File formats: #FAM file: # A text file with no header line, and one line per sample with the following six fields: #Family ID ('FID') #Within-family ID ('IID'; cannot be '0') #Within-family ID of father ('0' if father isn't in dataset) # Within-family ID of mother ('0' if mother isn't in dataset) #Sex code ('1' = male, '2' = female, '0' = unknown) #Phenotype value ('1' = control, '2' = case, '-9'/'0'/non-numeric = missing data if case/control) # Regnie pheno file # FID IID Y1 Y2 # 0=control, 1=case, missing values must be coded as NA samplesheet<-read_tsv(args[1])%>% mutate(sex_for_fam=ifelse(is_female==TRUE, 2, ifelse(is_female==FALSE,1,0))) pheno_col_num<-which(colnames(samplesheet) == args[3]) pheno_PLINK<-as.integer(unlist(samplesheet[,pheno_col_num]))+1 samplesheet$pheno_P=replace_na(pheno_PLINK, -9) pheno_REGENIE<-as.integer(unlist(samplesheet[,pheno_col_num])) samplesheet$pheno_R=pheno_REGENIE # add sex stratification / age strat samplesheet <- samplesheet %>% mutate(pheno_R_female=ifelse(is_female==TRUE, pheno_R, NA), # just keep females pheno_R_male=ifelse(is_female==FALSE, pheno_R, NA), # just keep males pheno_R_GE60=ifelse(pheno_R==1 & Age < 60, NA, pheno_R), # set cases 59 or younger to missing pheno_R_LT60=ifelse(pheno_R==1 & Age >= 60, NA, pheno_R), pheno_R_GE60CC=ifelse(Age < 60, NA, pheno_R), # set persons 59 or younger to missing pheno_R_LT60CC=ifelse(Age >= 60, NA, pheno_R)) # set persons 60 or older to missing col_names_fam<-c("FID","IID","father","mother","sex","pheno") # sex coding: 1=male, 2=female # pheno coding: 1=control, 2=case fam<-read_delim(args[2], delim=" ", col_names=col_names_fam, col_types=c( FID = col_character(), IID = col_character(), father = col_character(), mother = col_character(), sex = col_integer(), pheno = col_integer() ) ) print("fam:") head(fam) print("samplesheet:") head(samplesheet) all_info_joined<-fam %>% left_join(samplesheet, by=c("IID"="s"))%>% mutate(sex=sex_for_fam) fam_new<-all_info_joined %>% select(all_of(col_names_fam[1:4]), sex_for_fam, pheno_P) write_tsv(x = fam_new, file = args[4], col_names = FALSE) # fam_file for plink pheno_file_regenie <- all_info_joined %>% select(FID, IID, pheno_R, pheno_R_female, pheno_R_male, pheno_R_GE60, pheno_R_LT60, pheno_R_GE60CC, pheno_R_LT60CC) colnames(pheno_file_regenie)<-c("FID","IID", args[3], paste0(args[3],"_female"), paste0(args[3],"_male"), paste0(args[3],"_GE60"), paste0(args[3],"_LT60"), paste0(args[3],"_GE60CC"), paste0(args[3],"_LT60CC")) print("out:") head(pheno_file_regenie) write_tsv(x = pheno_file_regenie, file = args[5], col_names = TRUE) # pheno file for regenie |
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 | import pandas as pd import pandas_plink from xarray import DataArray import shutil import dask.array # %% mask_def_file = snakemake.input.regenie_mask_def aaf_file = snakemake.input.data_anno_aaf_file anno_file = snakemake.input.regenie_anno_file af_cutoffs = list(map(float, snakemake.params.af_cutoffs)) plink_in_prefix = snakemake.params.plink_in_prefix out_prefix = snakemake.params.plink_out_folder set_file = snakemake.output.setFile_rvtest debug_joined_out = snakemake.output.debug_joined_out #%% # read plink with pandas_plink (bim, fam, bed) = pandas_plink.read_plink(plink_in_prefix, verbose=False) = #%% # Read regenie aaf_file, anno_file, mask_def aafs = pd.read_csv(aaf_file, sep=' ', names=['ID', 'aaf']) mask_def = pd.read_csv(mask_def_file, sep=' ', names=['mask', "annots"]) mask_def.annots = a: a.split(',')) mask_def = mask_def.set_index("mask") anno = pd.read_csv(anno_file, sep=' ', names=['ID', 'gene', 'annot']) anno = anno.dropna() # %% # Create M0-M4 True/False columns in table for mask, annots in mask_def.annots.items(): anno[mask] = anno.annot.isin(annots) # Join AF info into table anno_aaf = anno.join(aafs.set_index("ID"), on="ID", how="outer") # %% # join bim (variant table) with regenie anno joined = bim.join(anno_aaf.set_index("ID"), on="snp", how="inner") joined = joined.sort_values(by=['gene', 'pos']) joined.to_csv(debug_joined_out, sep="\t") #%% for mask in mask_def.index.unique(): for af_cutoff in af_cutoffs: mask_out_prefix = f"{out_prefix}{mask}_{af_cutoff}" # subset variant table subset = joined[joined[mask] & (joined["aaf"] < af_cutoff)] # export genotype data (subset["i"] contains positions of variants in table) pandas_plink.write_plink1_bin( DataArray(bed[subset["i"]], dims=["variant", "sample"]), bed=mask_out_prefix+".bed" ) # write variant subset to bim file subset[["gene","snp","cm","pos","a0","a1"]].to_csv(mask_out_prefix+".bim", sep=" ", header=False, index=False) # reuse original fam file shutil.copy(plink_in_prefix + ".fam", mask_out_prefix +".fam") #%% # create setfile, each gene has its own "chromosome"/contig set_str = "" for gene in joined.gene.unique(): set_str += f"{gene}\t{gene}:0-{joined.pos.max() + 100}\n" with open(set_file, "wt") as f: f.write(set_str) |
tool / biotools
A high-speed search engine pLink 2 with systematic evaluation for proteome-scale identification of cross-linked peptides.