Workflow Steps and Code Snippets
2 tagged steps and code snippets that match keyword preeclampsia
Snakemake workflow: Meta-analysis of GWAS of gestational duration, preterm and post-term deliveries (EGG Consortium) (v1.0.0)
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EAF= float(row['EAF']) CHR= row['CHR'] if CHR== 'X': CHR= 23 CHR= int(CHR) POS= int(row['POS']) REF= row['Other_Allele'].upper() EFF= row['Effect_Allele'].upper() BETA= float(row['Effect']) pvalue= float(row['Pval']) SE= float(row['SE']) N= int(row['N']) rsid= '' return [rsid, CHR, POS, EAF, N, REF, EFF, BETA, SE, pvalue] def Ruth(row, repr_pheno): '' EAF= float(row['effect_allele_frequency']) CHR= row['chromosome'] if CHR== 'X': CHR= 23 CHR= int(CHR) POS= int(row['base_pair_location']) REF= row['other_allele'] EFF= row['effect_allele'] BETA= float(row['beta']) pvalue= float(row['p_value']) SE= float(row['standard_error']) N= np.where(repr_pheno== 'Ruth_SHBG_female', 189473, np.where(repr_pheno== 'Ruth_SHBG_make', 180726, np.where(repr_pheno== 'Ruth_Testosterone_female', 230454, np.where(repr_pheno== 'Ruth_SHBG_male',194453 , np.where(repr_pheno== 'Ruth_CBAT_female', 188507, np.where(repr_pheno== 'Ruth_SHBG_male', 178782, 206927)))))) rsid= row['variant_id'] return [rsid, CHR, POS, EAF, N, REF, EFF, BETA, SE, pvalue] def pritchard(row): '' EAF= float(row['A1_FREQ']) CHR= row['#CHROM'] if CHR== 'X': CHR= 23 if not_number(CHR): return [0, 0, 0 , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] POS= int(row['POS']) CHR= int(CHR) REF= row['REF'] EFF= row['ALT'] N= int(row['OBS_CT']) if not_number(row['BETA']): return [0, 0, 0 , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] if not_number(row['SE']): return [0, 0, 0 , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] if not_number(row['P']): return [0, 0, 0 , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] BETA= float(row['BETA']) SE= float(row['SE']) pvalue= float(row['P']) rsid= row['ID'] return [rsid, CHR, POS, EAF, N, REF, EFF, BETA, SE, pvalue] def leiomyoma_uterus(row): '' EAF= float(row['EAF']) CHR= row['CHR'] if CHR== 'X': CHR= 23 if not_number(CHR): return [0, 0, 0 , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] POS= int(row['POS']) CHR= int(CHR) REF= row['REF'] EFF= row['EFF'] N= row['TOTALSAMPLESIZE'] BETA= float(row['beta']) SE= float(row['se']) pvalue= float(row['pvalue']) rsid= '' return [rsid, CHR, POS, EAF, N, REF, EFF, BETA, SE, pvalue] def preeclampsia(row): '' CHR= row['CHR'] if CHR== 'X': CHR= 23 if not_number(CHR): return [0, 0, 0 , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] POS= int(row['POS']) CHR= int(CHR) REF= row['REF'].upper() EFF= row['EFF'].upper() N= 4630 + 373345 rsid= row['rsid'] BETA= float(row['beta']) SE= float(row['se']) EAF= float(row['EAF']) pvalue= float(row['pvalue']) return [rsid, CHR, POS, EAF, N, REF, EFF, BETA, SE, pvalue] def BW_fetal_adjusted_effect(row): 'Define each header for Birth weight fetal effect.' EAF= float(row['eaf']) CHR= row['chr'] if CHR== 'X': CHR= 23 CHR= int(CHR) POS= int(row['pos']) REF= row['nea'].upper() if REF== 'R': REF= 'D' EFF= row['ea'].upper() if EFF== 'R': EFF= 'D' BETA= float(row['beta']) pvalue= float(row['p']) SE= float(row['se']) N= int(row['n_ownBW']) rsid= row['RSID'] return [rsid, CHR, POS, EAF, N, REF, EFF, BETA, SE, pvalue] def BW_maternal_adjusted_effect(row): 'Define each header for Birth weight fetal effect.' EAF= float(row['eaf']) CHR= row['chr'] if CHR== 'X': CHR= 23 CHR= int(CHR) POS= int(row['pos']) REF= row['nea'].upper() if REF== 'R': REF= 'D' EFF= row['ea'].upper() if EFF== 'R': EFF= 'D' BETA= float(row['beta']) pvalue= float(row['p']) SE= float(row['se']) N= int(row['n_offBW']) rsid= row['RSID'] return [rsid, CHR, POS, EAF, N, REF, EFF, BETA, SE, pvalue] def BW_maternal(row): 'Define each header for Birth weight maternal effect.' EAF= float(row['eaf']) CHR= row['chr'] if CHR== 'X': CHR= 23 CHR= int(CHR) POS= int(row['pos']) REF= row['nea'] EFF= row['ea'] if REF== 'R': REF= 'D' if EFF== 'R': EFF= 'D' BETA= float(row['beta']) pvalue= float(row['p']) SE= float(row['se']) N= int(row['n']) rsid= row['SNP'] return [rsid, CHR, POS, EAF, N, REF, EFF, BETA, SE, pvalue] def BW_fetal(row): 'Define each header for Birth weight maternal effect.' EAF= float(row['eaf']) CHR= row['chr'] if CHR== 'X': CHR= 23 CHR= int(CHR) POS= int(row['pos']) REF= row['nea'] EFF= row['ea'] if REF== 'R': REF= 'D' if EFF== 'R': EFF= 'D' BETA= float(row['beta']) pvalue= float(row['p']) SE= float(row['se']) N= int(row['n']) rsid= row['rsid'] return [rsid, CHR, POS, EAF, N, REF, EFF, BETA, SE, pvalue] def PCOS(row): 'Define each header for PCOS excluding 23andme.' EAF= float(row['EAF']) CHR= row['CHR'] if CHR== 'X': CHR= 23 CHR= int(CHR) POS= int(row['POS']) REF= row['REF'] EFF= row['EFF'] BETA= float(row['beta']) pvalue= float(row['pvalue']) SE= float(row['se']) N= int(round(float(row['TOTALSAMPLESIZE']))) rsid= '' return [rsid, CHR, POS, EAF, N, REF, EFF, BETA, SE, pvalue] def UKBB_traits(row): 'Define each header for UKBB traits (hormones).' if row['low_confidence_variant']== 'true': return [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] CHR= row['variant'].split(':')[0] if CHR== 'X': CHR= 23 POS= row['variant'].split(':')[1] if any([not_number(t) for t in [row['minor_AF'], CHR, POS, row['beta'], row['pval'], row['se'], row['n_complete_samples']]]): return [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] CHR= int(CHR) POS= int(POS) REF= row['variant'].split(':')[2] EFF= row['variant'].split(':')[3] BETA= float(row['beta']) pvalue= float(row['pval']) SE= float(row['se']) N= int(row['n_complete_samples']) if row['minor_allele']== EFF: EAF= float(row['minor_AF']) else: EAF= 1- float(row['minor_AF']) rsid= '' return [rsid, CHR, POS, EAF, N, REF, EFF, BETA, SE, pvalue] def AP_repr(row): 'Define each header for BOLT-LMM sumstats.' EAF= float(row['EAF']) CHR= row['CHR'] if CHR== 'X': CHR= 23 CHR= int(CHR) POS= int(row['POS']) REF= row['A2'] EFF= row['A1'] BETA= float(row['Beta']) pvalue= float(row['P']) SE= float(row['se']) N= row['N'] rsid= row['SNP'] return [rsid, CHR, POS, EAF, N, REF, EFF, BETA, SE, pvalue] def POP(row): 'Define each header for pelvic organ prolapse.' if not row['CHR'].isdigit(): return [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] EAF= float(row['EAF']) MAF= np.where(EAF> 0.5, 1 - EAF, EAF) if MAF < 0.005: return [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] if row['CHR']== 'X': row['CHR']= 23 CHR= int(row['CHR']) POS= int(row['POS']) REF= row['REF'] EFF= row['EFF'] BETA= float(row['BETA']) pvalue= float(row['pvalue']) SE= float(row['SE']) N= float(row['N']) rsid= '' return [rsid, CHR, POS, EAF, N, REF, EFF, BETA, SE, pvalue] def fet_GA(row): 'Define each header for Fetal gestational duration.' EAF= '' if row['Chr']== 'X': row['Chr']= 23 CHR= int(row['Chr']) POS= int(row['Pos']) REF= row['Non_effect_allele'].upper() EFF= row['Effect_allele'].upper() BETA= float(row['Effect']) pvalue= float(row['P']) SE= float(row['StdErr']) N= int(row['N']) rsid= row['Rsid'] return [rsid, CHR, POS, EAF, N, REF, EFF, BETA, SE, pvalue] def miscarriage(row): 'Define each header for Miscarriage.' EAF= row['Freq1'] CHR= row['MarkerName'].split(':')[0] if CHR== 'X': CHR= 23 CHR= int(CHR) POS= int(row['MarkerName'].split(':')[1]) REF= row['Allele2'].upper() EFF= row['Allele1'].upper() BETA= float(row['Effect']) pvalue= float(row['P-value']) SE= float(row['StdErr']) N= 49996 + 174109 rsid= '' return [rsid, CHR, POS, EAF, N, REF, EFF, BETA, SE, pvalue] def format_list(input, output): with, 'rt', newline='') as f: print(input) dialect = csv.Sniffer().sniff(f.readline(), delimiters= ' \t') input_file= csv.DictReader(f, dialect= dialect) df_list= list() with open(output, 'w') as csvfile: writer = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter= '\t') writer.writerow([g for g in ['ID', 'rsid', 'CHR', 'POS', 'EAF', 'N', 'REF', 'EFF', 'BETA', 'SE', 'pvalue']]) for row in input_file: rsid, CHR, POS, EAF, N, REF, EFF, BETA, SE, pvalue= select_format(snakemake.wildcards.repr_pheno, row) if CHR== 0: continue if len(REF) >1: REF= 'I' if len(EFF) >1: EFF= 'I' if REF== 'I': EFF= 'D' if EFF== 'I': REF= 'D' if REF> EFF: ID= str(CHR) + ':' + str(POS) + ':' + EFF + ':' + REF BETA= -1 * float(BETA) ref= EFF eff= REF EAF= 1 - float(EAF) else: ID= str(CHR) + ':' + str(POS) + ':' + REF + ':' + EFF BETA= float(BETA) eff= EFF ref= REF df_list.append([ID, rsid, CHR, POS, EAF, N, ref, eff, BETA, SE, pvalue]) if len(df_list)== 1000: with open(output, 'a', newline= '') as file_handler: writer1= csv.writer(file_handler, delimiter= '\t') for item in df_list: writer1.writerow(item) df_list= list() with open(output, 'a', newline= '') as file_handler: writer1= csv.writer(file_handler, delimiter= '\t') for item in df_list: writer1.writerow(item) format_list(snakemake.input[0], snakemake.output[0]) |
Snakemake workflow for the project Exploring the Impact of Parity and its Interaction with History of Preterm Delivery on Gestational Duration
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Maternal age categorized: # < 20 # 20-29 # 30-39 # >= 40 # Maternal age categorization dat = dat %>% mutate(MALDER_c = ifelse(MALDER<20,1,0), MALDER_c = ifelse(MALDER>=20 & MALDER<=29,0,MALDER_c), MALDER_c = ifelse(MALDER>=30 & MALDER<=39,2,MALDER_c), MALDER_c = ifelse(MALDER>=40,3,MALDER_c)) dat$MALDER_c = as.factor(dat$MALDER_c) ## Finding father to each child in the multi-generation register and the fathers age f_id = p_id %>% select(LopnrBarn, LopnrFar, FoddArBioFar) # selecting columns of interest colnames(f_id) = c("lpnr_BARN","lpnr_far", "ar_far") dat = left_join(dat,f_id,by="lpnr_BARN") # adding fathers info from parents.csv to mfr data rm(f_id) dat = dat %>% mutate(FALDER = AR-ar_far) # calculating how old the father was when their child was born ## Nationality # As maternal citizenship and the mothers birth country dat = dat %>% mutate(swe_citizenship =as.numeric(MNAT %in% c('SVERIGE'))) %>% mutate(mor_birth_country_NORDIC = as.numeric(MFODLAND %in% c('SVERIGE','NORGE','FINLAND','ISLAND','DANMARK'))) ## First child (parity 0) born preterm dat = dat %>% group_by(lpnr_mor) %>% arrange(parity_clean) %>% mutate(PTB_first_born = any(row_number() == 1 & PTB ==1)*1) %>% mutate(PTB_first_born = ifelse(dplyr::first(parity_clean)!=1,NA,PTB_first_born)) #parity_clean == 1 is parity 0 ## Previous preterm delivery dat = dat %>% group_by(lpnr_mor) %>% arrange(parity_clean )%>% mutate(prev_PTD = ifelse(dplyr::lag(PTB)==1,1,0)) dat = dat %>% group_by(lpnr_mor) %>% arrange(parity_clean) %>% mutate(diff_p = parity_clean - dplyr::lag(parity_clean)) %>% mutate(prev_PTD = ifelse(diff_p == 1,prev_PTD,NA)) ## Mother was born preterm herself barn = dat %>% pull(lpnr_BARN) mor_also_barn_in_mfr = dat[dat$lpnr_mor %in% barn,] mor_also_barn_in_mfr = mor_also_barn_in_mfr %>% select(lpnr_mor) mor_also_barn_in_mfr = unique(mor_also_barn_in_mfr) mor_as_barn = inner_join(dat,mor_also_barn_in_mfr, by = c("lpnr_BARN" ="lpnr_mor")) # The pregnancies in which the mothers where born mor_as_barn = mor_as_barn %>% mutate(mother_herself_PTB = ifelse(PTB == 1, 1,0)) %>% select(lpnr_BARN,mother_herself_PTB) #lpnr_BARN here are barn that also are mothers in mfr dat = full_join(dat, mor_as_barn, by = c("lpnr_mor" ="lpnr_BARN")) dat = select(dat, -lpnr_mor.y) ## Diabetes dat = dat %>% mutate(diab1 = ifelse(DIABETES != 1 |, 0,1)) #diabetes according to mfr variable Diabetes test = dat[grepl("O24|E10|E11|E12|E13|E14|648A|250A|250B|250C|250D|250E|250F|250G|250H|250X|25000| 25001| 25002| 25003| 25004| 25005| 25006| 25007| 25008| 2500",paste(dat$MDIAG1,dat$MDIAG2,dat$MDIAG3,dat$MDIAG4,dat$MDIAG5,dat$MDIAG6,dat$MDIAG7,dat$MDIAG8,dat$MDIAG9,dat$MDIAG10,dat$MDIAG11,dat$MDIAG12)),] #ICD codes (ICD-10-SE,ICD9-SE,ICD-8) related to diabetes, extracted from maternal icd diagnosis in mfr mor_with_diabetes = test %>% pull(sq) # rows of mothers that have diabetes according to icd codes dat = dat %>% mutate(diab2 = ifelse(sq %in% mor_with_diabetes,1,0)) dat = dat %>% mutate(diab = ifelse(diab1==1 | diab2 ==1,1,0)) # mother will have diabetes based on icd codes and the mfr variable Diabetes dat = select(dat, -diab1,-diab2) ## BMI print("s1") dat1 = dat %>% mutate(BMI = MVIKT / (MLANGD/100)^2) # BMI #source("/home/karin/Parity_Project1/scripts/functions/1_cleaning_modules.R") source(snakemake@params[[1]]) #fun_mBmiQC modified to not remove "bad" BMI, just set them as NA. print("s2") year_matrix = NULL dat2 = fun_mBmiQC( # setting bad BMI to NA print("s3") dat = dat2 rm(dat1,dat2) ## Smoking dat = dat %>% mutate(smoking = ifelse((ROK1 ==1 | & (ROK0 == 1 | ,0,1), smoking = ifelse(ROK2 == 1 |,smoking,2)) # 0 = Not smoking, 1 = Smoking 3 months prior to the current pregnancy or/and Smoking at admission to maternal health, 2 = Smoking in pregnancy week 30-32 ## Preeclampsia test = dat[grepl("O14|O11|O15|642E|642F|642H|63703 |63704 | 63709| 63710|6612",paste(dat$MDIAG1,dat$MDIAG2,dat$MDIAG3,dat$MDIAG4,dat$MDIAG5,dat$MDIAG6,dat$MDIAG7,dat$MDIAG8,dat$MDIAG9,dat$MDIAG10,dat$MDIAG11,dat$MDIAG12)),] #ICD codes (ICD-10-SE,ICD9-SE,ICD-8) related to preeclampsia, extracted from maternal icd diagnosis in mfr mor_with_preeclampsia = test %>% pull(sq) # rows of mothers that have preeclampsia according to icd codes dat = dat %>% mutate(preeclamspia = ifelse(sq %in% mor_with_preeclampsia,1,0)) ## Education # find the maximum edu + filtering edu = edu %>% group_by(LopNr) %>% filter(n()==1) # can not tell which of the rows are the ture one when ID for the same person exist in several rows, are removed edu = edu_grades = edu[grep("SUN2000", names(edu))] # education based on SUN2000 edu_grades[, "max"] <- apply(edu_grades, 1, max, na.rm=TRUE) # Finding highest education for each person edu = cbind(edu, edu_grades[,"max"]) names(edu)[names(edu) == 'edu_grades[, "max"]'] = "max_grade" # Remove reused LopNr based on AterPnr edu_rm = edu[grep("Ater", names(edu))] edu_rm = edu_rm %>% mutate(remove = ifelse(rowSums(edu_rm == 1,na.rm = TRUE) > 0, F, T)) edu = edu[edu_rm$remove,] # Remove reused LopNr based on SenPnr edu_rm = edu[grep("Sen", names(edu))] #nr = ncol(edu_rm) edu_rm = edu_rm %>% mutate(remove = ifelse(rowSums(edu_rm == 0,na.rm = TRUE) >0 , F, T)) edu = edu[edu_rm$remove,] #nrow(edu) == 5828310 #Join with mfr edu_max = edu[grep("LopNr|max_grade", names(edu))] d_mor = left_join(dat, edu_max, by = c("lpnr_mor" = "LopNr") ) names(d_mor)[names(d_mor) == 'max_grade'] = "max_grade_mor" d_mor_far = left_join(d_mor, edu_max, by = c("lpnr_far" = "LopNr") ) names(d_mor_far)[names(d_mor_far) == 'max_grade'] = "max_grade_far" d_mor_far_child = left_join(d_mor_far, edu_max, by = c("lpnr_BARN" = "LopNr") ) names(d_mor_far_child)[names(d_mor_far_child) == 'max_grade'] = "max_grade_child" dat = d_mor_far_child rm(edu_grades,edu_max,d_mor,d_mor_far,d_mor_far_child) # Max_grade in categories dat = dat %>% mutate(max_grade_mor_c = ifelse(max_grade_mor==2 | max_grade_mor==1,1,0), # 9 years or less max_grade_mor_c = ifelse(max_grade_mor==3 | max_grade_mor ==4,2,max_grade_mor_c), # Gymnasial utbilding (additional 2-3 years) max_grade_mor_c = ifelse(max_grade_mor >=5,3,max_grade_mor_c)) # 0 is nas # Eftergymnasial utbildning (shorter than 3 years, 3 years or longer, postgraduate education) dat = dat %>% mutate(max_grade_far_c = ifelse(max_grade_far==2 | max_grade_far==1,1,0), max_grade_far_c = ifelse(max_grade_far==3 | max_grade_far ==4,2,max_grade_far_c), max_grade_far_c = ifelse(max_grade_far >=5,3,max_grade_far_c)) # 0 is nas ## Parity, grouping after parity 4 dat = dat %>% mutate(Parity_logreg = ifelse(as.numeric(parity_clean)<5,parity_clean,4)) #### Saving #### fwrite(dat, snakemake@output[[1]], sep=",") |
Preeclampsia is persistent high blood pressure that develops during pregnancy or the postpartum period and is often associated with high levels of protein in the urine OR the new development of decreased blood platelets, trouble with the kidneys or liver, fluid in the lungs, or signs of brain trouble such as seizures and/or visual disturbances.