All Published Workflows
16 workflows that have been reviewed and published
mapping pipeline for ancient DNA
Mapache ([maˈpa.t͡ʃe]) is a lightweight mapping pipeline for ancient DNA using the workflow manager Snakemake . Visit ...
Cleaning transcriptome annotations with ab initio assemblers
AnnotationCleaner is designed to automate the construction of ab initio assembled transcriptomes using several different tool...
Converts bam or cram files to fastq format and does quality control.
nf-core/bamtofastq is a bioinformatics best-practice analysis pipeline that converts (un)mapped .bam or .cram file...
Genome-wide alternative splicing analysis
This workflow correspond to the Genome-wide alternative splicing analysis training. It allows to analyze isoform switching by...
TronFlow BAM preprocessing pipeline
The TronFlow BAM preprocessing pipeline is part of a collection of computational workflows for tumor-normal pair
somatic vari...
TronFlow alignment pipeline
The TronFlow alignment pipeline is part of a collection of computational workflows for tumor-normal pair
somatic variant call...
Stacks RAD-seq reference-guided workflow
workflow-ref-guided-stacks These workflows are part of a set designed to work for RAD-seq data on the Galaxy platform, using ...
Conversion and Quality Control Workflow for BAM to FASTQ Data (Version 1.0)
Please see the Genome assembly with hifiasm on Galaxy Australia guide.
The workflow & the doc_guidelines template used ar...
Fastq to Joint-Called Cohort VCF Pipeline with GATK4 and Cromwell on SLURM
SLURM HPC Cromwell implementation of GATK4 germline variant calling pipeline
See the GATK website for more information on...
Genomic variants - SNPs and INDELs detection using GATK4 spark based tools.
Author: AMBARISH KUMAR [email protected] & [email protected]
This is a proposed standard operating procedure for...