All Published Workflows
32 workflows that have been reviewed and published
MetaGOflow: An EOSC-Life project workflow for marine Genomic Observatories data analysis
metaGOflow: A workflow for marine Genomic Observatories' data analysis The workflows developed in the framework of this proje...
MetaGOflow: An EOSC-Life Project Workflow for Marine Genomic Observatories' Data Analysis Using MGnify Pipeline
MetaGOflow: A workflow for marine Genomic Observatories' data analysis An EOSC-Life project The workflows developed in the fr...
GMX Automatic Ligand Parameterization tutorial using Biobb
This tutorial aims to illustrate the process of ligand parameterization for a small molecule , step by step, using the Bi...
Integrated Metabolome Annotation Workflow (MAW): LC-MS2 Data Processing
This repository hosts Metabolome Annotation Workflow (MAW). The workflow takes MS2 .mzML format data files as an input in R. ...
Protein Conformational Ensemble Generation and Analysis Workflow using ELIXIR 3D-Bioinfo and PDBe-KB
Protein Conformational ensembles generation This tutorial aims to illustrate the process of generating protein conformation...
Integrated Workflow: Metagenomic Bins to Metabolic Models (GEMs)
Prodigal gene prediction
CarveMe genome scale metabolic model reconstruction
MEMOTE for metabolic model testing
Hybrid Metagenomic Assembly, Binning, and GEMs Analysis Workflow
Accepts both Illumina and Long reads (ONT/PacBio)
Workflow Illumina Quality:
MGnify - raw-reads analysis pipeline
MGnify ( ) provides a free to use platform for the assembly, analysis and archiving of ...
MGnify - amplicon analysis pipeline
MGnify ( ) provides a free to use platform for the assembly, analysis and archiving of ...
MGnify - assembly analysis pipeline
MGnify ( ) provides a free to use platform for the assembly, analysis and archiving of ...
LongRead Quality Control and Filtering Workflow for Accurate Taxonomic Classification and Enhanced Data Quality
NanoPlot (read quality control) before and after filtering
Filtlong (read trimming)
Kraken2 taxonomic read classificati...