All Published Workflows
11 workflows that have been reviewed and published
Anvi'o Analysis Workflow Using Snakemake
snakemake rules for running anvio This Snakefile will run a basic anvi'o analysis of a set of assemblies and a set of sam...
Epidemiological Data Subsampling Pipeline
subsampler A pipeline for subsampling genomic data based on epidemiological time series data. If you use this tool in a publi...
RNA-seq analysis pipeline for detection gene-fusions
nf-core/rnafusion is a bioinformatics best-practice analysis pipeline for RNA sequencing analysis pipeline with curated li...
A fully reproducible and state-of-the-art ancient DNA analysis pipeline
A fully reproducible and state-of-the-art ancient DNA analysis pipeline .
nf-core/eager is a scalable and reproducible...
Pipeline for the identification of extrachromosomal circular DNA (ecDNA) from Circle-seq, WGS, and ATAC-seq data that were generated from cancer and other eukaryotic cells.
nf-core/circdna is a bioinformatics best-practice analysis pipeline for the identification of extrachromosomal circular DN...
B-cell and T-cell Adaptive Immune Receptor Repertoire (AIRR) sequencing analysis pipeline using the Immcantation framework
** nf-core/airrflow ** is a bioinformatics best-practice pipeline to analyze B-cell or T-cell repertoire sequencing data. It ...
A single-cell RNAseq pipeline for 10X genomics data
nf-core/scrnaseq is a bioinformatics best-practice analysis pipeline for processing 10x Genomics single-cell RNA-seq data....
Partial de novo workflow: ustacks only
workflow-partial-ustacks-only These workflows are part of a set designed to work for RAD-seq data on the Galaxy platform, usi...
parallel accession download pipeline
Downloads fastq files for sequencing run accessions provided in a text file
using fasterq-dump. Creates one job per listed ru...
Assembly of SARS-CoV-2 genome performed using Unicycler and the SPAdes assemblers
MC_COVID19like_Assembly_Reads This WF is based on the official Covid19-Galaxy assembly workflow as available from https://c...
Population and community metrics calculation from Biodiversity data
Galaxy-E ( workflow to calculate species presence / absence, community metrics and compute generalized l...