All Published Workflows
5 workflows that have been reviewed and published
Amplicon sequence processing workflow using QIIME 2 and Snakemake
Tourmaline is an amplicon sequence processing workflow for Illumina sequence data that uses QIIME 2 and the software pack...
Pore-C Snakemake Workflow for Processing and Analysis of Nanopore Sequencing Data
This pipeline manages a pore-c workflow starting from raw fastq files and converting them to standard file formats for use by...
Bash scripts for running QIIME 1.9 and a Snakemake workflow to automate it using singularity container images.
MOTIVATION: Qiime 1.9 has reached the end of its life ycle and thus no longer maintained by its developers. Moreover, QIIM...
Highly parallelised multi-taxonomic profiling of shotgun and long-read metagenomic data
nf-core/taxprofiler is a bioinformatics best-practice analysis pipeline for taxonomic classification and profiling of shot...
Galaxy workflow that uses to convert the16S BIOM file to table and figures.
MetaDEGalaxy is a metagenomic analysis tool running on Galaxy platform. There is a number of scripts written in R and python ...