All Published Workflows
5 workflows that have been reviewed and published
Partial Reference-Guided Workflow: BWA-MEM Analysis
workflow-partial-bwa-mem These workflows are part of a set designed to work for RAD-seq data on the Galaxy platform, using th...
Stacks RAD-seq de novo workflow
workflow-denovo-stacks These workflows are part of a set designed to work for RAD-seq data on the Galaxy platform, using the ...
PacBio HiFi genome assembly using hifiasm v2.1
Please see the Genome assembly with hifiasm on Galaxy Australia guide.
The workflow & the doc_guidelines template used ar...
Conversion and Quality Control Workflow for BAM to FASTQ Data (Version 1.0)
Please see the Genome assembly with hifiasm on Galaxy Australia guide.
The workflow & the doc_guidelines template used ar...
Fastq to Joint-Called Cohort VCF Pipeline with GATK4 and Cromwell on SLURM
SLURM HPC Cromwell implementation of GATK4 germline variant calling pipeline
See the GATK website for more information on...