All Published Workflows

16 workflows that have been reviewed and published

SMARTDADA2: High-Resolution Sequencing Quality Control Workflow
SMARTDADA2 Repo Directory Installations and Dependencies Workflow To Run Program ...
Workflow for MAG construction
Workflow for MAG construction snakemake -p --verbose --keep-remote -j [number of available cores] --kubernetes -s Snakefile...
FastQC and MultiQC Workflow for BaseSpace Data Merging and Quality Control
This workflow performs fastqc on an input PROJECT directory downloaded from basespace. It will merge the FASTQ files between ...
De novo assembly pipeline for 10X linked-reads using Supernova
De novo assembly pipeline for 10X linked-reads. Due to the discontinuation of the primary data source (10X Chromium) for t...
Converts bam or cram files to fastq format and does quality control.
nf-core/bamtofastq is a bioinformatics best-practice analysis pipeline that converts (un)mapped .bam or .cram file...