All Published Workflows
17 workflows that have been reviewed and published
Open-source bioinformatics pipeline for the preprocessing of raw sequencing data.
Natrix is an open-source bioinformatics pipeline for the preprocessing of raw sequencing data.
The need for a scalable, repro...
Microbiome Analysis Workflow based on a qiime2
This repository contains the analysis workflow for Debelius et al (doi: 10.1101/2021.03.23.436606 ). The analysis was don...
Second workflow that takes the output of the guppy workflow to run fastqc and create a multiQC report. Then run Mothur for analysis.
This workflow takes the output from the GUPPY workflow and runs fastqc, multiqc, and mothur.
Hans Vasquez-Gross
Identification of 3' UTR Variants Disrupting Transcript Function Pipeline
Identify variants occurring in 3’ UTRs that could disrupt the function of a transcript. This project involves:
Diffusion-Based Parcellation of Piriform Cortex with Snakemake Workflow
Snakemake workflow overview for diffusion-based parcellation of the piriform cortex:
rule hcp7T_Diffusion_bedpostx_gpu ...
Radiative Inclusive HLT2 Efficiency and Multiplicity Analysis Pipeline
Repository to contain scripts used to run Moore, MooreAnalysis and DaVinci to obtain HLT2 efficiencies, extraselection multip...
Repository containing workflows for IMP3 downstream analyses
Related project(s): NOMIS
Conda user guide ...
Macaque brain reconstruction snakemake workflow
Macaque brain reconstruction snakemake workflow
Workflow for merging multi-lane fastq files from the Illumina NextSeq 550 using Snakemake. In addition, basic QC and md5 checksums are generated.
Workflow for merging multi-lane fastq files from the Illumina NextSeq 550 using Snakemake. In addition, basic QC and md5 chec...
No description is provided for this workflow
process aligned isoseq libraries to: 1. identify consensus gene models ; 2. compare gene model maintenance between samples
This is a Snakemake project template. The Snakefile is under workflow .
Slides describing and justifying the use ...
Pipeline for the identification of (coding) gene structures in draft genomes.
nf-core/genomeannotator is a bioinformatics best-practice analysis pipeline for the annotation of eukaryote genomes. It wa...