All Published Workflows

13 workflows that have been reviewed and published

Mendelian Randomization Analysis Pipeline: mr-seek
Mendelian randomization pipeline This is the home of the pipeline, mr-seek. Its long-term goals: to perform Mendelia...
Reproducible Gene-Level Association Studies Workflow for Multi-Omic Analysis
This repository contains an entire end-to-end workflow to reproduce gene-level association studies described in: Zhou, D., ...
Variant Annotation Workflow for Pearl Millet Using Snakemake and SnpEff
This is a little Snakemake workflow to annotate some variants from pearl millet. This task came up during a bioinformatics co...
Genetic Code Prediction and Annotation in Uncultivated Ciliates from Marine Environments
Among the ciliates, there is an unusually diverse number of genetic codes used by different species, compared with other grou...
Snakemake is a workflow manager that enables massively parallel and reproducible analyses. Snakemake allows to build workf...
Snakemake workflow for SM-PATseq
A simple Snakemake file using a conda environment built from requirements.txt and helper scripts. This takes subread data res...
TemplateGen: Flexible BidsApp for Custom Template Generation
TemplateGen is a snakebids-based BidsApp that flexibly combines images across modalities to create custom template spaces...
AugusMake: Snakemake-Based Gene Annotation Pipeline with Augustus
Guided by a genome file, a transcriptome is de novo assembled with Trinity. It does so using RNA-Seq data provided by the...
Twist Cancer hydragenetics pipeline for HG38
This pipeline is created to run on Illumina data from a custom Twist Inherited Cancer panel, designed at Clinical Genomics Up...