All Published Workflows
16 workflows that have been reviewed and published
Benchmarking adapter and quality trimming tools
Original implementation by Brian Bushnell (2014): The following tools are...
MAG Snakemake Workflow
System Requirements
Running pipeline
This pipeline has t...
Snakemake Workflow for Pughlab CaptCR Pipeline Automation
This repository is to automate the pughlab captcr pipeline using a snakemake workflow The pipeline consists of barcode extrac...
Pughlab CaptCR Pipeline Automation with Snakemake
This repository is to automate the pughlab captcr pipeline using a snakemake workflow The pipeline consists of barcode extrac...
Automated captcr-snakemake Pipeline: Barcode Extraction, MixCR, QC, and Clone Tracking
Author: [email protected] Orginal repo: This repository is to automate the pug...
This is a repository holding code to obtain preliminary results for the VR Starting Grant 2023.
This Snakemake workflow contains all the code necessary to reproduce the preliminary results from my application to VR Starti...
Data Cleaning and Quality Control Workflow for Viral Sequencing Data
[ ] Make sure all required outputs are in the all_rule
[ ] Convert RVHaplo viral accession to Viral Name (+ access...
singularity & snakemake workflow to detect mutations with several tools to detect mutations
Sylvain Schmitt
April 20, 2021
Get data
GBIF data Quality check and filtering workflow
This Galaxy-E workflow was made from the "Cleaning GBIF data for the use in biogeography" tutorial and allows to:
Air Quality Prediction Prototype
A prototype implementation of the Air Quality Prediction pipeline in Galaxy, using CWL tools.
LongRead Quality Control and Filtering Workflow for Accurate Taxonomic Classification and Enhanced Data Quality
NanoPlot (read quality control) before and after filtering
Filtlong (read trimming)
Kraken2 taxonomic read classificati...
Illumina Quality Control and Filtering Workflow for High-Quality Data Processing and Taxonomic Classification
Multiple paired datasets will be merged into single paired dataset.
FastQC on raw data files
fastp for read quality t...